Dragon Gang!

"I heard that this is the first time that the dragon master has called all members of our dragon Gang together?" A backbone member of the Dragon Gang carefully looks at the top of the Dragon Gang, including Chen Xuesong, the black widow, Zhou Kai and Shangguan yu'er. All of them are present. Many members of the Dragon Gang begin to discuss in whispers. Obviously, they are very concerned about what is being called up by Ye Xiao.

Not to mention the ordinary members of the Dragon Gang below, even Chen Xuesong looked curiously at Xia Zhengchun and asked, "Lao Xia, what's the matter with our dragon Gang?"

Xia Zhengchun, who has been thoroughly integrated into the position of dragon Gang military division, frowned, pondered for a moment, then shook his head, and said slowly: "this time, there has been a large-scale battle between our dragon gang and Haitian in Dongcheng. I think 80% of this is because of this."

"Hai Tian Hui?"

Not only Chen Xuesong, but also the black widow frowned tightly. Xia Zhengchun, who lit a cigarette, murmured faintly: "the sea sky meeting is really a huge thing!"

"Yes Chen Xuesong also nodded with approval, and said solemnly: "among all the forces in the four districts of Tianji City, the Haitian association may be ranked in the top three. This time, a yellow level martial master died in the hands of the dragon master. I'm afraid that the people of the sea sky Association will not give up easily. Our dragon Gang's foundation is still a little poor. If we fight directly with Haitian Association, Most of them will be swallowed up by the sea and sky. "

The black widow did not take Chen Xuesong and Xia Zhengchun's words, but remembered the pattern she saw on Ye Xiao's back that day.

After the black widow went back, she searched a lot of information. Although she didn't find out exactly what the pattern of Ye Xiao was about, she also vaguely found some outlines of the array that appeared before the destruction of the orthodoxy of Yanhuang tribe. Now, there are only four words to explain the array, which is "strange and unpredictable". Specifically, Hei Kuo She looked for a lot of literature and materials, but she didn't find out anything about it. She just didn't understand why the formation on the back of Ye Xiao had disappeared for thousands of years. Moreover, whenever she recalled the formation on the back of Ye Xiao, she would feel a palpitation and real palpitation.

Half an hour later.

Ye Xiaocai slowly walked in from the outside. Originally there were some loose dragon Gang headquarters. When he saw Ye Xiao, a trace of rigor appeared on his faces. Even his eyes were filled with awe and heat. When ye Xiao got to his position, all members of the Dragon Gang said in unison: "Dragon Master."

Ye Xiao nodded and said directly, "tonight, we will attack the sea sky meeting..."

"Sneak attack on Hai Tian Hui?"

All of them were shocked. Even Xia Zhengchun, who always thought he was a strategist, was still sluggish at the moment. Finally, he resisted the impulse of convulsion and whispered: "dragon master, Hai Tian Hui is the top three guilds of Tianji city."

Ye Xiao didn't answer Xia Zhengchun's words, but went on: "everyone, hide in the sea sky society's territory today. At 8:00 p.m., I want to see all the sites of the sea sky Association bloom everywhere."

"Yes, dragon master." All members of the Dragon Gang said in unison.

Chen Xuesong and Xia Zhengchun have concerns, but the following members of the Dragon Gang do not have so many concerns. Even, many people do not know what the existence of the sea sky association is. The playground is the first contact with the members of the sea sky Association. Although the combat effectiveness of the sea sky Association is unexpectedly, the final result is that the Dragon gang has won a complete victory They didn't even pay attention to Haitian, because there was a god like man in their dragon gang.

When all the members of the Dragon Gang retreated, Xia Zhengchun said with a bitter smile: "dragon master, do you really want to fight with the people of the sea sky association?"

"Are you waiting for them to call?" Ye Xiao looked at Xia Zhengchun and said with a smile.

Several people, including the black widow, were stunned. Xia Zhengchun opened his mouth, but he still did not say the disheartened words of persuading Ye Xiao not to touch stones with eggs. Only Chen Xuesong put out his tongue and licked his lips and said, "Lao Xia, I don't think you should worry about it. How about the strength of Haitian? Don't forget that there is a dragon leader in our dragon gang. Last time, Hai Tian met with our dragon Gang, and he was defeated. The leader of a yellow level warrior died in our dragon Gang's hands. Now our dragon Gang's morale is just right. I think we can just eat that sea sky club in one breath. We have been living here in Nancheng and have a bright future. "

Xia Zhengchun shook his head and did not refute Chen Xuesong's words.

It's seven o'clock in the evening.

Ye Xiao had a meal in a restaurant nearby. Seeing that it was almost time, ye Xiao stood up and said, "OK, let's go too!"

Everyone follows Ye Xiao.

