Ye Xiao nodded and searched Yamamoto's chest for a Book wrapped in oilcloth. Ye Xiao gave the book directly to the black widow and asked, "look, is it the ancient book he said?"

Taking the book that ye Xiao threw, the black widow trembled all over her body. When she opened the oilcloth carefully, she saw that there was a local yellow book inside. On the cover were several magnificent and complicated words. When she saw this text, the black widow was already excited: "yes, this is what has been handed down from the Yanhuang tribal era. It is the Yanhuang department The words of that era were written with special power. We have no ability to imitate them now. "

After hearing the black widow's words, ye Xiao nodded and looked at Yamamoto's light way: "is there anything else?"

"Although we don't know the content of this book, as long as it's handed down by Yanhuang tribe, its value can't be measured. This time, Shankou country has sacrificed so many talents for this book. Soon, we Shankou will investigate these things clearly. So, if I were you, I'd better take something and take a secret name Bury your name, don't stay here, or you will become the thorn in our Shankou country

Ye Xiao naturally understood the meaning of Yamamoto's last word of advice, nodded, and his hand was directly on Yamamoto's neck.

There was no trace of pain.

Ye Xiao gave Yamamoto a happy, stood up and looked at the black widow and asked, "can you understand the things above?"

The black widow shook her head and said with a wry smile, "these are the words of the Yanhuang tribe era, which have been lost for a long time. However, there are some old scholars in the world who are studying the characters of Yanhuang tribe. Only when they can find some people to help them can they understand the content of this book. However, the things handed down from Yanhuang tribe are the same as what he said Some priceless treasures. " I'm afraid that when the time comes, we'll be able to spread out the whole world of the dragon

"So serious?" Ye Xiao is also slightly stunned.

Although I have almost known that this book is not simple. After all, I can feel it from people like Yamamoto, but I didn't expect that it would be so serious.

The black widow nodded solemnly and said, "after the collapse of Yanhuang tribe, many things were destroyed in the original fire. There are many precious books that have disappeared. It can be said that there are not a few books handed down from the Yanhuang tribe era in the whole world. As far as I know, there are some in Dixiao Dynasty A book about Yanhuang tribe, but no one knows exactly what it is. There are several powerful countries, and there is also a book about Yanhuang tribe. Once a Book of Yanhuang tribe is obtained in a country like Shankou state, the overall strength will advance by leaps and bounds. "

After listening to the black widow's words, ye Xiao also nodded.

The black widow quickly handed the ancient book to Ye Xiao. When ye Xiao took it, she said to Ye Xiao, "dragon master, even the people of the Dragon sect can't say anything about it."

Ye Xiao nodded.

Seeing ye Xiao come out, everyone had a tacit understanding that they didn't ask about Yamamoto. Xia Donghai looked at Ye Xiao gratefully and said sincerely, "master Ye long, thank you this time. If it wasn't for you, we would have died in the hands of those Shankou country's scumbags."

Ye Xiao shook his head, patted Xia Donghai on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "I said, as long as you can survive, you are my friend. I have made up my mind."


There were several screams.

Xia Donghai and Chen Xuesong are stunned. Even ye Xiao is slightly stunned. He sees several people standing beside Xia Donghai, all of whom died in the hands of the black widow. Seeing the expressionless look of the black widow, Xia Donghai's face suddenly changed and his body began to tremble slightly. A black widow may not be able to kill him, even if he is seriously injured Yes, if you add Ye Xiao, he will surely die today. Knowing that it is useless to resist, Xia Donghai smiles bitterly and says, "master Ye long, do it!"

When you see the black widow, you have to do it.

Ye Xiao also understood that the purpose of the black widow's action was not to blame the black widow for her ruthlessness. After all, the matter was too serious. The brothers of the Dragon Gang said that Xia Donghai was surrounded by some outsiders. Seeing that the black widow was about to start, ye Xiao shook his head and said with a smile, "I said, from today on, brother Xia is my friend of Ye Xiao I also believe that brother Xia will forget everything about today. "

After listening to Ye Xiao's words, the black widow did not continue to work, but looked coldly at Xia Donghai.

Xia Donghai trembled a little, then looked at Ye Xiao gratefully, and said seriously: "master Ye Donghai, I swear that if I tell you what happened today, I will not die well in xiadonghai. After Xia Donghai came in, I met people from Shankou country, and nearly lost the whole army. Finally, master ye Longzhu saved me in it. After waking up, I followed Ye long The LORD went out together. I don't know anything about the rest. "After listening to Xia Donghai, ye Xiao nodded with satisfaction.

Only Chen Xuesong asked with a frown: "dragon master, what about those members of Shankou group who have run away?"

"They can't escape." The black widow shook her head and said, "all around here have been sealed off. Don't say they are yellow level warriors. Even Yamamoto, don't want to go out from here. If we can't kill them, naturally someone will kill them."

After hearing the black widow's words, Chen Xuesong is relieved.

Ye Xiao saw little Ya's hand still some tremble, slightly wrinkled frown head way: "hand how?"

"It's OK." Xiaoya shook her head.

"Well, let's go out first."

A group of people went straight out into the jungle.

Along the way, we can see some traces of fighting and some remains here. Chen Xuesong walks beside the black widow and asks quietly, "what did the black widow, the son of a bitch Yamamoto, say?"

The black widow turned her head and coldly cast a glance at Chen Xuesong and said without expression: "if you don't want to die, you'd better forget about it right away."

After listening to the black widow's words, Chen Xuesong, for the first time, did not quarrel with the black widow, but nodded solemnly. He was very clear that the matter was not small, and it was still very big, which was beyond his imagination. Therefore, the black widow would not hesitate to kill all the outsiders and simply stopped talking. However, along the way, the black widow's eyebrows were locked He whispered: "I hope there are enough teams left this time. Otherwise, even killing these people will not help."

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