While the black widow in dealing with the enemy, while paying attention to the movement of Ye Xiao.

It's not the first time that the black widow saw Ye Xiao's hand, but every time ye Xiao made a move, her boxing skills were not shown at all. She relied on her body method. As for ye Xiao's strength, she could not see through. For example, ye Xiao was surrounded by two metaphysical warriors. Although she was at a disadvantage, she was not decisively killed. So the black widow also guessed that ye Xiao How many battles have it taken to hone this step.

Just a dozen minutes later, there were only a dozen of them left. Most of the dead and injured were from Xia Donghai, and three or four people from the Dragon Gang died. Seeing ye Xiao's movement getting slower and slower, Yamamoto's mouth also outlined a funny smile. He attacked Ye Xiao and said with a smile: "what's up? It's not good to be bitten by a wild wolf. At first, it's just a little bit paralyzed. But if you exercise hard, the feeling of paralysis will be more and more intense, until you can't move your muscles all over your body. Do you feel it now? Are you starting to listen to you

After listening to Yamamoto's words, the black widow's face became ugly. She threw off an opponent in front of her and rushed directly to Ye Xiao. She looked at Ye Xiao nervously and asked, "dragon master, how are you?"

Ye Xiao shook his head, a dignified face, no mouth.

Seeing that the black widow directly blocks Ye Xiao's body, Li Yonglun, the national character face, is also slightly stunned. He laughs at random and says, "are the people of the Dragon Gang all such stupid people? How dare a yellow level warrior stand in front of me

"Hum!" The black widow snorted coldly and did not answer Li Yonglun's words.

And Li Yonglun is to look back at Yamamoto taro, light way: "still not up?"

Yamamoto shook his head, narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "now, the war wolf poison in his body has begun to spread all over his body. Soon, he will not be able to move at all. It will be more labor-saving to kill him at that time."

After listening to Yamamoto Taro's words, Li Yonglun also nodded with a smile and said, "good."

At the moment, the black widow has to stand firmly in front of Ye Xiao. She knows very well that even if she rushes up, she will only be killed by seconds. She can only hope that the toxin in Ye Xiao's body can be suddenly eliminated, otherwise, everyone will be buried here today. This time, the black widow has some complaints about Shangguan yu'er, and Shangguan yu'er will be killed It's a pity that Shangguan yu'er's status in the Dragon Gang is too special. The black widow believes that if Shangguan yu'er is also here this time, they will not face such a danger.

Unfortunately, nothing happened.

Xia Donghai, next to him, was besieged by three warriors of the later yellow level.

He had already been injured all over, and he was still gritting his teeth to support him. He was trapped in a series of killing, and he completely forgot everything around him. He only knew about the killing and the constant killing. Ye Xiao also glanced at Xia Donghai with the corner of his eye. Unfortunately, he didn't feel any fluctuation of aura on Xia Donghai, unlike the black widow at the beginning. Therefore, ye Xiao knew that, I'm afraid Xia Donghai will not be able to break through the threshold of yellow level warriors this time. It can even be said that he will never want to cross this level in his life.

And Xiaoya's war situation is no worse than here.

Seeing that Xiaoya has killed more than 20 Shankou people in succession, it can be said that the battle results are better than ye Xiao's battlefield. Many Shankou people are angry. Xiaoya's bows and arrows have been shooting and killing the people who rush to Shankou country. Chen Xuesong, after all, is only a warrior in the early yellow level, in the hands of these Shankou State Warriors It's lucky that he didn't get killed by seconds. However, the cooperation between him and Xiaoya is more and more tacit. As long as someone dares to fight Chen Xuesong, the next moment waiting for him is a merciless arrow. Xiao Liu is just an ordinary warrior. Chen Xuesong knows that he will be killed by seconds like Xiao San when he rushes up, so he is arranged under the tree.

Chen Xuesong believes that if someone rushes past, even if Xiaoliu dies in this person's hand, he can buy some time for Xiaoya on the tree.

Xiaoya only took a hundred arrows this time.

Some of them have been damaged. Since shooting those six people, Xiaoya has only about 80 arrows on her body. This round of attack has not ended. Although she has shot more than a dozen people in Shankou, Xiaoya's archery is not comparable to that of ordinary people, but there are also many warriors in the middle of yellow level. Killing one will waste a lot of her arrows and watch Xiaoya in When there is no arrow on the tree, Chen Xuesong quickly calls to Xiao Liu: "send the arrow on the ground to Xiaoya."

Xiaoliu nodded and rushed directly to take down the arrows on the ground and the corpse, and then sent them to Xiaoya. She noticed Ye Xiao on Xiaoya's side, and frowned slightly. She said to the black widow in front of her, "go and help them!"

After listening to Ye Xiao's proposal, the black widow's eyebrows locked up and said, "here you are..."

Ye Xiao shook his head and said with a smile, "here I am, even if you stay here, there is no significance."

After hearing this, the black widow nodded slowly and turned to think of Xiaoya. Chen Xuesong rushed in the direction of the black widow. Seeing the black widow rushing forward, Chen Xuesong also breathed a sigh of relief. The black widow stood side by side with Chen Xuesong and turned her head and asked, "how about it?""Not yet." Chen Xuesong wiped a handful of blood from the corners of his mouth, staring at the warriors of Shankou country who rushed over again and said with a sneer: "however, if you don't come here again, I guess I'll really have to explain here today."

"You broke through?" The black widow looked at Chen Xuesong in dismay.

Chen Xuesong nodded and said with a proud smile: "you didn't expect that, forced by this group of bastards, I turned into a warrior in the middle of yellow level. Otherwise, I would have died in the hands of these bastards for a long time."

After listening to Chen Xuesong's words, the black widow nodded and didn't make any unnecessary remarks. Seeing that the black widow didn't speak and had no expression of being hit at all, Chen Xuesong gnashed his teeth and said, "black widow, after this time, I'll fight with you again. When it's time to see whether you are better or I'm more powerful."

Black widow heard, Leng Leng God, light way: "as long as can from here alive to go back, I will accompany at any time."

The black widow's physical strength was not too much consumed. In addition, her boxing skills were more exquisite, so she could keep invincible even against the martial arts in the middle of the Yellow level. The black widow stood forward a few steps and said to the girl in the tree, "you have a rest, and I'll give it to me here."


The answer to the black widow is an arrow

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