In the west suburb of Jinghai City, there is a wasteful Industrial Park. In recent years, the economy has been depressed, many small factories have closed down, and the decline of this area has gradually declined. In addition, it is far away from the urban area, and the environment is not good. No developer is willing to spend a lot of money to develop this area. For a long time, it has become an unmanned area!

In the center of this abandoned industrial park, there is a shabby villa, which is where the former big owners of the factory lived. Only with the time passed, the villa has been broken, even the iron door has only a few iron bars left there. The flower beds around are full of weeds, and sometimes some chirping sounds are heard That should be the sound of mice rampant passing the road!

The villa door is open, the hall door is also big open, so large hall, except for a shabby sofa no more things, empty, looks like desolate!

This is the only room with lights on in the whole villa. The happy smile of ybao is lying on this only sofa and sleeping. She is kidnapped and can sleep so stably. It is necessary to say that her psychological quality has been strong to a heinous point, or, her nerves are so big that she can suddenly regulate all the external environment!

In a dark corner of the hall, two figures sit opposite each other. In the south, Lin Wuqi is dressed in a black robe. In the north, it is Wang Yu, the former leader of Tianle Gang!

But he had not had the original spirit, the whole people appear old many, eyes are full of fatigue!

Think about it also, the old lost son, he expended all the achievements of the killer all by Ye Xiao killed, and ye Xiao himself live well, such a situation will not be happy!

"Brother Lin, this time you have been in trouble!" Seeing the old man sitting in front of him, Wang Yu said with some guilt. Nobody thought that ye Xiao's personal combat power would be strong enough to this extent. Two five-star killers were sent out, and there was no way to kill him!

"It doesn't matter to you. I took the task and I was responsible for this matter. But you don't have to worry. Adults sent three five-star killers this time. Plus you and me and your people, there will be no problem killing him!" Lin Wuqi shook his head and signaled not to put it in his heart!

Although he also had some regrets to help Wang Yu, but things have developed to this point, said other also uninteresting, it is better to let Wang Yu owe his own feelings!

"Well, just do you think he's really coming alone?" Wang Yu nodded, and he was not polite to Lin Wuqi. He just wanted to revenge his son as soon as possible. He would not think about other things!

"No matter how many of him come, the girl is in our hands, and he can't turn over any waves! , but you told Han Jianyu the news that ye Xiao came here? " Lin Wuqi said, suddenly asked other questions!

"Well, Tianle Gang is no longer a climate, and can not start to play with the flying party. I can only help me with his brothers through the young master of Han family!" Wang Yu nodded, and there was no hiding!

Lin Wuqi nodded and said nothing more. In fact, what he hoped was that Wang Yu could take advantage of this opportunity to unify Nancheng. When he had to divide his achievements to himself, he could also exempt many punishment. However, he also understood that it is not possible to take advantage of the advantage of the flying car party in the current situation of Tianle gang

It would be nice to pull the Han family down this muddy water

Just as they chatted with each other, a huge Hummer was driving in the street like a big Hummer, and finally, a loud noise stopped at the door of the cold dancing flying bar!

A man in black windbreaker jumped off the driver's seat, and two other beaters followed behind, and walked in with a big swing!

When ye yubai, who was in the bar and an 18-year-old girl, saw a person coming, his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled. How did he come?

Quickly out of the phone to call ye Xiao, but the phone is the end of the call to the user has turned off the sound!

After ye Xiao walked out of the community, he took out his mobile phone and dialed the phone of yiguyun. There was no way. The richest friend he knew was yiquyun. He wanted to withdraw 10 million in a short time, and only could he find her!

"Oh, you fellow, will take the initiative to call quyun. To be honest, is it a call to her?" But the answer is not according to ancient rhyme, but pengying poem!

"What about Ancient Rhymes?" Ye Xiao is not in the mood to joke with pengying poetry now!

"What? What's up? " The phone at the end of pengying poetry also seems to hear ye Xiao tone is not right, no longer joking!

"Well, if you want to borrow 10 million cash from her, you can give it back to her tonight. Why isn't she here? Is there something wrong with her? " Ye Xiao also implicitly guessed some inappropriate, in accordance with the ancient rhyme character, unless there is anything important, mobile phone should be inseparable from the body!

"Well, her father is not going to be able to do it. Now she is in the ward with her father for the last time. What's the matter? What do you want to do with 10 million? " Pengying nodded and did not conceal the news that could cause the whole Chinese economy to shake!"Well, something happened here. It needs 10 million to use..." Ye Xiao originally wanted to ask Peng Yingshi to help, but after knowing something about yiguyun, she was not easy to open her mouth. He knew that there must be a lot of people eyeing yiguyun. She must have a strong defensive force around her!

"Where are you now? I'll get someone to deliver it to you? " Peng Yingshi didn't ask much, she said directly!

"Well, are you her bodyguard or secretary? Can you give me ten million? " Ye Xiao is a little speechless. In his opinion, it will take some time even if Yigu Yun borrows 10 million cash to him? Why is it so easy to get to her?

Ten million, that's not a decimal number!

"What does it mean to give it casually? This is my money. I just lent it to you, OK Peng Ying poem on the other end of the phone murmured discontentedly!

"Well, your money? Where did you get all that money? What I need is cash! " Ye Xiao is speechless. How could she have so much money?

"Of course, it's the salary that Gu Yun gave me. I know you want cash. Don't you know that my mother's biggest hobby is sleeping with a lot of cash? So I changed it all into cash... "

“……” Ye Xiao said speechless, the bodyguard's salary is too high, right? Can you borrow 10 million yuan at will? Do you want to work as a bodyguard for Yi Guyun?

"You send the money to the garden square and I'll wait there!" After ye Xiao plans to rescue bao'er, ask Yi Guyun whether to hire another bodyguard?

"Good But remember to pay me back immediately and charge me 5% of the interest Peng Ying poetry simply agreed!

“……” Why don't Ye Xiao want to scold you? Five percent is 500000. If you just borrow the current props, you'll have to pay a rent of 500000. If you knew that, you might as well go and buy some boxes of counterfeit banknotes!

However, thinking of yibao'er, who is still in the hands of the kidnappers, I have to promise to come down. As for the interest of half a million yuan, I will pay it back slowly in the future

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