Hongzhu club, which is tianyaomen's industry in Kyoto, is a club that is not open to the outside world but only open to members of the club. It has a wide range of catering, entertainment, fitness and so on. It is also very secretive. It protects customer service information in an extremely high level.

At this time, ye Xiao, Tan Xiaoxiao, Li Zongyun and Li Zijing sat opposite each other in the most luxurious and confidential box of the club.

Li Zongyun's problem has involved some people's unimaginable situation. The place originally planned to date Tan Xiaoxiao was obviously not suitable. Ye Xiao brought several people here.

"Mr. Li, can you tell me how to unlock the gene lock?" He handed over a cigarette and was declined by Li Zongyun. Ye Xiao lit the cigarette himself, took a heavy puff and asked solemnly.

Li Zongyun hesitated to take a look at Ye Xiao. However, he thought that the man in front of him might be the only one in the world to break through the five inch strength and reach the six fold inch strength. He still explained the gene lock in detail.

The so-called gene lock is also a project that scientists have been discussing all the time. It is nothing more than the unimaginable power hidden in the human body. Many scientists have even questioned that the great gods who had the power of overwhelming power in ancient times were not really just legends.

That may be the real existence, but they untied their own gene lock and stimulated their own potential. Later people gradually declined in the pure physical body, but they were also locked in the gene, so it was difficult to stimulate their own potential.

This is based on a lot of scientific evidence, for example, some people suddenly play a far more powerful force than ordinary people in certain special circumstances.

There are even some characters who are beyond the secular strong. Although there are only some fragments left, this does not hinder people's exploration of human potential. Just like many genetic drugs, are not they also stimulating people's potential?

It's just that these people don't actually unlock their genes.

And Li Zongyun, including his grandfather and his father, once suspected that Bruce Lee, the great master of that time, did not really die, but untied the genetic lock and arrived at another world.

Because the father of their family, but Bruce Lee's own disciples, did not really see the body of Bruce Lee.

At that time, only a very small number of people knew about such things. In addition to some remarks left by Bruce Lee and some remarks about the perfection of inch strength, the Li family and even the lineal descendants of Jeet kune do all along believe that their ancestors did not really die, but broke through a certain realm and reached a new level. This has been nearly 100 years, They have also been looking for strong people who can break through the five inch force. They firmly believe that as long as someone can break through the five inch force, they may be able to unlock the gene lock and reach a completely new level.

Cunjin, in itself, is to stimulate the human potential of a way of practice!

However, over the years, all the descendants of the Li family, including the super masters they knew, the strongest one was Li Zongyun's father. Before he died, he had broken through Wuzhong, but even he did not touch such a threshold.

So when ye Xiao admitted that he had broken through inch strength five, he just hesitated for a moment and said these things.

This may be their only hope, the only hope to get the truth!

After listening to Li Zongyun's story, ye Xiao is silent. He doesn't know whether he has broken through the gene lock, but one thing is certain. When he reaches the six inch strength, he doesn't find any changes in his body. Instead, he seems to have some differences after he understands the seven inch strength.

It seems that his resilience is much stronger than before. In the first battle of Love Valley, I was injured so much, but I was the first to recover. Even my elder brother Zimo, it seems that he did not recover fast.

Moreover, he also felt that his agility, perception and strength were improved a little, although not very obvious, but they did. This is not the improvement of experience and skills, but the improvement of physical quality.

Is this the symptom of unlocking the gene? Even the violent force in one's body seems to disappear, or has this power completely integrated into his body and become a part of his own strength?

Unconsciously, ye Xiao thought of the book that he had read. It also wrote about some potential things, and indeed described the situation of unlocking the gene lock. But it seems that this has nothing to do with Cunjin?

Their situation is similar to that of Bruce Lee, but they didn't have the so-called inch strength before?

He also thought of his father. If all the things in the book are true, then the old man is obviously not an ordinary person. But why does he only teach himself Cunjin, but not other cultivation methods?

Is there any secret in this?

Vaguely, ye Xiao seems to have grasped some key points.

Seeing ye Xiao's silence, Li Zongyun, Li Zijing, and even tan Xiaoxiao, who was dizzy and confused, looked at him curiously. Perhaps at the moment when he opened his mouth, mankind would turn a new chapter."I really understood the six inch strength, but it didn't bring any changes to my body. It's just that on the basis of the five fold inch strength, I have a more accurate grasp of strength, and the use of strength has reached an extreme level." After thinking for a moment, ye Xiao murmured.

On hearing Ye Xiao's words, Li Zongyun and Li Zijing's faces were obviously disappointed. Was it really just a legend?

Are all those things left by Shizu fake?

"But after I realized the seven inch strength, I did feel some changes in my body. Although it was not obvious, some changes really took place. I don't know whether that is the reason for unlocking the gene lock. At least I don't feel that I have the power to surpass the human limit now!" Ye Xiao continued to say, but in his mind, he thought of those powerful and horrifying forces in "the evil spirits of campus affairs".

If that's the real potential, I don't seem to touch the threshold, right?

At this moment, Li Zongyun and Li Zijing said with one voice: "have you realized seven inch strength?"

They have unconsciously used "you!" In the course of martial arts, the master is the master. Ye Xiao's accomplishments far surpass them. Naturally, he deserves this honorific.


"Then the legend should be true. Cunjin is the key to unlock the gene lock..." Li Zongyun said with some assurance or paranoia that

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