
A slight crackle!

Everyone thought that this time ye Xiao would fly out again. Even Chen Xuesong looked at Ye Xiao nervously.

However, no one thought that it was not ye Xiao who flew out this time, but Lin Jingyu. After a long time, all the people came to their senses, especially the black widow's women's club. Everyone's face changed greatly. It can be said that Lin Jingyu was a card of their women's Club, even a trump card. But now, this card has been knocked down on the ground How can it be so easy to knock down on the ground? There was a look of horror on everyone's faces!

"Are you mid yellow or late yellow?" Lin Jingyu looks at Ye Xiao in horror and asks, struggling to get up!

Ye Xiao didn't give him the chance to get up again. His body flashed, and he came to Lin Jingyu's body. Lifting his leg was a foot. He directly kicked Lin Jingyu's chest and kicked it out again. Then he fell heavily on the ground. His mouth opened with a gush of blood. And ye Xiao's figure had rushed over again and stepped on Lin Jingyu's wrist.


There was a bone crack.

At the moment, all the people heard the thrill.

The women's club is very white. Even the black widow looks at Lin Jingyu who is abused by Ye Xiao. Is this still the powerful Lin Jingyu of her own guild? Is this a yellow warrior? How do you feel that he is like an ordinary person in Ye Xiao's hands?

As for the people of the Dragon Gang, this moment is an instant boiling!

"Dragon master, mighty..."

No one thought that ye Xiao was so cruel to a yellow level warrior. Seeing ye Xiao kick him one foot at a time, everyone's mouth was convulsed. After a short time, Lin Jingyu was dying.

"The middle of the yellow grade in the twenties, or the later stage of the yellow grade?"

All the people took a breath, especially the black widow. She could be said to be the one who knew the Yellow level martial arts best among all the people present. Lin Jingyu, 47 years old, was a bodyguard for her in her family. She also knew that, except in some genuine sects and big forces, if they want to reach yellow level martial arts before the age of 40, they are basically not What's possible is that each of the three thousand kinds of martial arts cultivation has a ranking. The higher the ranking, the greater the chance of cultivating internal strength. The top ones are basically some big forces. From the outside, some of them are martial arts cultivation methods Ranking after 2000.

At present, ye Xiao was only 20 years old and could reach the middle or late stage of yellow level. The only possibility is that ye Xiao practiced the first 100 of the three thousand skills.

How can the family background and background of the people who can cultivate the first 100 kinds of skills be compared with them?

The black widow was really scared this time.

It is not only Ye Xiao's own power, but she is also at a loss when she thinks that there may be an old-fashioned power behind Ye Xiao.

He knew as well as Chen Xuesong that if there was a huge force behind Ye Xiao, it would be fine if ye Xiao killed all of them. However, if they killed Ye Xiao such a genius, they would be uprooted. When they saw Lin Jingyu knocked out by one blow and one foot, the people of the Dragon Gang cheered It was Chen Xuesong, who was even more excited: "I knew that our dragon master is the most powerful."

Du Hongyu and Qin Wentian had already stood beside the black widow. Their faces were full of panic. Du Hongyu looked at the black widow, and their voices were trembling: "black widow, what should we do now?"

The black widow wanted to give up, but she was not willing to.

Because the women's club was built by her, and there was a yellow level warrior. She believed that as soon as the women's club came out of Nancheng University, she would be able to take a foothold in Nancheng as soon as it left Nancheng University. He knew that there was no yellow level warrior in Nancheng. However, her women's club had a yellow level warrior and a dozen top martial artists Out of Nancheng University, you can not only have a foothold in Nancheng, but also sweep the whole underworld.

But now, it has failed.

"There are more than 20 top experts in our three guilds, and there are also many ordinary experts. He can fight only one person. Even if he is a yellow level warrior, he is not invincible. He has to fight or give everything to the Dragon gang. The Tiansha sect is my painstaking effort. I am not willing to give up to others. Of course, I am not alone Maybe fight against him, black widow. It's up to you. " Qin asked the sky the light way.

Du Hongyu also nodded and bit his teeth and said, "I am also. If I fail, I will be benevolent."

The black widow got tangled this time.

She really wants to fight ye Xiao of the Dragon Gang very much, but at the bottom of her heart, she still worries about the big power behind Ye Xiao.

If she really wanted to kill Ye Xiao, even if she had the strength, she would not dare. After all, she knew that if ye Xiao really was a person who came out of the great forces and experienced, if she really died in her hands, the small family behind her would be wiped out in a moment."I won't kill him, but no one can take what belongs to my black widow, even if it's a yellow warrior."

Black widow is also a decisive woman. She immediately made a decision to drive Ye Xiao out of here, nodded her head and said, "it is impossible to kill him. Moreover, if we can't kill him, we will be constantly retaliated by a yellow level warrior, and no one can afford it. Therefore, we just have to defeat him and drive the Dragon gang out of Nancheng University 。”

Du Hongyu and Qin Wentian both nodded.

They would never be willing to let them give up, but they would not dare to offend a yellow level warrior to death.

After all, it is easy for a yellow level warrior to take their lives.

"I'll give you one last chance. If you take your dragon gang out of Nancheng university right away, we'll write off everything today. Although you're good at fighting, we have three gangs here. You can think about it." The black widow gives Ye Xiao an ultimatum and looks at Ye Xiao coldly.

Ye Xiao gave a cold smile and said carelessly: "from today on, only the Dragon Gang exists in the whole Nancheng University."

After listening to Ye Xiao's words, the people of the Dragon Gang froze for a long time before they cheered: "the Dragon Gang is powerful, the Dragon Master is powerful, and I am the only dragon gang."

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