Ye Xiao didn't ask about his uncle. He just took out the handwritten book and sat on the carpet. He opened the book with one hand and looked at it silently.

Murong Mingyan did not disturb him, she just sat quietly in the wheelchair, slightly closed her eyes, as if in meditation, but also as if she was completely asleep.

When ye Xiao finished reading the thick book, it was already under the sun, and there was a glow of red glow outside the window. Slowly closing the book, ye Xiao looked up at her sister Yan, who seemed to wake up and slowly opened her eyes.

"Is all that is said in the back of the book true?" Ye Xiao pointed to the yellow book and said in a soft voice that his voice even trembled. Maybe he was amazed by the stories in the book, or excited to find a way to save enchanting.

"Well..." Murong Mingyan nodded heavily, but her manner was unprecedented firmness.

"What about them?" Ye Xiao asked blankly. The characters in the book are so powerful and incredible. If it wasn't for her sister Yan who told her something like this, he couldn't believe that there was such a existence in this world? Potential? Powers? Warrior?

Or can we call them Superman?

But why didn't he hear any rumors for so many years?

"I don't know..." Murong Mingyan shook her head vigorously, and then continued: "but they once came back once. At that time, you were still young, and you don't know if you have any impression..."

Ye Xiao was silent and began to think hard about some of his childhood memories. In his memory, his mother seemed to have come back. At that time, she seemed to be holding herself and a famous star to a temple to offer incense?

I can't remember who the star is, but I know that she and her mother seem to have a good relationship, just like sisters? When I went to incense, I seemed to see a man, a man who stayed beside a nun? That's my father, right?

But then?


Ye Xiao tried hard to think back, but found that he could not remember anything. It seemed that a piece of things had been erased in his memory. Even this little fragment was blurred. If it was not mentioned by her sister Yan, he would not remember it at all.

What happened? Why do they disappear suddenly?

Ye Xiao covered his head in pain, trying to sort out a thought, but he was surprised to find that he could not manage anything.

"By the way, here's a letter from the old man to you before he leaves. Let me give it to you when you know the truth. You can have a look first. Maybe you can find some clues!" Seeing ye Xiao's painful appearance, Murong Mingyan also felt uncomfortable. She pushed her wheelchair to her dressing table, took out a sealed envelope and handed it to Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao took the envelope, tore it open in front of Murong Mingyan, and then took out the letter paper. It was indeed a letter written by Ye Tianlong himself. The font was sonorous and powerful, as if composed of powerful dragons.

There are a lot of words written on it. Ye Xiaozai looks at it carefully. With more and more contents he looks at, his breath starts to be short, his heart rate starts to accelerate, and even his face is gradually flushed, which is a sign of excitement.

When he finished reading the letter, his body was shaking uncontrollably. He looked excited, and even couldn't hold the letter in his hand.

"What's the matter?" Seeing ye Xiao's condition, Murong Mingyan was also puzzled. Ye Xiao opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but she found that her throat was astringent and could not say anything. She simply handed the letter to Murong Mingyan.

Murong Mingyan took a look, and then her face changed greatly.

"Portal? Passage? Is there really another world? " Forced to suppress the shock in her heart, Murong Mingyan said in disbelief, as if she were talking to herself or asking Ye Xiao.

"Well, it must be like this. Dad, they must be in that world. Absolutely so. When the old man went to Africa, he must know how to go to that world. I'm going to find him..." Ye Xiao finally recovered from the extreme surprise, and forced to suppress the excitement in his heart and said with a flushed face.

Murong Mingyan is extremely excited at this moment. If it is, then isn't it said that the guy is still alive, and he has the hope to see him again?

And my sister. They should be here, right?

If so, then

At the thought of this, Murong Mingyan's body also couldn't stop shaking.

It was just as exciting as it was.

"But if you go, what will Jingyu and Tiantian do? And the bright moon? Do you just leave them alone? " However, Murong Mingyan was a woman after all, and soon recovered from her excitement and thought of this serious problem.

She won't stop Ye Xiao from looking for the gateway, but she doesn't want Haoyue and ye Xiao to be separated for a long time."I don't have to worry about it. I don't have to go back. As soon as I get there and find a way to save the city, I will come back immediately!" Ye Xiaoxin swore that Dan Dan said that the lost soul completely returned to his body, as long as he can save back enchanting, he does not care how rough the road ahead.

Even he can see his father, he knows that if there is no other reason, his parents can not leave themselves so ignored?

For more than 20 years, he has never been eager to see his parents at this moment, which may be the sequelae of hope.

Seeing ye Xiaoyi face excited, a face excited appearance, Murong Mingyan still want to say something, but after all, sigh, this, who knows how long? Maybe another 20 years?

But with Ye Xiao's character, can she stop it?

Perhaps, this is the life of Ye family, ye family man, destined to be lonely from childhood.

"Yan sister, you don't have to worry, I will not go immediately, I will arrange everything to go to find the portal channel! And once there is any news, I will come back and tell you immediately! " It seems to be that we have seen Murong Mingyan's worry, ye Xiao held Murong Mingyan's hand and said with a pledge.

Seeing ye Xiaoyi face carefully touch, Murong Mingyan's mouth corner appeared a happy smile, gently touched the head of leaf Xiao with her hand, just as she used to touch.

"Sister Yan believes you..." A low voice came out of her mouth

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