Everyone did not expect that the collision between the two people was so direct, so brutal, so wild. Just after the fight, they had already vomited blood and flew out. What a heroic scene? And the speed of the two hands is so fast, it is even more enjoyable than watching science fiction movies.

Just when everyone thought their bodies would fall to the ground directly, their bodies completed a beautiful back somersault in the air, and then landed steadily on the ground. However, their legs had just landed, and without any stopping, they had already run forward again and pulled out the residual shadows behind them. They had already rushed to each other 。

Ye Xiao's eyes twinkle with cold killing intention. No matter what Shangguan Fei said is true or false, at this moment, he touched a chord in his heart, a string that no one can touch. That is the existence that he needs to protect with his own life. As long as he does not die, he will not allow anyone to hurt his sister Yan.

He hit shangguanfei's head at full speed. He snorted coldly and hit Ye Xiao's head with the same fist. He turned a blind eye to his fists, which was totally a fight for life.

Ye Xiao quickly reached out his left hand and directly swung open shangguanfei's fist. However, his right fist also lost its accuracy and passed through shangguanfei's ear. At this time, shangguanfei's left fist blew out and hit his abdomen.

Ye Xiao's body deviates and avoids the blow of Shangguan Fei. Then he raises his knee and bumps into shangguanfei's abdomen. Shangguanfei quickly takes back his hands and protects them in front of his abdomen. He bears a blow from ye Xiao's knee, and his body is shaken back and forth.

Ye Xiao stepped forward without stopping, and another punch hit shangguanfei's heart. Shangguanfei raised his left hand and clenched his right fist. One hand blocked Ye Xiao's fist, and the other was ready to attack.

"Bang..." Ye Xiao's fist was swung open by shangguanfei's left arm, and his right fist had already hit Ye Xiao's heart. Ye Xiao's chest was raised and he hit shangguanfei's temple with his left fist.

"Bang..." Ye Xiao was smashed backward on the spot, and a mouthful of blood gushed out. Shangguanfei was also hit by a staggering blow. At the end of the day, he puffed up his temples. Otherwise, such a punch would be enough to knock him into a faint.

But after a short pause, the two men once again jumped at the opponent, this moment, shangguanfei's eyes also spurt sparks.

"If you want to kill me, you don't have the ability. I admit I'm not sure to kill you. But if you don't want your beloved sister Yan to have something, you'd better lose in my hands!" Shangguan Fei rushed to him quickly, and his mouth showed a ferocious smile.

"You're a goddamn dream..." Ye Xiao doesn't care. From small to big, he has never been threatened. In the face of those who threaten him, he will definitely wipe it out with the strongest power. In this world, no one can threaten him.

He did not allow anyone to threaten him with the people around him.

At the same time, ye Xiao has turned his fist into a grab. He grabs shangguanfei's shoulder without exerting force. His body has already rotated, and then a side kick kicks at him. He has to give up this move and protect his abdomen. He hears a "pa" sound, which is the sound of shangguanfei's side kick on his arm, and then shangguanfei's body continues Continue to spin, another side kick has been kicked, his speed, the air is full of retreat shadow, ye Xiao just protect his vital points, body repeatedly back away.

A set of beautiful tandem legs, full kick out seven legs, Shangguan Feicai will ye Xiaozhen back a few more steps, opened the distance, but he can not use the eighth leg, so stopped in place, a deep breath.

Both of them were so fast that no one could see clearly the routine of their moves. Even if they were hidden in the crowd, the personal guards of Queen Catherine could not.

Many people have closed their mouths at the same time, and some even cover their hearts. Obviously, such a contest is so wonderful that it is far beyond their imagination. All the people who were surprised to hold such a contest just now closed their mouths. They know that this is definitely the most wonderful competition, and no one will discuss it No doubt, no matter who the final winner or loser is, the party will add color because of this contest.

It is not too much to say that this is a great war.

Looking at the two people standing in the field for a short rest, many people's minds have been blank. In this era of gun king, they really can't imagine that human physical strength will be stimulated to such a degree.

The power of human beings will reach such a state. With their hands, their speed and their strength, even if they are unarmed, they can easily tear up the beasts in the jungle.

Alexander, Cather, Louis, Jones, including Cromarty, all looked at the game with their eyebrows locked. This kind of competition, which should not have appeared on such an occasion, has attracted everyone's attention. Once the two men have won, what will happen to the scene?Louis, in particular, was deeply aware of the importance of this evening party to the official flight. If his arrogance broke the atmosphere that her majesty had managed to create, all their efforts would be in vain, and even the British royal family would lose face.

Of course, if he can successfully defeat this guy, those who hold a wait-and-see attitude will not hesitate to choose to stand on his side, and ye Xiao, and even the forces he represents, will lose their reputation. This is a big gamble. Yes, Lui Zhidao, who is well-known among them, is a big gamble.

Once you lose a match, you will be trapped in a gamble that will never be destroyed.

He did not understand why shangguanfei made such impulsive decisions, but he understood that he had nothing to do except pray for shangguanfei to win.

On rainy days mixed in the crowd, his brows were frowning. Obviously, with his wisdom and understanding of shangguanfei, it was difficult to understand why shangguanfei made such impulsive decisions? It's really not necessary to beat Ye Xiao without full assurance? But now, he has reached such a point that he has no choice but to cheer up shangguanfei.

In fact, even shangguanfei can't understand why he made such a decision. He only knew that at the moment when he saw Ye Xiao and at the moment when he really faced him, he felt a strong desire to fight. In his mind, there was a voice calling out to defeat him, defeat him, defeat him and defeat him.

Then he made this seemingly absurd decision without any thought.

Maybe it was the long-term intrigue that made him feel bored, maybe he felt that he had grasped the lifeblood of Ye Xiao and could defeat him completely. Maybe it was for various other reasons. In a word, shangguanfei had been fighting with Ye Xiao, and the news he had exposed didn't make ye Xiao flinch at all. Instead, he aroused his deep intention of killing. This is shangguanfei Things I didn't think of, but it doesn't matter. What matters is that you can beat Ye Xiao. That's enough

Looking at Ye Xiao who is close at hand, Shangguan Fei's figure once again darts out, and his eyes, unexpectedly, become blood red at this moment

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