After passing through this small mountain village, ye Xiao and his party came to the bottom of the cliff. The cliff is very steep, which is infinitely close to 90 degrees. There are some vine plants on the cliff. On the top of the cliff, there is an iron chain with arm thickness. This is the only way to climb this section of more than 100 meters of cliff. Unless anyone can fly over the cliff, they will not pass through this iron Chain, no one can reach it.

Looking at the iron chain completely inlaid in the mountain, ye Xiao and others all felt a sigh. Climbing this cliff is nothing to them, but it is extremely difficult for ordinary people, let alone a Gu king who does not know his age.

But now there is no time to be curious about these. She points to Zhao Tian and says lightly, "Zhao Tian, you go first..."

"Yes Without any hesitation, Zhao Tian quickly climbed to the front. He grasped the iron chain with one hand and kept climbing upward. His speed was faster than that of the monkey. He was worthy of being a soldier of the immortal camp of the dragon clan. His strength was also a strong one in the realm of God.

In less than a minute, Zhao Tian has climbed to the top of the cliff, carefully observed the surrounding environment, and then made a safe gesture to Ye Xiao and others. Ye Xiao and Zimo looked at each other, and then ye Xiao climbed up.

Purple desert followed, for them, time is life, do not know the safety of Gu king, they have been unable to consume any time.

The enchantment is behind the purple desert, followed by Matsushima Fengzi and others, and finally four elite soldiers from the Dragon immortal camp. These soldiers are generally in their early twenties, even younger than ye Xiao.

Just when the last dragon warrior was about to climb the top of the mountain, there was a burst of gunfire in the void. Then the Dragon Warrior instinctively wanted to jump, but a bullet hit his head accurately. His head burst like a watermelon, and the headless corpse fell down and smashed to pieces.

"Hidden..." Ye Xiao exclaimed, not caring about the death of the dragon warrior, a forward attack, has been hiding behind a stone, seductive and other people are also one by one quickly hide their bodies.

But the sniper on the opposite hill didn't mean to shoot again, as if the shot just now was just an illusion.

If only the dead were not left around, ye Xiao thought it was really just an illusion.

He didn't understand why the other side waited for all of them to climb the cliff before shooting. In principle, their target should be themselves. When they were in the air, they could shoot at themselves. Why did they shoot at an ordinary dragon warrior instead?

In that case, even with Ye Xiao's skill, it is difficult to avoid completely. The best way is to quickly release the chain and slide down.

Is the purpose of the other side is not to let themselves and others go down from here again, completely cut their own dead end? At the thought of this, ye Xiao's heart is a burst of cold, if it is true, even if he and others found Gu Wang, how to send him down from here? It's the only way.

"Lenghun, there is a strong sniper on the opposite hill at three o'clock. Find him and kill him!" Looking at the sound of no sniper gun sounded again, ye Xiao said to the earphone.

"Good..." In the earphone came the cold soul cold sound, he also heard that one gunshot, that is a master, but also absolute master.

In the village at the foot of the mountain, Lenghun's body is like a civet cat, and sharna also takes out a sniper gun and puts it in the back of a bunker and begins to look for her opponent.

Standing on the cliff and taking a look at the situation at the foot of the mountain, ye Xiao and others turn around and walk inside. They only hope to find Gu Wang as soon as possible and take him down the mountain. They also hope that Lenghun can solve the sniper before they come back, otherwise they will encounter great trouble.

Ten people, including Ye Xiao, raised their attention to the extreme. Above the cliff, there was a jungle. According to the seductive saying, behind the jungle is the Gu cave where Gu Wang lived. However, the area of the jungle is not too small. Moreover, the jungle is covered with weeds all the year round. There is only one road that can accommodate one person. No one knows what danger is hidden in it Insurance.

After walking for more than ten minutes, some blood stains appeared on the path. It was obvious that someone had just walked through here not long ago. Is it the blood of Miao people or those of shangguanfei?

Ye Xiao doesn't know that he is already at the front of the team. Behind him is Mei Mei, followed by arogas, Songdao Fengzi, ah Wu, and then the members of the dragon family including Zhao Tian, and Zimo is at the bottom.

This is the safest way for the two masters to go one after the other.

The jungle was so quiet that they could only hear each other's heartbeat, but the silence was filled with a strong smell of blood.

"Ah..." As the group moved forward cautiously, there was a scream in front of them. Ye Xiao and others looked at each other and quickly ran forward. After only running for more than ten steps, they saw more than ten corpses in camouflage clothes lying on the ground. Their faces were all purple. Abscesses appeared in many places on their bodies. Some abscesses had been broken, beige The pus flowed out, and there was a stench in the air.Ye Xiao frowned.

"This should be the five poisons fan sky array of Gu king. According to their costumes, they should be the people of the bloody purgatory. It seems that Shangguan is really flying here. We have taken antidote. This poison can't hurt us. Go!" Seductive light says, want to go to the front of Ye Xiao, but be ye Xiao a catch!

"It's weird!" Ye Xiao snorted coldly, his sharp eyes swept around, and then he heard a burst of empty voice.

"Be careful..." A black shadow shot out from the forest, straight into Ye Xiao's heart. Ye Xiao's body leans to the left to avoid the black shadow. It is actually an arrow made of steel.

After that, the buzzing sound of breaking through the air has already flew in the face. Ye Xiao and others are greatly surprised, and they all run to the surrounding woods one by one, avoiding the needle and arrow rain.

"Ah Wu..." Ah Wu was angry. She didn't know why Ye Xiao came here. But she knew that ye Xiao was very sad and wanted to go to the front. Now there are a group of people blocking their way. How can she not be angry? There is only one thought in her mind, helping Ye Xiao through the jungle as soon as possible

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