"Wang Dashao, you have to make decisions for our brothers!" Seeing that Wang Yang didn't make a statement at once, he and ye Xiao, several controversial men, came over with the guy whose teeth had been broken

"Brother Wu and brother Lin, don't worry. This is my territory. If you are humiliated, I will certainly seek justice for you." After a look at them, Wang Yang said with a smile!

There was a burst of abuse in his heart. It turned out that they were the two guys. No wonder they would make trouble. As long as they were there, it was impossible for their own bar to be peaceful. If these two guys didn't have a good father, Wang Yang would have wanted to beat them up by himself!

"That's a lot less than Lao Wang!" Wu Siyuan's mouth is beaten to pieces by Ye Xiao. It's inconvenient to speak. Lin Xiu, beside him, says!

"It's a piece of cake..." Wang Yang grinned, and then his eyes fell on Ye Xiao: "for the sake of the ancient rhyme, I will give you a chance to kneel down and think that they are wrong. As long as they are willing to forgive you, I can let go of this matter!" Wang Yang said angrily

Such words make Wu Siyuan and Lin Xiu very useful. They also want to see what ye Xiao will do?

Do not resist, kneel down to let them down, their face also found back, do not resist, and Wang Yang against, that is what they are willing to see!

Hearing Wang Yang's words, ye Xiao shrugged, and then sounded in a lazy voice: "do you think it's possible?"

"You don't have to toast or not to eat or drink!" Seeing ye Xiao's poor appearance, Wang Yang's anger is even stronger

But he didn't dare to write his own face in the territory

"Don't talk nonsense. I drank more than 2900 yuan of wine here today. Here is 3000 yuan. The rest is even the tip given by my young master. As for apology, it's no use..." An ominous feeling appears in Ye Xiao's mind. He really doesn't want to stay here for a long time. He takes out 3000 yuan and throws it out. Then he pulls up the hands of Hua YUEWU and Xiao fei'er and prepares to leave

Even he didn't know why he felt ominous. Several people present, even Jin Xiaohui and Wang Yang, could not have brought him life danger, but he just felt this danger. This is his intuition cultivated through countless times of life and death, and he has never been wrong!

So he is not willing to entangle with Wang Yang again, ready to turn around and flash!

"Stop them for me!" Seeing that ye Xiao wants to leave, Wang Yang naturally won't agree, and directly gives the order

Someone stopped at the door for a long time. Hearing his boss's order, he quickly closed the door of the bar, and even stopped at the door

"Wang Yang, don't force me..." Ye Xiao turned and looked at Wang Yang coldly!

To tell you the truth, before he unified the southern city, he really didn't want to have too much intersection with Wang Yang and other people. In Jinghai City, they had deep-rooted forces, but they were different. They had nothing. They had to rely on themselves step by step. In front of the absolute strength to compete with them, ye Xiao didn't want to really tear their skin with them, but he didn't want to replace them I dare not, if Wang Yang really forced him to hurry up, he doesn't mind directly abolishing Wang Yang here!

Wang Qi, his cheap apprentice, will be very happy!

"Force you? Ha ha ha, you deserve me to force you? Xiaohui, knowing that you have been waiting for this day for a long time, teach him a lesson! " Wang Yang is very angry and says to Jin Xiaohui!

"Yes, big and little!" Jin Xiaohui's mouth showed a trace of ferocious color, his body stepped forward a step, slowly took out a set of spiked boxer from his arms and brought it up. He had seen Ye Xiao's shamelessness, and didn't want to be attacked by the other side's knife again when fighting with him!

Seeing Wang Yang's attitude, ye Xiao knew that today's incident could not be solved properly. He was not afraid of Wang Yang, but worried about the hidden danger. Who would bring him an ominous feeling?

Eyes swept Wang Yang behind the crowd, and swept around the crowd, but everything is very normal, did not find any doubts!

That is, when ye Xiao is confused, Jin Xiaohui's figure has already rushed up

His speed is very fast, as fast as a cheetah. He is fierce and fierce like a hungry wolf. Almost in the blink of an eye, he comes to Ye Xiao, and then punches at Ye Xiao. The sharp spines on the boxing set emit cold light, which is dazzling under the neon lights

Ye Xiao's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and he was about to resist Jin Xiaohui's blow. A pretty figure had already gone out, and then he heard a clang. The two figures collided together, and then retreated back at the same time

A little surprise flashed in Jin Xiaohui's eyes and looked at the woman who appeared in front of him

is not just him. Wang Yang, including Ye Xiao Du, is surprised to see this beautiful woman with blue Eyeshadow. She has such an agility.

"Sophie?" Hua YUEWU didn't expect that Xiao fei'er would be the one who made the move, and she didn't expect that her skill would be so good

"The Big Dipper stars shine on Kyushu, and purple Phoenix flies and startles the whole world. Wang Dashao, let's just forget it!" Xiao fei'er looks at Wang Yang and suddenly utters such a baffling word!Wang Yang was also shocked by Xiao fei'er's skill. When he heard this sentence, the color of his face became more frightened

Her eyes were fixed on Xiao fei'er, as if she wanted to see through her clothes

Big Dipper seven stars shining in Kyushu? This sentence is not suitable for ordinary people, but those who have some status know what he stands for

Look at her dress, look at her skill, is it her?

It's just how did she show up here? Even if she appears here, how can she collude with Ye Xiao?

Last time it was because of Yi Guyun, this time it was because of her peach blossom luck. Why is it so good?

"Big and little, it's not good for each other to fight like this!" Seeing Wang Yang still hesitating, Xiao fei'er said again

Although the words are very plain, anyone can hear the threat in her mouth. How dare she threaten the eldest young master of Wang family?

Who the hell is she?

"Well, for your sake, that's it this time!" Although Wang Yang was unwilling in his heart, he thought of all kinds of possibilities behind this matter and could only promise to come down with his teeth!

"Thank you very much. Ye Xiao, YUEWU. Let's go." Xiao fei'er smiles at Wang Yang, and then says to Ye Xiao and Hua Yue!

Ye Xiao is surprised, but in the face of the crisis that has not dissipated, she still pulls the Flower Moon Charm, who is also in a daze, to leave

But his attention has always been on the people around him, always maintaining the most alert state

"Wang Da Shao? You just let them go See Wang Yang so let Ye Xiao and others leave, Wu Siyuan and Lin Xiu dissatisfied said!

"Brother Lin, I will give you an account of this. Now let's treat brother Wu's injury first." Wang Yang did not directly answer the two people, but said!

Although Wu Siyuan and Lin Xiu were not satisfied, they did not offend Wang Yang too much, so they nodded!

Just as Wang Yang left with several people and the rest of the bar began to comfort the guests, a man in black stood up without any trace and walked outside

There was a trace of regret on his face

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