Seeing this young man, Chen Xiaoluo raised his eyelids slightly and said, "did the princess send you?"

The young man nodded and said faintly: "according to our latest information, those people of the Dragon gang will be here tomorrow evening, and they will certainly rest here. There are a lot of people. You'd better evacuate immediately after the sneak attack, otherwise, you will fall into here." After saying that, he ignored a group of people from Chen Xiaoluo, turned around and walked out. Seeing that the princess's people were so arrogant, a group of people under Chen's hands stood up and called out in a cursing voice: "it's just a yellow level warrior. What kind of spectrum do you put in front of Laozi? Brother meteorite, do you want me to catch this son of a bitch and educate him slowly? "

Instead of paying attention to others, Chen Yiluo squinted and said, "well, let me have a good rest today. Tomorrow we will arrange for those bastards in the dark to know that, in fact, everyone will play assassination..."

And ye Xiao's side.

As the intelligence said, when a group of people came to Qingyan ancient town, it was almost dark. Xia Zhengchun, sitting in the car, glanced at the map in his hand and said with a smile: "dragon master, this is Qingyan ancient town. It's more than 300 kilometers away from Tianji city. As long as we have a rest here for one night, we can go to Tianji city tomorrow If we go back all night, if the people in the underground gambling house attack us, we will be in a bad situation. Do you want to rest here for a night and gather our strength, and we will go back tomorrow, so that even if we meet the people in the underground gambling house, we will not be killed by them. "

Ye Xiao nodded, facing Li Fengming and Gu Mingxi naturally had no opinion.

Li Fengming got out of the car and said with a smile, "you don't know, brother Ye! This ancient town of Qingyan is a special scenic spot in Qinglong province. It is said that this is a small town left over from the Yanhuang tribal era. Many of the strong people in the original Yanhuang tribal era went out from here. Moreover, there are some special dishes in this ancient town. However, I have eaten once, but there is nothing special about it It's to earn a bite! If you have enough time, you can also stroll around the ancient town of Qingyan. In the time of Yanhuang tribe, every Tian level warrior had a place to practice, which they called Daochang, that is, the place where they usually practice. There are really several Daoists around Qingyan ancient town. I have also visited them. Although they are not of great help to our cultivation, they are still in my heart There's a little bit of insight. "

"Heaven level warrior?"

A ground level warrior is almost enough to make the surrounding people pale. How terrible is a day level warrior?

Ye Xiao looked at Li Fengming and asked, "how powerful is the heaven level warrior?"

Not only Li Fengming, but also Gu Mingxi was stunned. He saw that both of them were black lines. Looking at Ye Xiao and biting his teeth, he said, "how the hell do I know that in front of the prefecture level warriors, we are just mole ants, not to mention the heaven level warriors. In the era of Yanhuang tribe, the heaven level warriors were rampant. It can be said that heaven level warriors can be seen everywhere, but the Yanhuang department In the fall of that war, countless Tian level warriors were lost, and the number of Tian level warriors became more and more scarce. It is estimated that the reason is that many cultivation methods were lost in the Yanhuang tribal period! Therefore, it is impossible for ordinary people like us to see a heavenly warrior. "

But Hua Wu, who was quietly following Ye Xiao's side, cocked his head and thought for a while, then whispered: "I heard my father say that the heaven level martial arts are no longer human beings. My father didn't say how strong they are. But I can be sure that the prefecture level warriors are only Dixian, while the Tian level warriors are out of the category of human beings, although I don't know whether they can or not It can move mountains and fill the sea, but it is still possible to kill a large number of prefecture level warriors in a second... "

Ye Xiao nodded slightly.

When ye Xiao doesn't speak, everyone doesn't know what ye Xiao is thinking at the moment. Even Li Fengming, who is familiar with Ye Xiao, may not know. Ye Xiao's idea now is whether he can return to his own world after he becomes a heavenly warrior. There is only a restaurant around Qingyan ancient Town, bearing the title of Yanhuang tribal era, and ye Xiao stops at the door Down, all people are a face inexplicable, Gu Mingxi and Li Fengming direct mouth way: "how?"

Ye Xiao didn't answer Gu Mingxi's words, but said with a smile in the restaurant: "come out!"

All of them are looking at Ye Xiao in dismay.

Only the half footed Dixian who followed the two dark nights beside the flower without tears changed their faces slightly. With a wave of their hands, they could see the people in those ten dark nights behind them, and instantly disappeared in the dark. Li Fengming frowned and said, "what's the matter?"

Ye Xiao still did not answer Li Fengming's words, but quietly looked at the restaurant in front of her.

After a long time, I saw a dwarf man. He came out with a smile on his face. His eyes were full of incredible expression. When he saw this man, Gu Mingxi's face was also heavy, and he said in a cold voice, "Chen fell."

Chen qiuluo ignored Gu Mingxi, but looked at Ye Xiao and said with a smile: "how do you know we will ambush here?" Chen Yunluo said, with a smile on his face, "I am confident that even the monster of the 2.5 steps in the dark night, I am afraid that we can not perceive our existence. You, the little mysterious warrior, are even less likely to perceive our ambush. Do you have eye liner in the underground Casino?"It's not just the people who are curious about how ye Xiao knew they were ambushed here.

Even a group of Li Fengming and Gu Mingxi were very curious. Ye Xiao took out a cigarette to light it and said with a smile: "there are a group of people who have entered Tianji City, but there is no one above the Xuanwu level. Isn't it strange? The only possibility is that these Xuanwu people have gone to other places, and more than 2000 kilometers from Tianqi to Tianji City, according to the journey and time, if these Xuanwu people want to ambush, there is only Qingyan ancient town. In front of it, the time is not up. So, this is the best place. In fact, I just want to have a try. Is it true Of course, if you go in a few more minutes, I'll ambush

After listening to Ye Xiao's words, Chen qiaoluo's face is also slightly changed, a face of bitter like

He never dreamed that ye Xiao was cheating him. Unexpectedly, he was so stupid that he jumped out. If not, he would die in his hands. For this ambush, he was prepared. The two and a half step fairies on his side could completely carry out the two and a half step fairies on the dark night If there is no one in the dark night, he may even hope to kill all the others, just because he can't hold his breath. He even fails. He looks at Ye Xiao, nods slightly, squints and laughs: "the Dragon Master of Qinglong province is indeed a role."

Gu Mingxi knew Ye Xiao was not familiar with the man in front of him. He glanced at Chen Xiaoluo and said in a cold voice: "brother ye, this dwarf is called Chen qiuluo. He is the leader of the falling Gang among the four giants in Zhuque province. He is the second largest in Zhuque province. He is also a famous cruel character in Zhuque province. Unexpectedly, he would join hands with the people in the underground gambling house I'm afraid it's a bit of trouble this time Gu Mingxi's brows were also tightly knit together.

And ye Xiao just nodded slightly, without opening his mouth.

Chen Xiaoluo on the opposite side seems to be thinking

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