That night, ye Xiao lived in Liu Tianming's home for one night.

The next morning, everyone returned to the south city.

Ye Xiao returns to the bar.

To his dismay, there was no guest in the bar, and a group of waiters were standing at the bar. Ye Xiao had never seen the bar so cold since the day he entered the bar. Now, the whole southern city is the territory of the Dragon Gang, and there will be no shortage of guests. Seeing ye Xiao come back, all the waiters are relieved, and one of them is slightly clever The waitress at one o'clock trotted over and stood beside Ye Xiao in a low voice: "brother Xiao, I heard from the manager that there is a big person coming to see you. It is a very big person. So the manager arranged them in box 1. As for other guests, they will not be entertained today."

"Oh?" Ye Xiao slightly a Leng, smile way: "is what kind of big man?"

The waitress thought for a long time, but didn't seem to think about how to describe the big man in the manager's eyes. She had to blush and say, "a man, with a lot of men and women..."

Ye Xiao lost his smile.

Walking into the box No.1, you can see that there are No.30 or No.40 people sitting in the box. Ye Xiao, the leader, really knows him. He is Chen Xiangyu, the leader of Tianji city. Hou Jinsong, who saw him that day, was also in the box. When he saw Ye Xiao, Chen Xiangyu was the first to stand up and came to Ye Xiao with a big smile on his face, holding out his hand and saying, "brother ye, I've seen you at last You left that day. I miss you very much. I always want to find a chance to have a drink with you. After asking for a long time, I found out that my brother was in this bar, so I took the liberty to bring some friends here. I hope that brother Ye doesn't mind! "

Ye Xiao was slightly stunned.

obviously, as like as two peas in the same way as Chen Xiangyu, who is the first to see Chen Xiangyu, today, if ye are not the same as two people, even the same is the same, ye Xiao even doubts whether Chen Xiangyu is the Chen Xiangyu he has seen.

However, ye Xiao understood after a little thought.

I'm afraid it was Liu Tianming who played a role. That's why Chen Xiangyu changed so much. Ye Xiao, who knew the reason, did not put his nose on his face. Instead, he held Chen Xiangyu's hand affectionately and said with a smile, "secretary Chen, I knew you were going to come to our bar. I have to go and invite you in person." Ye Xiao finished and said with a smile to the manager beside him: "brother Wang, all the drinks of secretary Chen today are on my head."

Wang Peng's eyes were already full of surprise.

Xiaoye, the first brother in the city, laughs at the fact that he has been forced to join tianniu's bar How can I trouble you to treat me when my friends come to our bar? Today's drinks are all on my Wang Peng's head. "

After listening to Wang Peng's words, Hou Jinsong went over and patted Wang Peng on the shoulder, handed over a business card, and said with a hearty smile, "manager Wang, it's really quick. You're a friend. I'm Hou Jinsong."

"Hou Jinsong?"

Wang Peng's whole person is also a Leng, immediately the eye a burst of contraction.

Hou Jinsong is no stranger to him. He is one of the top ten entrepreneurs in Tianji city. He is definitely one of the celebrities in Tianji city. Wang Peng didn't expect that he would have this day. Hou Jinsong, one of the top ten entrepreneurs in Tianji City, would hand his business card to himself, quickly put away Hou Jinsong's famous films, and said with a smile, "wait a moment, I'll deliver the drinks right away. ”Then he ran downstairs in some confusion.

A group of waiters downstairs saw Wang Peng's embarrassment and whispered, "Hello! Have you ever seen manager Wang look so embarrassed? "

"No All the waiters shook their heads.

One of the waiters said with pride: "those are friends who come to see brother Xiao. You can see that those friends of brother Xiao are not simple. Otherwise, manager Wang would not be so uneasy to receive him. From this, we can see that brother Xiao is the most difficult one."

"Yes, our Xiao Ge is the most difficult one." All the waiters said with one voice.

"Secretary Chen, I'm really sorry to have you take time out of your busy schedule to come here for a drink. I'd like to propose a toast to you. Let's do it first." Ye Xiao took up the cup and drank it down. He knew very well that the real reason why Chen Xiangyu would come to his place was probably Liu Tianming behind him. However, Chen Xiangyu was No. 1 here after all. Under the condition of maintaining the relationship, ye Xiao was not willing to offend such a person.

"Brother Ye's words are heavy." Chen Xiangyu shook his head and laughed innocuously on his face.

A group of people chatted with each other in the bar box, and saw that Su Hua, ye Xiao's apprentice in the bar, pushed the box directly and walked in. His face was ugly and he said, "master, my little aunt has been expelled from the school."


