"Dragon master, the axe gang, the Tiansha gang and the women's club began to fight." Chen Xuesong, with several confidants who originally belonged to the eternal life Association, quickly came to Ye Xiao's classroom, and looked at Ye Xiao nervously.


Seeing ye Xiao raise his head, Chen Xuesong quickly explained: "now Du Hongyu of the axe gang is taking people everywhere to find trouble for our dragon Gang brothers. When he sees the people of the Dragon Gang, he will fight. Now he is in our territory and says that he wants our dragon Gang to be dissolved immediately, or he will fight once to our dragon gang from today on So far as there is no one to help, some people can't help but announce their withdrawal from the Dragon gang. "

"I see." Seeing ye Xiao holding a Book of philosophy, he began to read it.

Standing behind Chen Xuesong, several people anxiously said: "dragon master, you'd like to say something. If you want to fight, our brother will immediately go over and fight with the gang of choppers. If we go on like this, all the members of the Dragon gang will be forced to die."

"Will you be forced to leave if the ax gang finds you in trouble?" Leaf Xiao squints an eye to smile to look at a few people to ask a way.

"No Several people shook their heads at the same time.

Only Chen Xuesong, slightly pondering.

He does not believe that ye Xiao is a good man and a good man and a woman can do things to smash people's shops? I don't understand Ye Xiao's forbearance at first, but a word from ye Xiao made him wake up immediately. A faint smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. He knew very well that the current dragon Gang is a mixture of good and bad. As long as individuals can join in, they still use money to raise a large number of useless waste. Now ye Xiao is afraid that he has to use the axe gang's hand to clean up this Some rubbish.

Seeing that several people were still ready to talk, Chen Xuesong stopped them and said with a bitter smile to Ye Xiao: "dragon master, if you let the people of the axe gang fight like this again, it will be a lot of hospital expenses alone!"

"How long have you been fighting?"

"More than half an hour." Chen Xuesong quickly said.


Ye Xiao stopped talking after another "Oh", and the three people behind Chen Xuesong were like ants on a hot pot at the moment. However, seeing that Chen Xuesong was as peaceful as a mountain, they all closed their mouths and saw that Chen Xuesong was sitting in his own position. They were all alone in front of Ye Xiao. They didn't dare to utter a fart and ran out, for fear that they would be worried because of this Because of his own existence, Chen Xuesong thought and said: "dragon master, although the people of the Tiansha sect and the women's club have not started this time, I'm sure they must be ready to go. Otherwise, the axe gang knows that we have a yellow level warrior and dare to challenge us. Should we guard against the women's club now And the Tiansha Gang? "

"Do you have an accomplice with them?" Ye Xiao asked with a smile.

"Well!" Chen Xuesong nodded his head and said with a bitter smile: "although we have arranged a traitor, we can't get into their decision-making level. Their decision-making levels are all close friends. This time, although the Tiansha gang and the women's club have no news for the time being, they have also arranged for them to wait for orders. We don't know what they absolutely want to do. I'm worried about ax Gang now The people who attack us are too cruel, and our people lose their fighting power. "

"Well, let's go and have a look."

Hearing that ye Xiao is about to make a move, Chen Xuesong's look does not change, but the three people standing behind Chen Xuesong have bright eyes.

The whole university has been divided into four areas. Each guild has its own area. Although these areas can not bring them any substantial benefits, they can also be regarded as a symbol of strength. Moreover, in these areas of their own gangs, they can also enjoy themselves.

Ye Xiao several people came to the area of the Dragon Gang, only to see that here has become a mess.

Members of the axe gang are everywhere.

The members of the Dragon gang are all black and blue.

Seeing ye Xiao and Chen Xuesong, the group of determined people of the Dragon Gang rushed to them one by one. They said angrily: "dragon master, green dragon envoy, we had a good time in our own territory. Who knows that the son of a bitch Du Hongyu of the axe gang came directly to fight against our brothers of the Dragon gang. There are many of them, our brothers They have been beaten by pressure all the time. They catch a man and let them go as long as they promise to quit the Dragon gang. If they don't, they will fight all the time. Several brothers have been beaten to a coma, but they still don't want to quit our dragon gang. "

Hearing about the brothers, many members of the Dragon Gang have red eyes.

"Ye long master, I haven't seen you for a long time." Du Hongyu, surrounded by people in the distance, smiles at Ye Xiao.

"It seems that the brain cripple of your axe gang hasn't let you learn a lesson, and then he takes the initiative to find trouble with our dragon Gang!" Ye Xiao squints at Du Hongyu in the distance and laughs.

After hearing this, Du Hongyu's face suddenly changed.

In the whole school, even the head of the women's club and the Tiansha gang did not dare to directly call him mentally disabled. Instead, he was scolded as brain disabled by the man who was said to be a yellow level warrior.Du Hongyu's mouth outlined a sneering smile and said, "you dragon Gang, there are only a few defeated soldiers left. Do you still want to fight against our Axe Gang? I know you are very good at fighting. Do you think you can fight against the three gangs of us by yourself? Ye Xiao, if I were you, I would be smart and take the initiative to disband the Dragon Gang, and then get out of school. As for the remaining defeated soldiers of the Dragon Gang, as long as they don't quit the Dragon gang for one day, our brothers of the axe gang will fight once every time they meet, until they are willing to quit the Dragon gang. "

"Dragon master, spell it!"

Around that group of black and blue faced dragon gang members, one by one called out indignantly.

The three men who followed Chen Xuesong also gnawed their teeth and said, "yes, dragon master, fight with these son of bitches!"

Ye Xiao didn't pay attention to these people, but looked at the remaining members of the Dragon gang who did not lean over. He asked faintly, "now, does anyone want to quit the Dragon Gang?"

The hesitant group looked at each other.

One by one in the immortality will stay time is not short, there will be some feelings for immortality.

But now, as Du Hongyu said, the Dragon Gang is at the end of its tether. If ye Xiao can fight again, can he still beat all the members of the three guilds?

After waiting for two minutes, I saw a member of the Dragon gang who was originally a member of the Dragon gang. He lowered his head and went out. There was the first one, and immediately there was a second and a third. Within five minutes, I saw that the original members of the Dragon Gang No. 2300 had left, and they had left 780.

Seeing this scene, Du Hongyu's face appeared a trace of complacency, and continued to bewitch: "if you don't go, you're just going to die with the Dragon gang."

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