Shangguan yu'er smile, smile has some rigid way: "I think, you will think I am in nonsense! Of course, you can slowly look at yourself to see if this man is really so excellent. I remember a man who told me that a woman is destined to find a man who can rely on for a lifetime. I didn't understand before, but I still don't understand now. But I know a little, that is, the better a man is, the more women there are around him No woman is good enough to make this man give up everything outside

Seeing the figure of Shangguan yu'er leaving here, Hua Wulei is still a dull face.

After a long time, I saw that the flower didn't cry and said, "is he really so excellent? I'm going to see how good he is, better than my father. "

Obviously, Hua Wulei sneers at Shangguan yu'er's saying that ye Xiao is better than her father. After all, no matter how excellent Ye Xiao is, how can ye be compared with the leader of the dark night? One is just a warrior in the early stage of the mystery, while the other is already a warrior in the fairyland world. They are not the same as Shangguan yu'er at all Shadow disappeared in front of their own, flower no tears just step by step back to their own room.

At noon the next day.

Ye Xiao is still in the room, calculating how to make all the underground casinos in Qinglong province disappear on the site of the Dragon gang. Li Fengming knocks at the door. When ye Xiao opens the door, she sees a smiling Li Fengming and says with a smile: "my friend is here."

After listening to Li Fengming's words, a smile appeared on Ye Xiao's face and said, "let's go out and have a look."

Just went to the entrance of the villa.

There are more than 30 military jeeps. They are not regular military jeeps. The license plates on them are just ordinary ones. The people on the cars are wearing camouflage clothes. If it's not for the banditry, it's too much, I'm afraid it's not much different from the soldiers of the dynasty. The leader is a man in his thirties, with his hair polished and wearing a pair of sunglasses. Seeing Li Fengming coming, he gave Li Fengming a hug and said with a smile, "your boy is not dead yet."

"If you don't come here again, I'll be dead this time." Li Fengming said with a smile.

The man in front of him first sent all the people under his hand out, and then said with a smile to Li Fengming: "I've called you to Zhuque province for a long time, but you don't believe me. At least, I can guarantee that if you are in Zhuque Province, even if you are in the temple, you will not bully you. As for the underground gambling house, how can you give me Gu Mingxi a face Isn't it? As the old saying goes, if you want to go to Zhuque province with me this time, I will directly ask a city to give it to you. Although it is not as big as Tianshu City, it is definitely not inferior to Tianji City, the second largest city in Qinglong province. "

"No Li Fengming curled her lips and said with a smile, "Mingxi, I'd like to introduce my other brother to you first."

Without waiting for Li Fengming to introduce him, Gu Mingxi said with a smile: "this boy is the Dragon Master of the Dragon gang who is in the ascendant in Qinglong province."

"Xiao Ye."

"Gu Mingxi."

They stretched out their hands and held them together. They soon let go, but they didn't try to test each other by holding them. Gu Mingxi took the sunglasses off his face, revealed a beautiful face, half squinted, looked at Ye Xiao, and said with a smile: "I've heard of your name for a long time. Even the influence of the holy hall in Qinglong province has been uprooted by you. At the beginning, I lost More than 10 billion yuan for underground casinos. It's all your fault! "

"If you bet on our dragon Gang, it's not salted fish turning over now?" Ye Xiao also said with a smile.

After hearing Ye Xiao's words, Gu Mingxi was stunned, and then said with a smile, "you say, I'm going to challenge the whole holy hall alone now. Will you bet me to win?"

"No Lao Ye Shi shook his head.

After hearing this, Gu Mingxi said angrily, "well, I thought you two would be destroyed by the holy hall in two days. I was still wondering whether to go to Chen Qilin of the holy hall and beg for mercy for you two, so that the holy hall can keep you two alive, and then join my guild. Who knows, the members of the holy hall in Qinglong province are a group of rubbish I have heard that you have won a lot of money in the underground gambling house this time. However, you have to make up for the loss of my brother

Ye Xiao smiles and says with a smile: "when I can get that sum of money from the underground gambling house to come back first, I'll talk about it again."

Gu Mingxi nodded and looked at Ye Xiao carefully. Then he turned away and fell drunk: "Li Fengming, a martial artist in the early stage of Xuanji, is this boy really as powerful as you said?"

Gu Mingxi is a solid late Xuanji martial artist. He is almost able to step into a half step immortal. Therefore, when he sees the early stage of Xuanji, he doesn't have any strange look. It can even be said that such a person can't get into their eyes at all. Li Fengming, after listening to Gu Mingxi's words, smiles and says: "if you feel like one You can go up and have a try. Is the warrior in the early stage of Xuanji really as vulnerable as you think, and I haven't grasped your hand, how about that? "After listening to Li Fengming's words, Gu Mingxi was stunned. He looked at Ye Xiao curiously, but he didn't try Ye Xiao's skill in person. Gu Mingxi was very familiar with Li Fengming. If ye Xiao didn't have some skills, I'm afraid he wouldn't have said such a thing. A group of people went in directly and Gu Mingxi said to the point: "ye Xiaozi, I'm this one I came here to help you deal with the underground casinos. However, my brothers have to settle accounts clearly. Besides, we are not brothers. I brought eight Xuanwu people here this time. As for the Yellow level martial artists, I don't want to talk about them. What benefits should I get if I take the underground casinos? "

"After taking the underground gambling house, this is my place. If you and your brother come here to gamble, I'll give you a 10% discount. How about it?" Ye Xiao narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

"10% off?"

Gu Mingxi was dumbfounded, only Li Fengming shook his head. He saw that Gu Mingxi stood up directly and roared fiercely: "you're sending beggars. Even if I'm sending beggars, it's more than you are!"

"Do you want to give you the whole underground casino?" Ye Xiao continued to smile.

Gu Mingxi nodded and solemnly said: "in fact, it is possible to think about it. I remember that under my hand, there are also some good hands who are specially responsible for this area, and there are not many underground casinos in Qinglong province. I can really manage that point. Of course, I can't afford white medicine. In the future, I will give you two people a share of dry red every year Come on! There is no need for you to send people out, nor do you need your efforts. Such conditions are good enough! "


Ye Xiao nodded and said faintly: "in addition to the underground casinos in Qinglong Province, other underground casinos are all yours. You can find someone to take over."

Gu Mingxi is stupid again

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