He knew that in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy was futile, so he did not consider whether Chen Xuesong had any conspiracy, but began to consider what benefits he could bring to himself if he accepted the eternal life Association.

First of all, it's power. How to say, the immortals association is also the top four gangs in Nancheng University. With such a force in hand, you can at least save a lot of effort. At least, you don't have to worry about ordinary minions to find your own troubles. Moreover, with the strength of these people, you can explore more things.

He didn't come here really to study in University, but to find a way to save enchanting. Naturally, the more younger his subordinates are, the more flexible the information is. He has a deep understanding of this. As for those people, will they be convinced? Ye Xiao didn't worry too much. By his means, it only took a little time to make these people obedient!

"Good." Ye Xiao nodded and said with a smile, "I'll take this gift from you, but the name doesn't need to be called eternal life meeting. It's too vulgar."

Hearing Ye Xiao's promise, Chen Xuesong also showed a glimmer of joy. It would be a very cost-effective business to exchange the friendship of a "yellow level warrior" with an eternal life club that was on the verge of extinction. He quickly nodded his head and said, "in the future, the eternal life club will belong to Mr. Ye. You can call it whatever you want."

See Chen Xuesong so lack of integrity, integrity is lost all over the ground.

The backbone members of the eternal life club all looked indignant.

However, thinking of Ye Xiao's terrifying skills and Chen Xuesong's initiative in creating the immortality society, although they were all indignant, they did not jump out to stop them. Anyway, for most people, joining the eternal life club can make money, no matter who the boss is, as long as you can make money.

Flying car party?

Ye Xiao really wants this gang to continue to call the flying car party.

However, after a glance at the surrounding group of people, they gave up decisively.

What's more, they don't even have a car. They're called Mao's party?

Seeing ye Xiao haven't come up with a name for a long time, Zhou Kai, who was beaten black and blue, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and cracked his mouth and said, "Xiao Xiao, we are Qinglong province. I think we should call the Dragon Gang!"

"Dragon Gang?"

Ye Xiao's eyes were also bright and said with a smile, "OK, I'll call the Dragon gang."

Seeing that the dust had settled down, she would not become a burden to Ye Xiao. Zhang Xinyu also came step by step. There were members of the eternal life society all around. This was the first time that she stood with a group of gang members. Even though they knew that ye Xiao was there, these people did not dare to move themselves, but they were inevitably a little nervous. She walked to Ye Xiao with a worried face and then secretly relaxed One breath, quietly spit out the tongue.

Opposite Chen Xuesong, immediately to the leaf Xiao called: "Chen Xuesong has seen the dragon master."

"Dragon master?"

When ye Xiao was still stunned by the name, he heard Chen Xuesong yelling: "Damn, what are you doing, don't you call people quickly?"

"I've seen the dragon master." Standing behind Chen Xuesong, a group of talented people reluctantly called the dragon master. Those who were still rolling and groaning on the ground quickly got up and cried in unison: "dragon master."

Seeing that ye Xiao did not refuse, Chen Xuesong was relieved.

He is very clear that the school is now a four legged system. Once the other three parties reach an agreement, I am afraid it will become a tripartite confrontation. These days, the axe gang and the Tiansha Gang have been looking for him for trouble, but there are only some small frictions, but there is no large-scale collision. What he knows is that this kind of procrastination may not last long In the meantime, ye Xiao, who is a "yellow level warrior" out of thin air, is simply his Savior.

"Chen Xuesong has met the empress of the dragon."

"I've seen the empress of the dragon." Other people also follow Chen Xuesong to shout!

Zhang Xinyu was completely stunned.

I didn't expect that this group of people respectfully called themselves the empress of the dragon, and their face suddenly turned red and their hands were at a loss.

All along, she had a deep hatred for people like Chen Xuesong.

In the past, a hall leader of the immortality society could force her out of breath. She was frightened every day. But in a flash, she became the immortal society. No, it should be the Dragon Queen of the Dragon gang. Ye Xiao shook her head and took Zhang Xinyu's hand and said, "OK, go down!"

Zhang Xinyu wakes up and looks at Ye Xiao's eyes with a trace of nostalgia!

She knows it.

All this was brought to her by the man beside her. If this man didn't appear out of thin air, I'm afraid she would have fallen into the devil's grasp of Cui Hao's people. As for the result of falling into their hands, she couldn't imagine. Holding Ye Xiao's hand, she subconsciously exerted a few points. She didn't know how she felt about the man beside her At the end is love or something, but she is clear that she does not want to lose this man, this man is her dependence.

This area is the territory of the eternal life society.Soon, Chen Xuesong summoned all the members of the immortality society. After looking at Ye Xiao, he announced: "today, I will announce two things. First, from today on, there will be no immortality society any more, and the eternal life club will be officially renamed the Dragon gang."

After listening to Chen Xuesong's words, the people below immediately began to whisper.

"2. The one behind me is the Dragon leader of our dragon Gang, and the Dragon Queen is next to me. In the future, whoever dares to disobey the dragon master and the Dragon Queen will be our common enemy."

This time, the people below were sluggish for a long time, and they all cried out: "I have seen the dragon master, I have seen the Dragon Queen."

"See the dragon master, see the Dragon Queen..."

The sound of a wave is higher than a wave.

From the beginning to the end, they are all in good shape. I have to say that these guys are very good at acting, but they only know what they think in their hearts!

The sound was loud.

Ye Xiao walked forward a few steps, slightly raised his hand, the people below immediately quiet down, have been curious to look at Ye Xiao.

Obviously, seeing the backbone of Chen Xuesong's group of immortals Association, they are all scarred. In addition, the whole eternal life meeting is being spread today. To teach one person, and to teach a lesson is the current dragon master. Almost all of us can guess that, I'm afraid that a group of backbone members of the eternal life Association have not taught people a lesson, but have been picked over by others. Finally, Chen Xuesong and Yongsheng are together The backbone of the meeting has to give up the position of the boss.

Although all guess seven or eight points, but do not know, Chen Xuesong give up the position of the boss, is not forced, but willing.

"I'll just say one word."

Ye Xiao glanced at all the people below and then continued: "there is no eternal life Association. There is only the Dragon gang. If you want to leave, I will not stop you. I can also guarantee that if anyone leaves now, I will never settle accounts after autumn. If you choose to stay in the Dragon Gang, you should follow the rules of the Dragon Gang, dare to betray the Dragon gang and do something sorry to the Dragon gang, If you dare to kill your brother, you will also be killed without mercy. Remember? "


But behind Chen Xuesong rolled his eyes and muttered, "NIMA, is this a sentence?"

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