Xiao Nan's face, which was just proud of himself, immediately faded down. If we talk about the charm index, he still thinks that he can compare with Ye Xiao. However, the last sentence is like a needle, which directly smashes the balloon he filled up!

Their women's fate is good, but compared with Xiaoge is a slag!

Hengtian Group's inheritors, according to the ancient rhyme, beautiful women, and Peng Ying poetry, Tan Xiaoxiao, as far as they know, which of these is not the most beautiful woman?

I don't want to say bubble. If it wasn't for him, I couldn't even know one of them?

And such a pervert than a woman, this is not looking for death?

He was forced by this sentence that he had no room to refute

"Ha ha ha, good, good. We need honest people like you..." Seeing Xiao Nan's changing face, ye Xiao burst into laughter and patted Fei Xue's shoulder with great force. The beginning was smooth and tender, which made him want to put his hands down

"We're flying party?" Flying snow a Leng? Although they used to join the party, but now it seems that they have been cheated!

"Yes, from now on, you will be a full member of the party. Of course, if you don't want to, it will be fine." Ye Xiao nodded!

"Yes, yes, of course I will!" Feixue jumps and jumps happily. She hugs Ye Xiao's head and kisses her fiercely. The huge meat ball bumps into Ye Xiao's chest, which makes her blood swell and blood boil

"Cough, cough..." In order to cover up his embarrassment, ye Xiao coughs intentionally

Feixue thought of what he had done just now, and his face showed an embarrassed smile!

What did you do just now? Did you kiss the boss of the party just now? This The main thing is that he didn't get angry?

"That, brother Xiao So What about my friends? They want to join the flying car party, too Feixue points to a group of men and women behind her. They are all rich children, and they are also keen on racing. They have always dreamed of joining the party. Otherwise, they would not be fooled by a yong. At this time, when I heard Feixue mention it, they looked at Ye Xiao one by one!

"Xiao Nan, would you like to take a group of little brothers who drive sports cars?" Ye Xiao smiles and turns to Xiao Nan

Although these children can't fight with others on the road like ordinary children, they love racing. They can make money from this. As long as we develop the market well, we will not have a lot of money in the future. Of course, the most important thing is behind these guys, but they are all powerful people with background After a good relationship, it will be a great good thing for the party!

"But brother Xiao, I don't have a sports car. You can't expect me to drive Harley with a group of sports cars behind me?" Xiao Nan's face is bitter and astringent!

"Nange, you can rest assured that your car has been handed over to us? No matter what car you want, we will get one for you even if it's Bugatti On hearing that Xiao Nan refused to accept them for this reason, the group of men and women immediately called out

I'm kidding. Xiao Nan is the idol in their eyes. He can be the direct subordinate of the idol. He is willing to pay a big price!

Even if Xiao Nan really wants to buy a Bugatti Weihang, it's just a million things for everyone. Although it's difficult, it's not impossible. Compared with the younger brother who can become the God of cars, it's just a trivial thing!

"See, how enthusiastic they are, and now you must agree!" Ye Xiao also ha ha a smile, he really did not expect to come to a car, can also have such a harvest!

"Well then..." Xiao Nan nodded!

"Well, from now on, you can follow Anan, let him take you, and you two. If you want to continue to stay in Jinghai City, you should follow Anan's side. After that, bury Longgang, which is the territory of feiche party!" Ye Xiao said faintly, but a kind of heartfelt domineering spirit naturally generated. Feeling the domineering spirit in Ye Xiao's body, everyone had a kind of self-confidence. It seems that as long as under his leadership, even if the sky falls, there is no need to be afraid!

Xiao Nan looks at Ye Xiao in surprise. He doesn't understand that the territory of Nancheng has not been consolidated yet. How can ye Xiao start to exaggerate the territory here? However, when he sees Wei Xiaobo and Zhang Yalu snoring, Xiao Nan nods. He believes that his brother Xiao will not do some useless work!

No one thought that, because of Ye Xiao's temporary initiative today, the burial of Longgang became the most famous underground racetrack in the world

Of course, no one would have thought that far now!

After arranging the affairs here, ye Xiao is ready to leave. He is also worried about Tan Xiaoxiao. Where are they waiting for him!

"Brother Xiao, can you tell me how you surpassed a yong just now?" Seeing that ye Xiao has boarded the motorcycle and is about to leave, Feixue bravely asks. In fact, it is not only her, but also other people who have such doubts all the time. They don't understand that ye Xiao is obviously lagging behind a lot, how can she finally surpass a Yong?Ye Xiao turned to look at the flying snow, and then looked at those who had just received the younger brother, and then wiped out a smile from the corner of his mouth, and faintly spat out four words: "leap over the Canyon..."

Leap over the Canyon!

Everyone is shocked. Even if some people reckon that ye Xiaoruo is really better than a Yong, the best way is to fly directly across the canyon at the U-shaped intersection. But when they really hear the answer, they are still stunned. In real society, how dare someone actually drive a car across the Canyon?

How much courage does it take? However, thinking of his status as a big man of the party, all the people were relieved

In the eyes of people's admiration and worship, ye Xiao starts the dilapidated Harley and leaves. Xiao Nan will take care of the affairs here

Just as ye Xiao left, the mobile phone ring rang in time. Ye Xiao picked it up and saw that it was not a smile, but her sister Murong Mingyan

"Hello, sister Yan..." Ye Xiao called kindly!

"Xiaoer, where are you now?" At the other end of the phone, Murong Mingyan's anxious voice came

"I'm on Yangcheng Avenue. What's wrong, sister Yan? What's the matter? " Ye Xiao's heart slightly startled Leng, what thing let Murong Mingyan so square inch chaos?

"Come back soon, baby is gone!" Murong Mingyan said eagerly

"What?" Ye Xiao exclaimed, how could bao'er be gone? Hang up the phone, then dial the phone to tell Tan Xiaoxiao that they are all right. After that, they drive Harley to the place where they live at full speed

When entering the room, I can see Irene in a professional suit crying in Murong Mingyan's arms

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