Everyone is dressed up as a ninja, and there are some strange patterns embroidered on her chest. Xiaoya opens her mouth, but she still doesn't speak. It seems that she is worried. If the people below are masters, once they open their mouth, they will disturb the people below. After all, the distance between them and the people in Shankou country is only ten meters away. Ye Xiao just glances at the following several There was only one yellow level warrior among Shankou people, and it was only in the early stage of the Yellow level. The rest of them were only the top martial artists. They turned to Xiaoya and said with a smile: "I'm afraid I'm not afraid to see the killing?"

Xiaoya nodded and deliberately lowered her voice and said, "I'm afraid!" Then, looking at the people of Shankou below, Bei Chi just bit his lips and said, "but, I know, some people are more terrible if they don't kill them."

Ye Xiao was slightly stunned, but did not expect that the girl beside her seemed to be a little girl with a story. Maybe it was because Xiaoya's last sentence was a little louder, she heard the Yellow level warrior below and said in a deep voice: "who, come out!"

Ye Xiao patted Xiaoya's head and said with a smile, "just wait for me here."

Xiaoya nodded and hesitated for a moment before saying: "you should be careful of the people in Shankou country. My grandfather said that the whole Shankou country cultivates something called ninshu, which ranks high among the 3000 martial arts, and their swordsmanship are very good..." Before Xiaoya finished her words, she saw Ye Xiao jump down. In a flash, she saw the people of the five or six Shankou countries come around directly and surround Ye Xiao in the middle. Everyone pulled out a weapon similar to a samurai sword. Compared with Ye Xiao's world's samurai sword, there are more barbs on the back. Moreover, there are two ways to put them on the body of the sword Blood trough.

Ye Xiao thought that the people of Shankou would speak their own island language, but he didn't realize that these people spoke the Chinese language with proper pronunciation. What ye Xiao didn't know was that they didn't speak the Chinese language, but the words handed down from the Yanhuang tribe. The Yellow level warrior who took the lead looked at Ye Xiao with a locked eyebrow, and then said with a sneer:“ It seems that you should be one of the teams sent to encircle us

Ye Xiao nodded and squinted: "where's your army?"

"Call out the rest of you and save us trouble." The Yellow level warrior takes the lead.

Ye Xiao also knew that it was useless to talk nonsense with them for a night. He immediately took a hand and hit the member of the Yamaguchi state in front of him on the chest. He saw that member of the Yamaguchi state directly flew out and hit a tree before falling down. After a mouthful of blood gushed out, he convulsed for a moment and stopped moving. The faces of the rest of the Yamaguchi members were the same One change, especially the Yellow level warrior of Shankou state, immediately stepped back two steps and yelled at the people around him: "kill him."

Several members of Shankou state rushed directly to Ye Xiao.

Top warrior?

No matter how skillful the sabre technique is, a Xuan level warrior can't hurt a Xuan level warrior by letting him kill him. Therefore, this is a one-sided massacre, and there is no suspense at all. The dagger in Ye Xiao's hand is mercilessly harvesting the lives of these members of Shankou state without even ten breaths. The Yellow level warrior can see that ye Xiao has already killed several of his own One of his subordinates was killed, but none of his subordinates even got hurt. When he saw Ye Xiao looking over, the Yellow level warrior of Shankou state turned pale. He laid his sword across his chest and said in a deep voice, "are you a Xuan level warrior?"

Ye Xiao nodded, put up the dagger in his hand, and said with a faint smile: "resistance is not good for you at all."

After hearing Ye Xiao's words, the Yellow level warrior's face became gloomy again. Before he could open his mouth, he heard Ye Xiao's light way: "tell me what I want to know. I can spare your life. Otherwise, if it falls into my hands, I will make you unable to survive and die."

The Yellow level warrior put a strange smile on his mouth, looked at Ye Xiao and said, "in Shankou state, there is absolutely no one who is greedy for life and is afraid of death. You should not want to know anything from me."


Ye Xiao is stupid.

He didn't expect that the Yellow level warrior in front of him even said he would commit suicide without any sign. He looked at the body of the Yellow level warrior, shook his head and directly took Xiaoya down. Soon, Chen Xuesong and several other people came over. Almost half a day, no one ate anything. Ye Xiao asked Chen Xuesong to dispose of the bodies of Shankou state Next, will prove to take down, just way: "find a place to rest, eat something!"

Soon, a few people under the leadership of Xiaoya, went to the dense forest, a rare open space, set up a pile of bonfire.

Xiaoya went out with a bow and arrow. After more than half an hour, she came back with a few more game in her hand. Chen Xuesong volunteered to take the game from Xiaoya's hand and took it to one side for cleaning. When Chen Xuesong finished cleaning, Xiaoya skillfully put all the game on the campfire and took out a few packets of seasonings from her body. At this moment, even if she was black and poor The woman also had to admit that it was really a good thing to bring Xiaoya in. Otherwise, she would not say whether she could catch up with those people in Shankou country. Even if she was hungry now, she would not be able to cook a decent food.Soon, I could smell the game on the campfire, sending out the smell of meat.

"Do you often do such things?" Leaf Xiao curiously looks at the small ya to ask a way.

Xiaoya, who was controlling the game in her hand, nodded and whispered, "when I was very young, I went hunting with my grandfather. My grandfather likes drinking, but he can't cook. Therefore, I began to learn how to roast these game secretly. After doing it several times, I can master it."

Smell fragrance, Chen Xuesong several people also can't help but swallow saliva.

"Do you hate the people of Yamaguchi Ye Xiao turns to look at small ya to ask a way.

After hearing Ye Xiao's words, Xiaoya was stunned. A trace of hatred flashed in her eyes. Then she buried her head and said in a trembling voice: "when I was very young, people from Shankou came to Heishui village to rob me. At that time, my father-in-law and Eminem were killed by those Shankou people in order to protect me, and I was also hidden in the cellar, so I could survive It's hard. After that time, almost half of the people in our village died in the hands of those Shankou countries. Therefore, the whole village is now left with only some old, weak, sick and disabled people. The people in Shankou country are all animals. Every year, they will come here to rob, and many villages have been destroyed in their hands. "

Although Xiaoya said it lightly, ye Xiao and others were silent after hearing Ye Xiao's words. Everyone could feel the heaviness in Xiaoya's heart. The black widow, who had never known how to comfort people, did not comfort Xiaoya this time. Instead, she said faintly: "this time, we are going to trouble those people in Shankou country. When the time comes, I can stay If several people from Shankou country are killed by you, even if it is to avenge the innocent and tragic death of your parents and your village. "

After listening to the black widow's words, Xiaoya's expression on her face was also dull. After a long time, she asked in a low voice: "is it really OK?"

Ye Xiao naturally knows that everyone's feeling of killing people for the first time will not feel good. What's more, Xiaoya is just a teenage girl. She nodded and said slowly, "when the time comes, you will treat them all as animals, not people."

After listening to Ye Xiao's words, Xiaoya's eyes are also bright, and nodded forcefully, saying: "good."

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