"Lord, come." A little brother standing next to the black widow whispered after answering the phone.

After listening to her younger brother's words, the black widow was also slightly stunned. After thinking about it, she went to Chen Lingzhi. She saw that the black widow suddenly came out. Chen Lingzhi was not surprised. She called a rosefinch envoy. The black widow nodded and said in a soft voice, "the Dragon Lord is coming."

After hearing the black widow's words, Chen Lingzhi's expression was also dull. She didn't expect Ye Xiao to come so quickly, but she quickly responded to the humanity in the sea sky Association: "the Dragon Master is coming. Please follow me to meet the dragon master."


Seeing ye Xiao with his majestic members of the Dragon Gang, all the members of the sea sky association are stagnant, but they still shout in unison: "I've seen the dragon master."

Ye Xiao nodded and went directly to the top position. All the members of the sea sky association are now gathering Ye Xiao. The man who almost uprooted the society, ye Xiao glanced at the whole audience and said faintly: "I'm glad that all the brothers present are willing to join the Dragon gang. I don't want to say those hypocritical words here. I only have one word, add After joining the Dragon Gang, we will all be brothers. As for some systems of the Dragon Gang, we will gradually understand it. "

The weather has changed in Dongcheng District.

Almost all the people in Tianji city got the news at the same time.

A lower gang in Nancheng district has swallowed up the sea sky association which has dominated Dongcheng District for countless years, and the whole Tianji city is surging up.

Zhou Kai, on the other hand, was busy clearing up and compiling all the industries of the society. It took three days to sort out the accounts. He came to the bar to find Ye Xiao. He grabbed Ye Xiao's arm with an excited look and said, "dragon master, we have made a fortune. The Dragon gang has made a fortune."

Ye Xiao looked back at Zhou Kai and asked faintly, "is the industry of Hai Tian Hui very valuable?"

Zhou kaimeng nodded and said excitedly: "it's not only valuable. I didn't expect that Haitian will leave so many industries, which almost occupy one third of the whole Dongcheng District. All of them are under the name of Haitian club. It seems that Zhu Hongsen has made a lot of money these years. Now, even if our dragon gang does not develop, that money is enough for us to spend at least five years What's more, I'm a financial genius here. It's not difficult to double the value of these industries in one year. "

Hearing that the Dragon Gang is not short of money, ye Xiao is relieved.

After all, the longbangs are now in great business. The money they made in Nancheng district was just a drop in the bucket.

From the day he joined the Dragon Gang, Xia Zhengchun, who had been eating and drinking with Ye Xiao in the bar, took a bottle of expensive red wine from the wine cabinet, poured out a glass of it and took a mouthful of it. Then he looked at Ye Xiao and said with a smile: "Dragon master, our dragon Gang now not only occupies the whole Nancheng District, but also the territory of Hai Tian Hui Help to collect, now how can also get into those big people's eyes! "

After hearing Xia Zhengchun's words, ye Xiao smiles and does not answer Xia Zhengchun's words.

When I heard the phone call, I suddenly thought of it. I took it out and found that it was Liu Tianming. Ye Xiao also knew that Liu Tianming, who has no important business in general, would not call him. He picked up the phone and called his adoptive father. He heard that Liu Tianming chuckled in the phone: "Xiao'er, I heard that you took your dragon gang and even ate the territory of Haitian Association You didn't see it here. This morning, Zhang Yongxin's face was about to be twisted together. Even on the Standing Committee, Zhang Yongxin was not the one who arranged the Dragon gang. However, he was finally suppressed by Secretary Murong. Secretary Murong is going to see you. Do you have time now? "

"Murong Cangshan?" Ye Xiao was stunned.

Liu Tianming in the phone seems to have expected that ye Xiao, who heard the news, would react in this way, but did not urge Ye Xiao. After a long time, he heard Ye Xiao smile: "of course, there is time. Even if there is no time, we should squeeze out time, isn't it?"

"Come here early and come to my house first."

After Liu Tianming said a few words, he hung up the phone directly. Liu Tianming's voice was not small, which made Xia Zhengchun, who was sitting on the side tasting red wine, heard it clearly. When ye Xiao put the phone away, Xia Zhengchun said excitedly: "dragon master, Murong Cangshan is willing to see you?"

Ye Xiao nodded and looked at Xia Zhengchun and said, "clean up, let's go now!"

Xia Zhengchun nodded and stopped drinking the red wine on the table. He went outside and drove Chen Xuesong's car. He was in charge of driving. Ye Xiao sat in the back row. This time, even Xia Zhengchun's eyes became hot. He knew better than other members of the Dragon gang. If there was a supporter behind the Dragon Gang, the Dragon gang would not be in such danger this time If Murong Wanqing didn't arrive suddenly, Xia Zhengchun couldn't imagine. I'm afraid the Dragon gang has become the history of Tianji city. What's more, Xia Zhengchun knows more clearly that the current Longbang doesn't dare to continue to expand. It has already offended a Zhang Yongxin. If he offends other people, the Dragon gang will be doomed It's a situation.Therefore, Xia Zhengchun's car drove very fast. It took less than an hour and a half to get to the place where Liu Tianming lived. Before ye Xiao and Xia Zhengchun got off the bus, they saw that Liu Tianming had already been waiting at the door. When they saw Ye Xiao, Liu Tianming came directly, holding Ye Xiao's hand kindly and saying with a sigh of relief, "I'm really worried It took you three or four hours to catch up with you. Secretary Murong couldn't get up. He had already been waiting for you in the box of the teahouse. Even some official documents were handled in the teahouse. We'd better hurry there. "

Ye Xiao nodded and took Xia Zhengchun to Liu Tianming's car.

Liu Tianming's driver, a giant man close to two meters, has a dull face. At first sight, he is a simple man. When he sees Ye Xiao, he just cracks his mouth and smiles. Liu Tianming doesn't pay attention to these details. Instead, he sits on the bus and says, "Lao Wang, drive a little faster on the road."

"Yes, secretary general."

Ye Xiao didn't feel as urgent as Liu Tianming. Instead, he looked at Liu Tianming and said, "adoptive father, what's the matter with me this time?"

Liu Tianming thought for a while and then said solemnly: "there are two possibilities. One is that he can't withstand the pressure from Zhang Yongxin. Although Zhang Yongxin is only a vice governor, he is still a local aborigine. Even No.1, usually, he tries not to have too much friction with these people. There is another possibility that your efforts are almost the same You can get into No.1, but you don't have to worry about the former one. No.1 can beat you at most. If you really want to deal with you, you don't have to call you all the way and spend so much time waiting for you here. Even if it's not the second possibility, don't be discouraged. This time, you can see that No.1 stands on your side, and he has changed his attitude towards you Less. "

After listening to Liu Tianming's words, ye Xiao nodded and thought about what role Murong Wanqing played in these things.

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