"Mr. Shangguan, I can promise your request and give the strongest support in this matter. However, should we reconsider the division of interests?" When Rogge's figure disappeared, Karina said.

"What does your majesty mean?" Shangguan Fei slowly walked back to his seat and tasted a sip of James' coffee for him. He said faintly.

"50%, 50% of all underground income in Europe!" Karina opened her hand and showed her five fingers, which were white and smooth. She could not help biting and sucking.

"Good..." Without much thinking, shangguanfei agreed to come down. The other party was the queen of England, and he was also the master of the dark Council. Both of them had great identities. They could not bargain there like those aunts and vegetable vendors in the vegetable market?

"Mr. Shangguan is such a cheerful man. Tomorrow evening, I will hold a dance at Buckingham Palace. Please come and join us!"

"Thank you, your majesty. I will be here on time in rainy days. It's late today. We'll leave first." Shangguanfei smiles and says slowly. Naturally, he knows what a dance tomorrow night represents. It will represent the hand of friendship extended by the British royal family. If not expected, the royal family will feast on those old families. Maybe they can't get the friendship of all the ancient families in Europe, but those families that have made friends with the British royal family will definitely stand here On the one hand, with the support of them and the royal family, coupled with the powerful forces under their control, what else do you fear?

And now ye Xiao, should still spend his beautiful night in twilight castle?

"James, take me to see two guests off!" She also smiles at them and says.

After that, the two men, who were waiting for him to leave the bookcase, left the door.

"What do you think?" Karina didn't look back, just said lightly.

"Very strong, very, very strong!" The woman's eyes flashed.

"If you fight him, what a chance to win

"Half, most..." The last two words of the woman were almost bitten out.

"Well?" Karina's face showed a look of horror, this woman, at this time she really close guard, is also the strongest person around her, now she even told herself that if you fight with shangguanfei, at most there is only half the chance of winning. Isn't that saying that the strength of the guy is really so terrible?

"So, if I cooperate with him, my chances of success will be greatly increased?" After the shock, Karina quickly calmed down and murmured.

"Yes, sire. With his strength, he is able to deal with the Oriental Dragon. With his strength and our strength, we can drive tianyaomen out of Europe." The woman in black whispered.

"Ha ha, then tomorrow night's party, we'll arrange it well."

"Well!" The woman nodded gently, and then the study fell into silence again. Neither kailina nor the woman had anything to do with tirog. For Karina, Rogge was just a face project, including her guard team. The first requirement for her to be selected was to be tall and handsome. Although Rogge's strength index in all aspects reached the level of the top strong, but After all, there are too few people in the world who dare to attack her Majesty's majesty. Once these people really attack her majesty, it's hard for them to hold on for a few minutes with Rogge's power. How can Karina tie her own security in these people's hands.

At this time, far away in the Mediterranean coast of Italy, in the twilight castle, ye Xiao was led into the room by the beautiful maid who had almost nothing to wear.

The room is very large, with more than 300 square meters. In addition to a huge round bed which can accommodate at least ten people in the middle, there is also a huge pool in front of the bed, which is a pool for guests to bathe. The reason why it is so large is to meet some needs of men.

You think, in such a large room, if you are the only man, but there are more than ten women who are at your disposal and command. You can do what you want to do. Even so many people bathe in such a pool together, what kind of life is it?

Just think about it is enough to make people excited, let alone really come?

In addition to this specially enlarged bath, there are also bookcases and wine cabinets on the left side of the room. The books on the bookcases will not be mentioned. All the wine cabinets contain the best wines from all over the world. What kind of Lafite in 1982 is the most worthless thing. Ye Xiao even saw the beginning of the founding of China, which was dedicated to national leaders The quoted Maotai also shows that it has a history of at least hundreds of years. These can be bought with money and may not be bought. If these drinks are true, ye Xiaode will reexamine the castle master's ability."Master, let me change clothes for you." At this time, the soft voice of the maid came to my ears. It was a kind of gentle voice with a soft touch. After hearing such a voice, I saw that she was totally a gentleman picking. Ye Xiao believed that the first thing that many men did after entering the room was not to change clothes, but to vent on her body.

Here, it's a goddamn paradise, a fallen heaven.

"Good..." Ye Xiao nodded, he is not a gentleman, since someone has served, why do you still pretend to be pure?

The maid, who did not know his name, went to Ye Xiao's body, stretched out her hand to withdraw her coat for him. After taking off his upper body's clothes, she knelt on her knees and untied the belt for ye Xiao.

At this time, her ruddy lips are facing Ye Xiao's crotch, ruddy and sexy. Ye Xiao would like to have an impulse to hold her head down. However, thinking of the obliteration in the eyes of the female Knight just now, he resisted the impulse and allowed the beautiful maid to take off her trousers for himself.

The female knight, MI Qi, went to the front of the wardrobe and got a loose robe for ye Xiao. When she put on this set of robes, she immediately changed into an old aristocrat in the middle ages. Seeing that ye Xiao had no other needs, the maid stayed in the room and waited for ye Xiao's return in the evening, while the female Knight led Ye Xiao to leave the room.

When ye Xiao came out of the room so quickly, cassissi and Maxi Qi showed disdain at the same time. Seeing their looks, ye Xiao didn't understand what they thought. The two bastards thought that Lao Tzu was fast in that respect?

"I just changed my clothes and didn't do anything else. Where am I going now? What else is there? " Ye Xiao said with some dissatisfaction.

"Hey, you'll find out in a moment. Let's go." Masic and kasimisi smile mysteriously and take a look at Mi Qi who is following Ye Xiao. After confirming that ye Xiao seems to have done nothing, they lead the way ahead. Of course, the Knights they selected are also following behind. The steward of the castle has already come up and led several people to the deep of the castle. As for the others, when they come out of the room, they will start from But they were led forward.

Soon, people came to their destination, and when they saw all this, ye Xiao took a breath of cool air directly

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