How can I die? I have so many things to do, how can I die?

The oldest child is only four years old, and the youngest is not even born. How can he die?

Xiaobai, they are still waiting for themselves, enchanting is still waiting for themselves, how can they die?

Can't die, absolutely can't die, even if the God of death comes in person, can't die!

I don't know where my father is, let alone my mother. How can I die?

Can't die, never die!

Ye Xiao gently moved his fingers, as long as there is even a trace of strength, he also want to stand up, must stand up.

But his body strength almost completely exhausted, want to stand up, but where is so easy thing?

The strength in the body is accumulating little by little, and the scene that the old man taught his Cunjin strength unconsciously appeared in his mind.

At that time, he didn't know anything. The old man also said a lot to himself at that time. But now, what he remembers most clearly is the old man's words: "the true meaning of inch strength lies in the use of power. Only when the power is used to the extreme, can we get a breakthrough."

Over the years, he has always kept this sentence firmly in his heart. Every breakthrough is his use of power to the extreme, which is transformed into a qualitative breakthrough.

From one inch strength to two, and then to three, again and again, and each breakthrough has brought about a doubling of strength. That is not only the strength, but also the fighting skills and experience. In the final analysis, it is the use of strength.

When he understood the five inch strength, he had reached the extreme in the use of strength. Even if he had only one hundred jin of strength, he could exert the effect of hundreds of Jin.

Even he only needs a little bit of strength to be able to defeat people who are far more powerful than himself, so he is very skillful in many battles.

So he has become the world's top strong, even those who have been famous for many years also died in his fist.

Then, at an opportunity, he broke through the six inch strength, and there was not much change in the strength path, but he knew that if he faced an expert who only reached five inch strength, he could easily defeat him.

Only because the essence of his six inch strength is to stimulate the power of every cell in his body, which is why he and shangguanfei have fought to such an extent that he still has such explosive power after his body has been damaged.

Any trace of power to their hands, is to destroy the heaven and earth power, can easily erase a top strong.

If we don't reach such a level, we can't intervene in the battle between them.

But now, he seems to have no strength in his body. How can he fight?

However, ye Xiao suddenly thought of a question: after six inch strength, is there still seven or even eight inch strength? If it exists, what is the power of seven inch force?

With the constant accumulation of a trace of strength in his body, ye Xiao's mind seems to have opened a window of something. Suddenly, a feeling never before appeared in his mind.

He even faintly felt that there was an irrepressible force hidden in his body, which was the violent force that had been difficult to control in his body.

That doesn't seem to belong to human power at all.

A trace of strength constantly gathered, constantly gathered, when all of these forces gathered in the left fist, ye Xiao suddenly made a scene that shocked everyone.

He just lay on the ground and hit his heart with a fist. Even his left arm was badly injured and even fractured. He still gave a fierce blow!

Yes, he hit his heart, just like suicide, because he found that such a force has been hidden in his heart.

"Bang..." The fist hit the heart heavily, and then it was like hitting a stone. The violent force was more like a water bag full of water, which was smashed by a fist, and the bound power suddenly attacked the whole body.

In such a moment, he suddenly had a feeling that he was an unattainable God, and his fist and foot were enough to destroy the heaven and earth.

And that kind of power is also more and more irritable, more and more intolerable, finally even want to break through his body.

"Ah..." Ye Xiao's mouth suddenly gave out a long cry, the whole body was ejected from the ground, two blood red lights burst out from his eyes, directly shot into the sky, not into the clouds.

"Boom..." A thunderbolt suddenly came from the clear sky, and the thick black clouds rolled out of the sky. Gusts of wind swept through the sky. Countless thunder lights began to flash in the sky. Ye Xiao's body was also like a demon. A strong sense of killing and violence swept the world.

Then ye Xiao rushed to shangguanfei like a madman. His right arm had already been abandoned, and his left arm lost the ability to move completely because of the last punch. However, his whole person was the fist, and the whole person was the sharpest weapon. So he directly hit shangguanfei, and then a cloud of blood mist burst out behind shangguanfei's back Even more, he flew out towards the rear in an arched shape. More than ten meters away from his rear, there was a huge cliff.In the inverted flight, shangguanfei's eyes were full of horror, disbelief and despair

Why? Why is that? Isn't he dying? Why is he so powerful? How could his body bear such a force? Why on earth is this?

No one answered his question. His body was like a stone, flying directly out of the cliff and falling into the depth of the cliff. However, ye Xiao stood there quietly. Until shangguanfei's body completely disappeared, he slowly turned around and walked towards enchanting

At this time, in an unknown place, there are seven towering mountains. On each peak, a man sat cross legged. On the middle peak, the man sitting cross legged suddenly opened his eyes. It was a pair of dark but shining eyes, as bright as stars in the sky.

A virtual shadow which was almost similar to him also disappeared into his body at this moment, and then his eyes became more and more bright and shining

Just like the real stars

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