No. 298, Zhuque street, Nancheng, Kyoto, is an independent three story building. In Kyoto, a place full of land and money, it is enough to have such a piece of land for a lifetime. If anyone owns such a place, it is estimated that the first thing to do is to sell it to a real estate developer, and then wait for the real estate developer to build it into a high-rise building, and then divide several houses by himself, Carefree for a lifetime.

However, at this time, the three story building stands here. On the front of the plaque, there are a few big words written on it, namely, ice flame private detective agency.

This is Shao Bingyan's private detective agency in Kyoto.

After all, not everyone can afford to hire a detective, and not everyone needs to.

There are not many people on duty in the detective office. In addition to a welcome guest, an accountant and a secretary, Shao Bingyan, the boss, is the only one who works in the detective office.

Of course, there are other detectives in the detective agency, but these detectives don't come to work in the detective agency. Their job is to investigate. The first element of investigation is seclusion. If other people know their identity, then they are really exploring?

So the whole detective office is to collect customer service information, customer service requirements, and then issued by the boss Shao Bingyan orders.

Shao Bingyan's office is located in the largest room near Zhuque Street on the second floor. In addition to facilitating some important guests to come to discuss business matters in person, there is another reason why Shao Bingyan has changed the third floor into a staff dormitory for a few small workers working in the detective office It's very difficult for employees to find a place to live in.

And sometimes, she will live here.

Of course, Shao Bingyan's office itself is a huge reception room with a small room for her to rest in. If she doesn't want to go home, she can stay here.

For example, last night, she was drunk with her employees and stayed here for the night instead of going home.

The clock on the wall is almost pointing to 11 o'clock. Shao Bingyan got up from the bed lazily, and a blush appeared on his face unconsciously.

Quickly open the cold water, directly flushed a cool, this just let dry hot heart calm down.

Then she took out a red translucent lace bra and a small translucent inner to wear on her body. She found that her chest seemed to swell again. After that, she reluctantly put on a professional suit. How to say that she is also the boss of this detective agency now, and the boss always has to look like a boss?

After a simple grooming, Shao Bingyan walked out of her house and pulled the door. This is only her room. No one is allowed to enter. Even the cleaning aunts are not allowed to enter. Everything inside is arranged by her.

A buttock sat on the boss chair, very no lady image will be a pair of beautiful legs on the desk, if someone came in at this time, immediately will see a piece of scenery under her skirt.

But this time is generally no one to disturb, even if someone needs her to receive in person, the Secretary below will also call to consult her at this time.

But just as she was about to pick up the phone and ask her secretary to bring her some breakfast, she heard the sound of pushing the door. Shao Bingyan raised her eyebrows and flashed a touch of anger on her face. However, she immediately put down her legs and sat up straight.

She just sat up straight, the door of the office was forced open, and then saw a man in a plaid shirt burst in, followed by his secretary Xiaolan.

"Miss LAN, don't you mean that Mr. Shao hasn't come to work yet? Am I dazzled? " Seeing Shao Bingyan sitting on the desk, the man with plaid shirt immediately snorted.

Secretary small LAN immediately is a burst of embarrassment, will help the eyes of Shao Bingyan.

"Mr. Zhang, I didn't go home last night. Didn't I just get up? Xiaolan didn't see me coming to work, so she didn't know. Don't embarrass her Shao Bingyan is very lazy to stretch a waist, stand up from the boss chair.

"Oh, so it is. Ha ha, well, there's no more business for you. Go down first. I'll have a chat with your manager Shao alone." Seeing Shao Bingyan's languid expression, and then seeing her wonderful body and the red bra hidden in her white shirt, Mr. Zhang's eyes burst out with greedy light. He waved to Xiaolan at random, and then walked towards Shao Bingyan.

Xiaolan looks at Shao Bingyan. After all, she is her own boss.

"You go down and help me prepare a breakfast. By the way, Mr. Zhang came here so early, so I should not have breakfast, right? But it's a pity that I can't afford to invite Mr. Zhang. I can only aggrieve Mr. Zhang... " Shao Bingyan carelessly said, also did not invite Zhang Zong to sit down.

"Ha ha ha ha, I'm not aggrieved. It's my pleasure to share breakfast with Mr. Shao. Help me prepare one too. I'll eat whatever Mr. Shao eats!" Mr. Zhang is very thick skinned and doesn't care about Shao Bingyan's sarcasm at all. He goes to the seat in front of Shao Bingqian, sits down, and says to Xiaolan, who turns away."Mr. Zhang, what brings you here today?" Shao Bingyan didn't mean to sit down at all. He looked at Mr. Zhang from a commanding position and said coldly.

"Ha ha, Mr. Shao, we are friends. I come to see our friends. There is no need for any reason?" Mr. Zhang laughed!

"Friend? I'm not qualified to be a friend of president Zhang. If Zhang always comes for this land, please leave. I won't sell this house... " Shao Bingyan still said coldly.

"Ha ha ha, general manager Shao, it doesn't matter whether it can be done or not. There is another request in the next day?"

"What request?" Shao Bingyan is stunned?

"Please be my girlfriend. Of course, we can get married right away if you want to?" Zhang Zong suddenly solemnly said, and Shao Bingyan's face was green on the spot?

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