After all, Chen's last secret is too shocking. Even Cao Huangyu and Zhou Hubian can't imagine that behind the three gangs, there are people from the government. After a long time, Cao Huangyu and Zhou Hubian said in horror: "Mr. Ye If Chen Jiji is true, I'm afraid that the underground of Tianji city is just a chess board played by the white people... "

Not only is Cao Huangyu, Zhou Hubian is also a bitter face at the moment.

After such a long time, he was just a piece of someone else's chess piece, and even had no qualification to be a chess piece. No matter he or Cao Huangyu, at the moment, his heart was full of bitterness.

The black widow came out and saw Ye Xiao sitting on the sofa with a silent face. She directly sat beside Ye Xiao and said with a wry smile, "dragon master, if Chen Jiji is true, I'm afraid we are in real trouble now."

Ye Xiao naturally understood the meaning of the black widow.

If the three gangs are the products of a group of people behind the scenes, then how can the people behind them sit back and ignore them when they have eliminated all the three gangs?

Dragon Gang?

Just out of Nancheng University will die?


A group of people walked into the bar, five men and three women, all teachers of Nancheng University. One of them was an old acquaintance of Ye Xiao. Ning Qianxue, the first beautiful teacher in Nancheng, who led him to report to the bar, five men walked in front of him. Ning Qianxue was surrounded by two female teachers who were five or six years older than her. The leading man was Liu Xiaogang, who was also a teacher in Nancheng University Celebrity, of course, is not how outstanding their own strength, but because the school is rumored that this man, who is only three or four years older than Ning Qianxue, is the son of a senior official in Qinglong province and the real second generation of official.

Liu Xiaogang, who was in the front, glanced at the environment of the bar, frowned slightly and said, "monkey, how can you come to the slums in Nancheng?"

The man, known as the monkey, secretly glanced at Ning Qianxue behind him and said with a smile: "brother Xiaogang, although Nancheng is a slum, there are many fish and dragons in Nancheng. If you want to buy something, it is more convenient here in Nancheng."

Ning Qianxue, who was following him, was obviously the first time to come to the bar, where there was a little bit of smoky. He walked into the door of the bar and frowned slightly and said, "sister Xuemei, I think I'd better go back first."

After listening to Ning Qianxue's words, her name is Yang Xuemei. She is about 40 years old. When she laughs, she looks freckled. She pulls Ning Qianxue's hand and says with a smile: "Qianxue, today is Xiaogang's birthday. We all agreed to come to the bar to celebrate his birthday. Now they are all at the door of the bar. Then you turn around and walk away. With so many colleagues, Xiaogang has no face, What's more, we'll just drink a little beer, and then we can leave earlier. "

Standing on the other side of Ning Qianxue, the woman also quickly said with a smile: "yes! Qianxue, everyone is here now. It's not good to go away! "

Ning Qianxue a face embarrassed, looking at the side of the two female teachers said: "but, I can't drink ah!"

"It's OK. We'll just have a drink." Yang Xuemei quickly said with a smile.

A group of people ordered a box in the bar and asked for a few bottles of red wine and a drink. Liu Xiaogang winked at the man who was nicknamed monkey next to him. The monkey nodded knowingly. When the waiter brought the drink up, he took the drink on his own initiative. He secretly put a blue pill into the drink, handed it to Ning Qianxue and said with a smile, "Qian Xue, I know you don't drink, so I ordered a drink for you

Ning Qianxue took the drink and whispered, "thank you, Mr. Zhang."

The monkey gave Liu Xiaogang a wink, then picked up the glass in his hand and said with a smile: "today is Xiaogang's birthday, let's have a drink together."

Ning Qianxue, who was completely unaware of it, took a sip of the glass and put it on the table. Watching Ning Qianxue drink, Liu Xiaogang just said with a smile: "Qianxue, in fact, my heart to you, even if you don't see it, we all see it. In other words, Liu Xiaogang is the one who likes you most in Nancheng University, As long as you promise to be my girlfriend, I Liu Xiaogang vowed that I will double love you in the future. You also know, my family's situation, what you want at that time, I can give you. "

Seeing Liu Xiaogang with a hot face, Ning Qianxue shrunk his neck and said quickly, "Mr. Liu, I already have someone I like..."

"Like people?"

Liu Xiaogang was slightly stunned and then said with a smile: "Qianxue, don't make excuses. I know you don't like people, and I, Liu Xiaogang, are definitely the most suitable person for you..."

Ning Qianxue didn't expect that Liu Xiaogang would take the opportunity of her birthday to make love to herself. Originally, she would not come together today. Finally, she was dragged out by two female teachers. Now her birthday blessing has been sent. She stood up and said, "happy birthday, Miss Liu. You can play here slowly. I still have something to do when I go back."

Ning Qianxue finished and prepared to leave here.

Just after two steps, I felt a burst of tenderness all over my body, as if there was a fire burning in her chest. The whole person fell directly on the sofa. Even though she was simple, she knew that she seemed to fall into the wolf's nest and her face turned pale. Looking at the drinks she had drunk, her voice had a trace of trembling: "you What did you give me to drink? "Seeing that the efficacy of Ning Qianxue's body has been exerted, Liu Xiaogang slowly stood up, his face became a bit ferocious. He loosened his bow tie, looked at Ning Qianxue, shook his head and said, "Qianxue, in fact, you promised to be my girlfriend earlier. What's wrong? I have to use some extraordinary means to get your people first and then your heart. Don't you know, you just drank a green fly in your drink. I guess you don't know the function of this thing. If you eat it a little, even the chaste woman will become a slut in an instant. "

After listening to Liu Xiaogang.

Ning Qianxue is completely silly, especially when she sees Liu Xiaogang coming step by step. Ning Qianxue wants to run, but she finds that she has no strength at all. Her tears slide out like a broken kite, and her voice chokes: "please, let me go..."

"Let you go?" Liu Xiaogang took off his coat, shook his head and said with a smile, "it's not easy to cheat you. Do you think I'll let you go so easily?"

"Liu Shao, let's go. Don't forget what you promised me?" Yang Xuemei looks at Liu Xiaogang with a smile on her face.

Liu Xiaogang waved impatiently, saw the helpless Ning Qianxue that delicate appearance, only felt a burst of heat in the abdomen, stretched out his tongue to lick his lips, a few people stood up, and saw the box door was suddenly opened, a man stood in the box door with a smile on his face, when he saw this strange man, all the people were stunned, only Ning leaning on the sofa Qian Xue, looking at the man in front of her tears, suddenly showed a trace of excitement on her lonely and helpless face, and her voice choked: "Ye Xiao..."

"Get out of here, man." A man walking by the door looks at Ye Xiaodao angrily.


Ye Xiao didn't even bother to talk nonsense with this man. He slapped him and saw a man of more than 200 Jin. He was thrown out and hit the wall of the box. Then he fell down and convulsed on the ground for a moment and stopped moving.

Seeing this scene, the whole box was dumbfounded.

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