Just when they were frightened, the two bullets appeared in front of their eyes and went directly into their forehead. Before they died, they looked up and saw that Zhao Tian did not know when he had climbed the tree. How could he climb up so quickly?

This is the final doubt of the two people, but Zhao Tian naturally won't explain so much to him. With the help of the trees, his body has already swept towards the remaining ten people. When his body rushes into the group again, it becomes a unilateral massacre. Even if these people are not afraid of death, they will shoot directly in the direction of Zhao Tian, but he Their distance is too close, close to Zhao Tian even do not need to shoot, has been able to easily erase them.

It only took more than ten seconds, and all the remaining ten people had become the ghosts in Zhao Tian's hands.

"Pa, PA, PA..." When Zhao Tian's body finished the last round of bullets and landed on the ground steadily, there was a burst of clear applause from the jungle. Zhao Tian's face changed. He didn't even find the man's existence just now.

Looking up, you can see a blonde man coming out of the jungle. He is wearing a military uniform. The collar of the uniform is embroidered with a black lacquer flame. In the center of the flame is a bloody skull, which is the symbol of the bloody purgatory. On his shoulder are three Venus representing the rank of general.

This is the general of the bloody purgatory.

"It's said that the dragon clan soldiers of China are superior in strength. Today I see that they are worthy of their reputation. Judging from your skill, you are at least a soldier from the undead camp?" Man toward Zhao Tian light smile, smile actually revealed a wave of absolute confidence.

"Zhao Tian, battalion commander of undead camp!" Zhao Tian didn't say much, but gave his name directly.

"Oh, so it is. In xialinke, one of the only six generals left in the bloody purgatory!" The blonde man smiles and gives his name.

"Then you die!" Zhao Tianleng snorted, and the desert eagle in his hand turned over and threw it directly at Linke. The heavy gunfire sent out the wind, which severely hit him.

Lin Ke's face didn't change at all, but his body flickered away from the pistol. Zhao Tian's body had already darted past, and he had to wipe a knife to link's neck. However, a long black gun with paint all over his body stabbed from another direction, which brought Zhao Tian chilly. Zhao Tian's face changed slightly, but the dagger that stabbed at Linke didn't have silk The meaning of recycling.

Lin Ke's calm face completely changed. Obviously, he didn't expect that Zhao Tian would choose to take his own life in the face of such life and death.

the body that instinctively dodged to one side was also a staggering, embarrassed, but he finally avoided Zhao Tian's knife, at least avoided the key point, but was scratched a long one on the shoulder by the dagger Cut.

The long gun quickly pierced Zhao Tian's left shoulder. The sharp point of the gun almost penetrated Zhao Tian's left shoulder, and a spatter of blood came out. It was Zhao Tian who forcibly twisted his body at the last moment, otherwise such a gun had penetrated his heart.

"How cruel Link's body repeatedly stepped back several steps, looking at Zhao Tian, who would rather hurt himself to stab himself, snorted angrily.

"No matter how hard you are, you will die!" The man who shot Zhao Tian just now snorted.

"By the way, I forgot to introduce you. This is the bloody purgatory general, Carter. If you can die in his hands and me, you will be smiling!" Linkton laughed again.

"Of course, I'm just a colonel. I can pull two generals and go to hell together. I can laugh at you!" Zhao Tian also sneered.

"By you?" Link gave a sarcastic smile.

Zhao Tian, who cares about him again, turns around and rushes to Carter with a gun. It seems that in his eyes, link is a dead man.

Seeing Zhao Tian so contemptuous of his existence, link was furious and wanted to give this guy a little bit of fierce taste, but suddenly felt his half body numb, and could not help looking down, his shoulder was already a piece of black, and his face suddenly changed.

"Carter, be careful. Is his knife poisonous or poisonous?" As he said this, link took out a lot of antidotes with his other hand and sent them to his mouth without money.

"It's useless. This is the latest poison developed by the dragon people. If you don't take the antidote in ten minutes, you will die. But is the antidote? Sorry, we didn't carry it this time! " Zhao Tian's mouth made a sarcastic voice, and his body had already appeared in front of Carter. The dagger in his hand stabbed Carter like lightning. After hearing Zhao Tian's words and seeing the miserable face of link, Carter's face became as ugly as it should be.

This is the poison of no solution?

In the face of the fast stabbing dagger, he didn't dare to resist. His body could only retreat back at full speed. The spear in his hand was shaking. Touga had decided to pay attention to it. He could not let Zhao Tian get close to him. As long as a small wound was made by the dagger, he could not survive.

As for Zhao Tian, this guy was shot by himself, and the tip of his gun was also smeared with poison. Maybe it's not as good as chasing souls and killing people. But within half an hour, he will surely die. Why should he fight with him?Carter didn't want to go all out, but Zhao Tian's hand had already grasped the tip of the gun he had stabbed and let it pierce his palm. His body was close to Carter again, and a bright knife mangzha into Carter's heart. Carter's face suddenly changed

When Zhao Tian was attacked by Carter and link, under the mountain village, Sarna and others left behind were also attacked fiercely. These people were not hiding in the village, but in the opposite mountain forest. The love valley itself is a paradise covered by trees and grass. It is easy to hide hundreds of people in such a huge mountain forest, When ye Xiao and others go to Gu cave and enter Gu cave, the battle here has already started.

The leader was the bloody purgatory's rainy day. This time, it was a battle for them to die. Although it was impossible for them to bring a large number of equipment and personnel into China in order not to attract the attention of tianyaomen, they had already occupied an absolute advantage over Ye Xiao and others, who went to battle lightly in order to make their way.

Under the bombardment of several rocket shells, Sarna and others are completely suppressed, while a team of bloody purgatory soldiers are directly charging down from the mountain forest

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