the second day.

Ye Xiao came to the bar on time, and there were already many guests. What made everyone gnash was that ye Xiao was such a bastard who had no professional integrity. Every guest robbed him. As long as there were guests, he would rush up like a fly. With his perfect tongue and some obscure and comfortable flattery, he made the guests order more drinks All the others were gnashing their teeth. Only Su Xiaoxiao, sitting in the corner, looked at Ye Xiao with a bright smile, and saw that ye Xiao was so capable. However, other people were eager to swallow Ye Xiao alive and alive. They pursed their lips and said, "I'll tell you, brother Ye Xiao is the most capable."

"Ye Xiao, come here and have a drink with me. Today I'll order another dozen beers." A young woman in her forties looked at the busy Ye Xiao in the distance and waved.

"Sister Wang, come!"

"Ye Xiao, come here and chat with me. I'll order two dozen beers right away." Another woman in her thirties, heavily made up, stood up and said.


"Ye Xiao, come to urge elder sister. I'll give you as much wine as you have." A bloated woman in her forties waved.

"Ye Xiao..."

"Ye Xiao, come to brother Liu, and tell him a story of the underworld revenge. Brother Liu will pack you drinks every day." Ye Xiao suddenly has a feeling of being taken care of, not only by women, but also by men. However, it is a rare refinement for him to feel the life of ordinary people working as a laborer

Standing in the corner of Su Hua, is already a face of iron green, gnashing teeth way: "this son of a bitch how so popular?"

The rest of us are puzzled.

Only Su Xiaoxiao, who secretly shows a smile in the corner, knows why Ye Xiao is so popular with so many people. In her eyes, ye Xiao, who should have been very powerful, knows astronomy and geography, calculates the past and present life, some beauty tricks, slimming tricks, and sweet mouth, which directly tickles the ladies' hearts and makes them hard to endure, but also tells stories and stories It sounds more exciting than watching TV. Any kind of story can pop out of his mouth.

In one day, ye Xiao became the first celebrity in the bar. Compared with the original Suhua, she did not know how many times the scenery was.

But it's hard.

All of them are customers, all of them are gods. It's impossible to offend any God. Seeing ye Xiao's efforts to send those people back to the corner, Su Xiaoxiao quickly makes way for her position. Before ye Xiao comes, a tall barmaid immediately brings a chair and says with a smile: "brother Xiao, sit down and watch you drink a lot today Wine, drink a cup of tea to wake up

"Brother Xiao, you'd better drink mine. My specialty added some honey to you."

"Brother Xiao, I bought you a special night snack."

"Brother Xiao, you are a great hero in people's hearts."

"I love you..."

Su Hua, who was standing outside, had a black face, and Su Xiaoxiao's eyes were red. It was like a beloved thing was suddenly taken away. She knew that she couldn't fight these people. She could not speak. She was not as delicate as these people. She looked down at her chest, then looked up at other clothes around Ye Xiao Clerk, a glimmer of gloom flashed in her eyes. To talk about her appearance, she is a small baby face. She can't even wink and show off her coquettishness. However, for other waiters, they can easily pick it up and feel more aggrieved when they think about it.

When Su Xiaoxiao was about to cry, she heard Ye Xiao's unique voice and said with a smile: "little girl, don't you know how to pour a glass of water to my brother when I see my brother back?"

"Ah." Su Xiaoxiao was surprised. Unexpectedly, ye Xiao would think of himself. He immediately raised his head and said with a surprised smile, "brother Ye Xiao, wait a moment, and it will be OK." Finish saying to jump to run to one side to give leaf Xiao pour water.

No one paid attention to it. Su Hua, a little white faced man, flashed a haze in his eyes. He took Lei Zi, who was huge in size, to the back of the bar, handed him a cigarette, and then lit one by himself. In a deep voice, he said, "Lei Zi, do me a favor."

The challenge arena, which always doesn't like to talk in a bar, looks up at Su Hua and says, "what's busy?"

Su Hua bit his teeth and snorted coldly, "help me break Ye Xiao's two legs."

"Break his legs?"

Seeing Leizi frowning and not talking, Su Huacai hurriedly said: "I know you are very good at fighting. The last time you came to our bar to make trouble, a few little rascals were turned by you alone. With Ye Xiao's small arms and legs, you can break his two legs with a little effort."

"Why do I help you?" Lei Zi vomited a smoke ring.

Su Hua slightly a Leng, immediately way: "100."


"Two hundred."

When he heard Su Hua say 200 yuan, Lei Zi got up and was ready to go. Seeing Lei Zi going, Su Hua was in a hurry. He knew that if ye Xiao stayed in the bar all the time, he would not be able to sell his drinks. Moreover, it seemed that he was superfluous. It was as if other people had ordered several dozen drinks this evening, and he didn't even sell a bottle here, He bit his teeth and said, "how about a thousand dollars?""Ten thousand dollars, not a cent less."

Seeing Su Hua's dull look, Leizi said in a voice: "now, he is the God of wealth in the boss's mind. If the boss's wife knew that his leg was interrupted by me, maybe even I would have to resign. Then maybe I would be sent to the police station. So I earned 10000 yuan with my life. Don't think it's worthless if not You can earn it back in three months at most. How about that? "

Su Hua was really shocked this time.

At first, he thought that in the whole Chaoren bar, except for the owner's wife who often sees the head and the tail, he has the deepest mind. Even if other waiters exchange orders by laughing, none of them can match him, let alone the dumb and silent one. This time, he realized that this big fool is not as simple as it seems, At least, his mind was so deep that he felt terrible.

Who is a fool?

This time, Su Hua could hardly distinguish himself.

He looked at Leizi with fear, bit his teeth and said, "OK, ten thousand is ten thousand. As long as you break his two legs, I will give you ten thousand."

"Deal." Lei Zi cracked his mouth and began to laugh.

Seeing Lei Zi's smile, Su Hua has a kind of creepy feeling inexplicably this time.

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