The nine and a half step Dixian beside her, together with one Chen Yiluo, only two of them escaped at the moment. Even Chen fell, because she was a step late, her legs also remained in the array.

Standing beside the princess, an old man with white hair growled in a trembling voice: "what's going on here?"

The princess didn't answer the old man in white. Instead, she looked at the array on the ground of the headquarters of the Dragon gang. The people she brought, dozens of metaphysical warriors, were all dead, leaving only a pile of broken meat. However, ye Xiao's side did not have any casualties. Seeing this scene, the princess's eyes shrank. Those who had reached her level were lost in the age of Yanhuang tribe The passed array is no secret to her. I know that the array does not choose whether you are a companion or an enemy. Of course, unless you can control the array completely with your strength, you can do it. You can kill anyone who wants to kill, and the people who don't want to kill are safe and sound.

The black widow can see it. I'm afraid the person who put out this array is in a very far away place, and how can she not see it?

How strong is this array?

How strong are the people behind this array?

How can the princess not understand this? Don't say that she is just a half step fairy. She believes that even if the tycoons of the underground gambling house come here, I'm afraid it will be very dangerous. Don't say that she is the master of this array. Even if she thinks about it, she has a chilly and chilly feeling. This time, she chooses to believe in the words of the black widow, that ye Xiao, She is definitely a person with great achievements. However, it is really difficult for her to give up like this. Moreover, she knows that there are many cards that have not been played in the underground casinos. Not only are underground casinos, but also among the huge forces like dark night, which one has no bottom card?

If it's true, the underground casinos may not be afraid of Ye Xiao.

And, she knows better.

Although the master of this array is very terrible, the aura consumed is definitely not a little bit when you want to make such an array from a remote place. For the heaven level martial arts, it is all unbearable, surpassing the heaven level martial arts? The princess doesn't believe that there are many people who surpass heaven level martial arts in this world, except in the Yanhuang tribal era. However, after the destruction of the Yanhuang tribal era, it seems that all the existence of those who surpass heaven level martial arts have disappeared completely in this world. It has been 10000 years, and has not heard of it. There are still transcendent heaven level warriors in this world, until now The obscure array on the ground disappeared, and the princess walked in step by step.

The whole hall of the Dragon Gang headquarters was full of flesh and blood, and her white Persian cat was not spared.

Everyone's attention at the moment is focused on Ye Xiao.

As long as a person who is not stupid, it is not difficult to guess that today's events are all related to this ye Xiao. Li Fengming, standing in the back, rattled and said, "what's the origin of brother ye?"

Shangguan yu'er is also looking at Ye Xiao with a complicated look.

The main members of the Dragon Gang all know that ye Xiao's background is not small. They have been paying close attention to Ye Xiao's Shangguan yu'er. Ye Xiao's Yongchun fist and the strange handprint are not possessed by ordinary people. Seeing that Shangguan yu'er doesn't answer her own words, Li Fengming continues to ask, "Shangguan yu'er, do you think that ye's brother will be Who is the successor of a huge sect who came out to experience and saw that the bastards in the underground gambling house had done too much, so he took the initiative to clean up the bastards... " Thinking of the dozens of Xuanwu Men in the underground gambling house, they became dead after only a few breaths. Li Fengming couldn't help but feel a chill on her back and a shiver all over her body.

At the moment, ye Xiao seems not to have noticed the scene around him. He looks up at the emptiness on his head. His face is full of smiles, but tears slide down his cheek.

"Did ye Xiao cry?"

All the people of the Dragon Gang, Li Fengming and Gu Mingxi are all looking at the scene in front of them, especially the people of the Dragon gang. In their eyes, ye Xiao is simply an omnipotent person. Tears, which represent weak things, should never appear on Ye Xiao's face. However, ye Xiao is really crying at the moment It seems to all of us that today's great man is really Ye Xiao's, or else Ye Xiao would not show such an attitude. Shangguan yu'er went directly to Ye Xiao and helped him up on the ground and asked in a low voice, "are you ok?"

When ye Xiao heard the voice of Shangguan yu'er, he woke up from that deep thought and shook his head slightly and said, "it's OK."

But his heart, is a burst of loss, that is a kind of lost lost, that is a kind of loss from the depths of the soul, is it you? Is it really you? If it's you, why don't you come out and meet me? Why? He wanted to scream, he wanted to shout, but he didn't do anything, just quietly calmed down the excitement in the heart, quietly took back the lost eyes!

Far away, in a misty place, there are seven straight peaks. On the middle of the mountain, a man with a pair of stars like eyes made a set of complicated handprints in the direction of Qinglong province. At last, it was heavily printed, and then a star twinkled and passed awayAfter a long time, the man seemed to feel something and sighed softly.

After looking at the others, the man didn't say much or do anything more. He sat down cross legged and slowly closed his eyes. His face was full of helplessness

Ye Xiao doesn't know that in the distant sky, there is such a man watching him, but he is full of helplessness. He just suppresses the loss and sadness in his heart, glances at the blue ice on his hand, and at the moment begins to break down a little bit. When the princess comes in, she can see that the ice on Ye Xiao's body is falling, and her eyes are twitching She hated Chen Xiaoluo, so she did a detailed investigation. After all, she didn't know whether she and Chen would be allies or enemies in the end. Of course, there was almost no possibility of a friend. Therefore, she had been on guard against Chen Xiaoluo for a long time. She knew the terror of the move of "freezing thousands of miles", Even if you are in it, it is not so easy to untie it.

I saw the princess come in again.

Shangguan yu'er, Li Fengming, Yi shuihan group of people are also the first time to block in front of Ye Xiao.

Three and a half steps.

Although it looks a little embarrassed, Shangguan yu'er group of people also know that because they all run fast, they are not affected by the ancient evil killing array. Therefore, several half step Dixian are still in full bloom. The old man in the dark night also has more than a dozen terrible wounds on his body, and the blood has already dyed his clothes red and bitten Ya is also the first time to stand in front of Ye Xiao. His position in the dark night is not low. He knows that there are many mysterious and huge forces that are proficient in some arrays. Just like their headquarters in the dark night, they have arranged a powerful array.

The people who can drive the ancient twelve stars array are at least a day level warrior

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