Seeing Shangguan yu'er, after dinner, she left without even calling. Chen Xuesong frowned tightly and said, "dragon master, that girl is too arrogant! Where did you get it back? "

Several other people also agreed and nodded. Even the black widow who did not like to fight with others quietly looked at Shangguan yu'er's back. Ye Xiao took the cigarette from Xia Zhengchun, took a puff, and said slowly with a smile: "a Buddha you can't afford to invite back is for our Longbang Town Farm.""Town?"

Chen Xuesong was stunned, and said in amazement: "dragon master, is she also a yellow warrior?"

"In the later stage of the Yellow level, he may become a Xuanwu at any time." Ye Xiao nodded, but did not conceal the backbone members of the Dragon gang.

When he heard that Shangguan yu'er might become a Xuan level martial artist at any time, everyone took a cold breath. At the moment, even Chen Xuesong, who was very angry with Shangguan yu'er, closed his mouth tightly. He was very clear that, let alone Xuan level martial arts, even the later yellow level warriors, they were not comparable to him. They all shut up and stopped talking about Shangguan yu'er Although Ye Xiao was curious about where he found such a strong tiger girl to join the Dragon Gang, he was also very clever and didn't ask these questions. Xia Zhengchun looked at Ye Xiao and said calmly: "dragon master, this time, we are against Haitian meeting. Even if we are caught unprepared, judging from the situation of Haitian meeting, the winning rate of our dragon Gang is too low It's a victory in the end, but it's just a tragic victory. A typical case is that you hurt the enemy 1000 times and lose 800 yourself. "

"Since we all choose to take this road, we should know that this road is not so easy to go. The survival of the fittest is the natural rule of the world. The Dragon gang can not always find soft persimmons to pinch. Since the contest with the Haitian club is inevitable, let the Dragon help take the lead."

After hearing Ye Xiao's words, Chen Xuesong and the black widow fell into a burst of meditation.

Only Xia Zhengchun was relieved at once. Ye Xiao was training and wanted to make the Dragon Gang a good teacher. However, I'm afraid that the Dragon gang will be seriously damaged this time, just a burst of nerves.

After eight o'clock, the headquarters of Haitian society is also overcrowded.

In addition to the twelve hall leaders of the Haitian society, all the elite members of the other halls were present. On the top of the hall was an old man of about 50 years old, with white hair and no anger. Especially the face that looked a little dry, it gave people a creepy feeling. In his right hand, he held a delicate dragon head walking stick, which constantly hit the marble floor and sent out a Many people subconsciously lowered their heads when they came into contact with the old man's eyes. This old man is no other than Zhu Hongsen, the boss of Haitian society. He is a notorious figure in Dongcheng.

Zhu Hongsen gave Chen Lingzhi a cold look, and his voice was a little hoarse: "Ganoderma lucidum, you are not a new person in our Haitian Association, and your strength is also the person who can enter the top three. This time, because of Chen Xiaoqiang's affair, we lost a hall leader. Should you give an account to our brother of Haitian association now?"

Chen Lingzhi bit her lip gently.

Chen Xiaoqiang, who stands at the end of the line, is even whiter and shivering. Chen Lingzhi also knows that although she is Zhu Hongsen's lover, Zhu Hongsen is definitely a man of cold nature. If he dares to damage his interests and not give him an account, even himself will be obliterated by him without hesitation, Accompanying a gentleman like a tiger can almost be used to describe a hero like Zhu Hongsen. Until a trace of blood was bitten from his lips, Chen Lingzhi looked up at Zhu Hongsen and said slowly: "when the small Gang in Nancheng came to our Haitian society to make trouble, I didn't expect that the other party was not a yellow level warrior, but a Xuanwu one. If I didn't make a decision at once, he would not be a yellow level one I'm afraid even I can't escape. Although we Haitian club lost a hall leader, at least we know the details of the guild in Nancheng. The guild with a Xuan level warrior and a Xuan level warrior sitting in charge is definitely not a kind of one who is partial and has no ambition. We can find this guild ahead of time A gang has come to our Haitian Association, and we haven't got any better precautions yet! "

After listening to Chen Lingzhi's words, Zhu Hongsen was silent.

Anyone who knows Zhu Hongsen knows that he is pondering Chen Lingzhi's explanation.

If Chen Lingzhi's explanation can persuade him, then Chen Lingzhi is free from death penalty. Of course, if Chen Lingzhi's explanation is not enough to convince him, then the third Hall of the Haitian Association will soon lose its owner.

Although Chen Lingzhi is calm in appearance, she has already been in a turbulent situation, holding her hands together.

All people are waiting for Chen Lingzhi's fate. No one dares to plead for Chen Lingzhi.

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