For a while, he couldn't find anything else to say. After a long silence, he gritted his teeth and said, "OK, I'll let you stay here. However, you have to promise uncle that you can't participate in other things. You can only watch, let alone let the people in the underground gambling house know that we are on the side of the Dragon gang in the dark night. Otherwise, it will inevitably lead to a vicious relationship between the dark night and the underground gambling house, At that time, for us in the dark night, it will be more than the loss... "

I heard my uncle agree to come down.

Flower no tears also appeared on the face of a moving smile, holding the flower nine fold hand, smile: "I know, uncle is the best for me."

Hua jiufan shook his head helplessly and sighed: "you little girl, you must be afraid to be locked up by your father after you go back, and then you can't come out again, so I don't want to go back so early. However, this is not a safe place. After all, the Dragon gang and the underground gambling house are at war. This time, I brought your seventh and thirteenth elder martial sisters here Wait, let them stay by your side to protect you, so I can rest assured. If you don't let your two elder martial sisters protect you here, I will tie you back immediately. "

After listening to the words of flower nine fold, Hua Wulei spat out her tongue and said, "OK! Let two elder martial sisters protect me here

Perhaps because of Hua's tacit consent, a group of people in the dark night have already drunk seven meat and eight vegetables, while the people of the Dragon gang are no better. Only Shangguan yu'er and Hua have no tears, belonging to no wine. Shangguan yu'er is still sitting quietly beside Ye Xiao, while Hua Wuyi is looking at Ye Xiao with a pair of big eyes of water spirit. She really started I have a little curiosity about this man. I wonder how this man persuades his old uncle. She grew up in the dark night since she was a child. She knows better than everyone else. When making the dark night stand up to the huge things like underground casinos, don't say 100 billion, even if it is ten times more, I'm afraid the dark night will not agree.

"He didn't tell Uncle to marry me."

If ye Xiao knew this little girl's idea, she would try to pry her head open to see what was in her head. Thinking of the possibility, Hua Wulei's face immediately turned red. Secretly, she looked at Ye Xiao with the rest of her eyes. When she saw her, she was drinking wine happily. When she didn't notice herself, she secretly relaxed Angry, her head began to think wildly. Finally, she felt that the more she thought about it, the more she thought about it, because she couldn't imagine how ye Xiao could make the relationship between her uncle and him become so good, because she didn't believe that ye Xiao could make her uncle moved and sent so many experts to help the Dragon gang.

Originally, flower no tears hate men drinking.

First, I can't get used to the smell of liquor. Secondly, I saw too many people's ugly manners when they were drunk since I was a child.

But now, for the first time, it is found that a man's drinking is not as ugly as imagined. At least, the appearance of the man drinking is not ugly.

Woman is a wonderful animal.

"Brother ye, when are you going to do it?" Flower nine fold a wine burp, looking at Ye Xiao asked.

Ye Xiao, who was also intoxicated with a smile, said with a smile: "within three days, we must let the people of underground casinos know that the underground casinos in Tianqi city are equally vulnerable..."

"Well, in three days, we'll send the experts to you in the dark." Flower nine fold finish saying, think to just smile way: "nevertheless, still have one thing to trouble you a bit." Seeing the look in Ye Xiao's eyes, Hua Jiu fold smiles and says, "it's my little niece who is afraid to be locked up by her father after going back, so I don't want to go back so soon. So I plan to let her stay here for a period of time until the end of our transaction. I will take her back in person, OK?"

After listening to the words of ten fold flower, flower no tears, the original back flush appeared on the face, even did not have the courage to look up at Ye Xiao.

When ye Xiao heard Hua's ten fold discount, the whole person was stunned. Then he nodded and said with a smile: "this is just a small matter. As long as Miss Hua is here, I will guarantee the safety of Miss Ye."

"That's Lao Ye."

A young girl in love, even when she doesn't know what love is, she steps in. She doesn't know whether it's the biggest luck or the biggest misfortune?

Flower no tears do not know, why will have a special feeling to Ye Xiao.

As if, ye Xiao was the first man to let her suffer.

And he's a very domineering man.

And in Ye Xiao's body, there are some things she wants to see clearly, but can't see clearly.

It's like a mystery, enveloping the man.

A man as strong as his father.

Once a woman begins to be curious about a man, the woman may fall.

The banquet ended.

The Dragon gang members on duty at the gate began to arrange rest places for the night people one by one. They saw two big men with thick hands and thick feet holding Ye Xiao to go out, while Shangguan yu'er, the only female, had already left the field. She had some ruddy flowers on her face. Without tears, she bit her lips and went straight to qingniu and said, "let me do it Help him back If it was in the past, qingniu would never have given Ye Xiao to this woman who did not know whether it was an enemy or a friend. But now it is different. The Dragon gang and the dark night have already reached an alliance. Qingniu looks at the flower gratefully and says, "thank you, girl."Fortunately, ye Xiao's figure is not huge.

In addition, Hua Wuyan is also a yellow level martial artist. Otherwise, it is not so easy to help a drunk. However, even so, Hua Wuyi is not easy to help Ye Xiao. She stumbles all the way to Ye Xiao's room in the hot spring villa. Several members of the Dragon gang at the door of Ye Xiao's hot spring villa turn a blind eye to the scene in front of her. Hua wuyai is good It's not easy to help Ye Xiao into the room. Ye Xiao's body is crooked and whispers softly: "enchanting..."


Flowers without tears, only feel a bolt from the blue.

A ruddy face turned pale in an instant, and even slightly trembled.


She doesn't know what love is, and she doesn't know whether she will regret what she did today. She has not even thought about whether she and this man will be together in the future. However, she can't do it. When she gives her body to this man, what the man thinks is other women. She is just a spoiled little girl Ordinary girl's pride and general girl's temper pushed Ye Xiao away and cried out: "I'm a flower without tears, I'm not your enchanting..."


Tears fall down the eyes.

She did not know why she would have a feeling of heartache.

It was an unspeakable pain.

However, not waiting for the flower to break out without tears, ye Xiao's mouth again murmured: "Moon Charm Bright moon Feier... " A series of, several obviously is the woman's name from his mouth to pass out, the flower has no tears has completely gone

For her, who has never suffered any harm since childhood, this kind of feeling is a bit painful, which makes her feel a little laborious in breathing. Maybe it is the doctor's cry that makes Ye Xiao, who was already 8-9% intoxicated, wake up in an instant. Seeing the white flowers without tears, ye Xiao's face changed, and she only felt a chill on her back, This is not an ordinary girl, but the little daughter of the leader of the dark night. If the leader of the dark night knew that he almost ate his daughter, he would take several prefecture level warriors to harvest his life!

Seeing the heartbreaking tears on her face, ye Xiao opened her mouth with difficulty, and her voice was a little hoarse: "no tears..."

"Go away, you get out of here, go and find your enchanting Mo Yue's charm, Haoyue's going... "

After listening to Hua Wulei's words, the corner of Ye Xiao's mouth is twitching again

Nima, what did you just say?

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