Ye Xiao's face suddenly became ugly. The other people in the box, seeing ye Xiao's look at the moment, were all quiet. Only Chen Xiangyu looked at Su Hua at the door calmly and asked, "what happened?"Su Hua looked at Chen Xiangyu, then turned to look at Ye Xiao again. Seeing that ye Xiao nodded, he quickly said, "I don't know. It's just that after Xiaoxiao came back, she has been crying outside all the time. I also asked for a long time, and then I heard Xiaoxiao say intermittently that he was expelled from the school. How can I persuade him? Master, you'd better go down and have a look and cry like this I'm afraid I'm too sick to cry. "

Before ye Xiao nodded, Chen Xiangyu looked at Ye Xiao seriously and said, "brother ye, let's go down and have a look."

Ye Xiao nodded.

A group of people went down from the box upstairs.

Su Wu and her sister, Xiao Ye, are not jealous of her, but she is not worried about her Su Xiao's voice comforted Su Xiaoxiao, but it seemed that there was no effect at all. Until ye Xiao came down and saw Ye Xiao, Su Xiaoxiao directly threw herself into Ye Xiao's arms and burst into tears. Ye Xiao patted Su Xiaoxiao's back and asked, "Xiaoxiao, what happened in the end?"

"Brother Ye Xiao, I'm sorry, I was expelled from the school, and my tuition is not refunded..."

"I'll be fine with me." Ye Xiao said with a smile.

"What kind of school, it is so easy to dismiss people. Let's go and have a look at it, brother Ye!" Chen Xiangyu's face was gloomy.

When Chen Xiangyu arrived, they all drove their own cars. When they heard that it was Chaoyang School, Chen Xiangyu turned his head directly and looked at an old man walking at the end. He frowned and said, "director Zhou, you are the director of the Education Bureau. What's the matter with this Chaoyang School? A good student, they say to be expelled You see, is it necessary to rectify this Chaoyang school

After listening to Chen Xiangyu's words, director Zhou quickly nodded his head and said, "secretary Chen, don't worry, I will vigorously rectify."

Chen Xiangyu didn't let everyone go to Chaoyang school together. Instead, he brought Hou Jinsong and Zhou Song from the Education Bureau to Chaoyang School. He also drove Hou Jinsong's car. Chen Xiangyu also had his own ideas. If he carried on the past with great publicity, he was afraid that he would not achieve the desired results. Now, if he helped Ye Xiao, then ye Xiao would accept him But not with a large group of people in the past, let Ye Xiaocheng all the feelings.

Before coming to Chaoyang School, it is obvious that several leaders of the school have already got the news.

Therefore, before Chen Xiangyu's car arrived at the gate of Chaoyang School, several leaders of the school were already waiting at the gate. Seeing several big figures of Chaoyang School, they all concentrated at the gate of the school. All the students in Chaoyang School were curious to lie on the railing and look at the headmaster at the gate of the school from the window. There were not many people at the door, just the school When several key figures saw Chen Xiangyu and Zhou Song, the old man, including the headmaster, became nervous. Although they all received the news that a big man would come to inspect their school, they did not expect that this big man would be as big as the sky.

No. 1 of the municipal Party committee and their immediate superior.

"Secretary Chen, director Zhou, I don't know what kind of wind blows you to our Chaoyang School. It's really lucky that you all..." The old headmaster quickly accompanied with a smile.

At the back, there are several main teachers of Chaoyang School, all standing in the school. They see the principal and the director. They come in with two people, and they quickly change into a smiling face. One of them, a freckled woman in her thirties, sees that ye Xiao comes in with Su Xiaoxiao, who has just been expelled by her. She knows in her heart the purpose of Ye Xiao's bringing Su Xiaoxiao here, I'm afraid that these two people will collide with the person who even their principal should be careful to accompany with a smiling face. He quickly walks around, stares at Su Xiaoxiao and ye Xiao coldly and says in a low voice: "Su Xiaoxiao, what else do you want to do?"

Seeing this woman, Su Xiaoxiao instinctively shrinks his neck, and the whole person shrinks behind Ye Xiao.

"You're the little teacher you fired?" Ye Xiao a face calm looking at the woman asked.

The woman frowned with displeasure and said faintly, "we have something to do in our school today. As for the dismissal of Su Xiaoxiao, you will come to my office tomorrow morning, and I will give you a reply. Now you can go!"

"What if I want an answer now?" Ye Xiao narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

And the other two male teachers heard Ye Xiao and this woman's dialogue, also came over, looked at Ye Xiao with a gloomy face and said: "if you don't go, I'll ask the security guard to drive you two pariah out. This is not the place you can stay."

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