The housekeeper's room is located in the east of the castle. It is a room facing an iron fan. Even in the daytime, the light here is extremely dim. What's more, it's night. Ye Xiao's body is perfectly integrated into the night. It's impossible for people in the room to find out his existence.

Moreover, there are at least 100 people guarding this area. Even if a fly wants to get close to it, it is very difficult, let alone a living man?

No one thought that someone would be lurking here.

At this time, the room is dark, and you can't feel half a figure. Ye Xiao's eyebrows quickly pick. Because the riot caused by the Colosseum has settled down, the housekeeper is not here. Where will he go?

Does the castle have secret passages to other places?

Ye Xiao would not be surprised if he could dig out such a huge Colosseum between the iron mountains.

After lying on the window and observing for a long time, there was no movement in the room, nor was there any footstep sound in the corridor. Ye Xiao had lost his patience. Just as he was ready to leave and look for other possible secret passages, a crack came from the room. Then he saw a crack in one wall of the room, bright light The line shot out of that crack.

Ye Xiao holds the window edge with one hand, and does not let his body fall down. A pair of eyes have narrowed up.

The wall completely cracked the door size of the gap, a black Chamberlain came out of it, and then pressed the next button, the huge crack also slowly closed, from the appearance, it is difficult to find any fault.

"Chamber of secrets?" This idea flashed through Ye Xiao's mind. Then he saw the housekeeper go straight to the bathroom. Then he heard the sound of water splashing inside. Ye Xiao gently opened the window, got into the room and hid behind the door of the bathroom. This is the housekeeper's bedroom. So late, the housekeeper can't go out, so he wants to enter It's a secret way. Naturally, we have to deal with this old guy first.

However, ye Xiao waited for a long time, and did not see the housekeeper Capone coming out of the bathroom. Instead, there was a knock at the door, and then the old housekeeper's voice was not heard: "come in!" Ye Xiao was startled and quickly hid in the dark corner. Then the door opened and immediately saw two young girls come in.

They were wearing extremely rare clothes. They were almost covered in translucent shawls. Miaoman's body was looming in the light of the candle. However, their expressions were numb, just like a walking corpse. Ye Xiao couldn't understand what kind of training they had received would make these women in their twenties so desperate.

Fortunately, the old man's persistence is too poor. Maybe he has already poured out before he is fully hardened. Ye Xiao has begun to plan how to deal with the two women after they go to bed. It is impossible to kill them. These are poor people who are under control. Ye Xiao can't do that, but he is so laissez faire. Who knows whether they will report the news or not. When ye Xiao is in trouble, Capone, who has been helped to the bed, waves his hand to let the two women leave. This makes Ye Xiao happy and the opportunity comes.

Not long after the two women left the room, carpenter had just got into the bed and had no time to close his eyes. Then ye Xiao's figure had appeared in front of him, and clasped his neck.

Capone's face changed. When he saw Ye Xiao's face clearly, he became pale.

"Click..." Without any hesitation, Capone would open his mouth and shout. However, ye Xiao, who had already buckled his neck, would not give him such a chance. He could hear a click when he twisted his neck with one hand, and his neck had been broken. Carpenter's eyes were wide open and seemed to be full of reluctance.

He threw his body on the bed, then pulled over the quilt to cover him and made a sleeping appearance. Ye Xiao walked to the front of the closet.

He didn't intend to kill Capone immediately, but after seeing the light in Capone's eyes, he knew that he could not know anything from his mouth. Instead, he would call recklessly, so he could only send him to hell in advance.

According to carpenter's moving position, ye Xiao pressed the button, and then heard a click, followed by a slight vibration. It was the sound of the opening of the stone gate. Ye Xiao did not know how these mechanisms were made when there was no electricity at all. In short, he had already jumped in at the moment when the stone gate opened.

This is a corridor paved with bluestone floor. There is not a lamp on the corridor, but a kind of crystal that can automatically emit light is installed instead of the Pearl of the night. The light of this crystal is not strong, and many crystal minerals are combined to barely walk on the corridor. However, for ye Xiao, this light is enough to walk in the corridor with the lightest pace After walking for nearly a kilometer, he found that there was a light source in front of him. It was the light source of electric light. He did not think that there was such a place in the deep of the castle?

However, he was curious that there was no guard for such a long distance. However, he thought that the castle was already secret enough. Generally, people who came here were playing. Who would have nothing to do and run to the housekeeper's room to have a look? Even more will not happen to find such a secret Road, carefully through the secret Road, ye Xiao came to a huge underground hall, this is a let Ye Xiao completely shocked underground hall.There are thousands of square meters in the hall. The exit of the secret passage is just on the steps. Looking down from the steps, you can only find that the hall is densely filled with experimental instruments, many translucent water tanks are also soaked with the bodies of various animals, and there are even a few human beings who are not hanging in the air. However, because the light is not too strong, it is not very clear to see!

But maybe it's the time of the night, and the staff here have already rested. In the huge hall, there are no other people except some tired looking staff waiting to look at the data on the instrument. With Ye Xiao's body method, you can easily enter the hall. Ye Xiao does not have too much hesitation. His body leaps over and falls into the big one below In the hall.

As soon as ye Xiao's feet landed on the ground, it seemed as if a switch had been touched. The hall, which was not yet bright, was suddenly bright, and ye Xiao's figure was completely exposed to the light

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