It's a pity that she is not Tang linyue's kind of natural magic power, even the Yellow level martial arts to pull out the bow and arrow, how could she pull it so easily?

When she opened it half way, she saw that Nalan Yanran was already sweating, and her arm began to tremble slightly, which was almost the limit. Nalan Yanran was still biting her teeth, while Tang linyue stood quietly watching. After a long time, Nalan Yanran could not pull the bow and arrow full, and the arm seemed to have no strength and gradually released, Finally, he turned his head and looked at Tang linyue. When he turned back, Mao zujin began to pull again. He looked serious and didn't complain at all.

Perhaps it is to think of Ye Xiao's last words, only to see her red lips and white teeth gently open her mouth and whisper: "I will not let you down."

A slight hum.

He saw that Nalan Yanran suddenly exerted his strength, and his face turned red. He was stunned to open all the bows and arrows in front of him.

Full bow.

Tang linyue also flashed a little surprise in her eyes. She was very clear that even if she was at the age of Nalan Yanran, it would take a little effort to open the bow. Moreover, she was still born with divine power. She knew that Nalan Yanran was absolutely not divine power, but he just pulled it apart. How much perseverance does it take?

Quietly nodded his head and said: "pull a hundred times, until when you can easily pull this bow into a full bow, I will teach you other things."

"I want to learn to kill." Nalan Yan ran a face firm looking at Tang linyue way.

After listening to Nalan Yanran's words, Tang linyue frowned slightly. She knew that Nalan Yanran's body and bones were weaker than ordinary people. She was only 14 years old. For a 14-year-old girl, she suddenly said a word that I wanted to learn to kill. Even Tang linyue was also surprised for a moment. Then he said faintly: "I just teach you bow and arrow, as for other things, it's not me What I can teach you, I can eat a meal after pulling a hundred times this evening. "

Nalan nodded her head and began to pull up the bow. Over and over, even her fingers were broken by the string. But she seemed to have no feeling, so she repeated the same action

At night.

The moon was hanging high on the branches. From Tang linyue's room, he could see the courtyard. Hearing the sound from the courtyard, Tang linyue approved a coat and came to the window. He saw Nalan Yanran, who was wearing the daytime suit, still stood in the courtyard, pulling bows and arrows again and again. Tang linyue stood by the window and looked at it for more than ten minutes He went back to his bed in silence and didn't fall asleep.

And downstairs, Nalan Yanran pulled the bow and arrow again and again.

Generally speaking, people who pull the strong bow will wear a jade ring on their fingers, but Nalan Yanran's hands are not, a pair of small hands are full of wounds, although not as bloody as flesh and blood, but, the pain is also imaginable, but in her clear face, there is no pain in her face I will bite my teeth and say, "I will pull it apart. I won't let you down."

Don't know how long after, Tang linyue just walk downstairs, standing at the door, calm way: "can rest."

Nalan looked at Tang linyue and bit his teeth, and wanted to continue. However, after stopping for a moment, her hands seemed to be disobeyed. No matter how she bit her teeth, she couldn't pull apart her teeth. Knowing that even if she insisted on, she would not have any meaning. Instead, she nodded and took care of her bow and arrow Put well, just follow Tang linyue's back into the room.

Tang linyue just glanced at Nalan Yan Ran's arm and saw that her arm had been swollen up.

It was a little bit better today, but after today, it was estimated that it was difficult for her to move her arms. Instead of going to sleep immediately, she went to fetch a basin of hot water to apply the swelling to Tang linyue.

"Why insist?" Tang linyue asked lightly.

Nalan Yan raised his head and looked at Tang linyue, pursed his mouth and thought for a long time, then murmured: "he is the first person who has no pity on me and does not look down on me."

"Pity? Despised? "

It seems difficult for Tang linyue to imagine what these two words mean. After all, there is no such thing in her world. What she doesn't know is what kind of life Nalan Yanran lived from childhood to adulthood. Even if Ning Qianxue was the first to stand up, she still saw a look of pity in Ning Qianxue's eyes, so even Ning Qianxue had to rely on it Close to her, she will avoid, only in the body of Ye Xiao, she felt a trace of warmth long lost.

In her tight little heart, it gradually took root and sprouted.

Seeing Tang linyue lower his head and no longer speak, Nalan Yan Ran tilted his head and asked, "are you very fierce?"


Tang linyue was slightly stunned. He didn't know how to answer the question of Nalan Yanran. After a long time, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "I'm very good in my field."

Obviously, Nalan Yanran couldn't understand the meaning of Tang linyue's words in my field. However, I still understood the last sentence very much. My eyes were burning and I even forgot the pain of my arm. Looking at Tang linyue, she asked, "when can I be more powerful than you?""When will I be better?"

Tang linyue thought for a while and then said, "very soon."

"Yes Nalan Yanran nodded heavily. After Tang linyue had warmed his arm, he gently said thank you, and then ran to his room, leaving Tang linyue alone in the room. Tang linyue did not leave immediately, but sat in the living room to ponder. She found that she could not see through this beautiful Nalan Yanran, just like this nalanyan However, she has a lot of stories. As for what kind of story it is, Tang linyue is not the kind of gossip woman, and has no mind to inquire. Unless it is Nalan Yanran who opens his mouth to say it, otherwise, she will never ask.

Thinking of the last question that Nalan Yanran asked, thinking of Tang linyue's hard-working appearance and the wound of that hand, his mouth also showed a warm smile and whispered: "you will soon surpass me, even if you don't have natural power."

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