Liu Tianming shook his head slightly and sighed, "these are the secrets of secretary Murong. Even if I were his secretary general, I would not know these secrets."

After listening to Liu Tianming's words, ye Xiao is also silent.

However, Liu Tianming immediately laughed and said: "you don't have to worry too much. This time's assessment must not be as dangerous and bloody as the last one. Moreover, sitting in this position, you should be very clear that taking this road is almost a lifetime of killing. No one can guarantee that anyone can live to the end. Therefore, changing owners is a very frequent thing Especially, it's like those assassins in other countries. Besides, don't you have the girl of Murong family as your spy? There should be any news, she will be the first time to deliver to you, and, I believe, even if you lose this time, soon, can also turn over, not controlled by others

Ye Xiao really doesn't want to be controlled by others.

He understood that no matter in which world, only holding the supreme power in his hand can he get everything he wants.

If Liu Tianming knew that ye Xiao was even trying to make the top man's idea, he would immediately blow ye Xiao out of here. Not only he, but even if Liu Xiaogang dared to have such an idea, Liu Tianming would still throw people out without any discussion. That night, ye Xiao and Shangguan yu'er lived in Liu Tianming's house. In the evening, ye Xiao came to the room alone Top, looking at the top of that dark sky, whispered: "sister Yan, baby, you say, I see this piece of sky, and you see in the end is not the same?" Then he lit a cigarette and took two heavy puffs. The whole man lay on the roof with a warm and pure smile in his mouth: "Xiaonan, ye Canglang, which corner are you two bastards hiding in? You will not be like Xiaobai's son of a bitch, and mix into that force! I will certainly find you... "


"Enchanting, you must wait for me."

Hearing the sound behind her, it was only for a moment that ye Xiao restrained all the strange looks on her face. She didn't have to look back to know that the person coming was Shangguan yu'er. When Shangguan yu'er was sitting beside her quietly, ye Xiaocai said with a gentle smile: "this kind of life, I'm not used to it!" He said with a bitter smile and said: "originally you just want a quiet life, but you were dragged into the whirlpool of the Dragon gang. To tell the truth, the Dragon gang can't leave you now. If you are such a great master, I think the next time my dragon Gang meets any enemy, it will be wiped out by others 。”

"Since I came to the bar for the first time, you have been calculating that I will join your dragon Gang!" Shangguan jade son light way.

Hearing the words of Shangguan yu'er, ye Xiao touched his nose awkwardly. He put both hands under his head, holding a cigarette in his mouth, and said with a rascal face: "you imagine, if you are such a great master, you will be wasted in a broken place in the bar. In fact, you are a little wrong. When I first saw you, I knew you I'm an expert, but I don't care much. The second time, I was surrounded by several people from your sect. In fact, I was there

After hearing Ye Xiao's words, Shangguan yu'er was stunned, and then said faintly, "fortunately, you didn't come out at that time."

Ye Xiao curled her lips and said, "if I come out, I can't see you now."

"Yes Shangguan yu'er nodded honestly and said, "at that time, I will kill you."

Ye Xiao is dumbfounded and does not continue to discuss this topic with Shangguan yu'er. They sit on the roof in silence. Shangguan yu'er is not a person who likes to chat. Ye Xiao now thinks about Xiao Nan and them, and has no mind to find a topic with Shangguan yu'er. Seeing that it is getting late, ye Xiaocai looks back at Shangguan yu'er and says, "go to rest early! ”Shangguan yu'er nodded and turned to her room.

The next day.

Murong Wanqing runs to Liu Tianming's home to pick up Ye Xiao early in the morning.

Ye Xiao said hello to Liu Tianming and his wife. He took Shangguan yu'er to the Murong Cangshan house. Ye Xiao of the Murong family also came once. However, the last time was different from this time. This time, before stepping into the Murong family's courtyard, he had already felt the breath of several strong men. It seems that they are all experts in the realm of half step Dixian, Shangguan yu'er, who was following Ye Xiao, frowned slightly and said, "there are nineteen and a half step immortals, and there are more than forty metaphysical level warriors. Some of them can't feel their breath. They should be authentic prefecture level warriors."

Ye Xiao's perception ability, compared with Shangguan yu'er, is a bit more terrifying, which is naturally felt.

Ye Xiao didn't expect that the other two forces of Murong Cangshan were so strong that their own dragon Gang couldn't get on the stage when compared with these people. Murong Wanqing seemed to see ye Xiao's idea and said slightly: "their strength is only temporary. Although their strength is much stronger than the Dragon Gang, they should be on the ground I'm afraid that the influence of the gambling house and the holy hall will be destroyed... "

Ye Xiao slightly Leng Leng God, did not expect, Murong Wanqing this girl will take the initiative to comfort themselves, slightly nodded and walked in.There were a lot of people in the hall, dozens of people, almost all of whom Shangguan yu'er felt. Murong Cangshan sat in the middle with a smile on his face. As for the few people who did not show any breath, they were not in this room. They should be Murong Cangshan's own people. They were prepared to suppress these rebellious members. When ye Xiaocai stepped in, everyone looked at them Almost all the lines stay on Ye Xiao's body. Although Ye Xiao's Dragon Gang is in a mess, the names of the Dragon gang and ye Xiao have been spread throughout the whole dynasty. No force does not know the existence of the Dragon gang. After ye Xiao comes in, his sight falls on two people sitting at the table.

One man and one woman.

The man is about 40 years old. He has a face full of flesh, dark skin, a pair of eyes are very insidious. To Ye Xiao's surprise, the other one sitting at the table is actually a woman, and she is still a young woman. Compared with Murong Wanqing, she seems to be two years younger than Murong Wanqing. She looks only twenty-three or four As for the other people, ye Xiao has no interest in paying attention to him. If he really wants to fight, he and Shangguan yu'er will be able to get rid of him and Shangguan yu'er. After all, ye Xiao, who has really seen the half step Dixian's strength, knows that the half step Dixian is not something that the metaphysical martial arts can fight against.

What he didn't understand was that Zhang Qingping was a half step Dixian, but he was so weak.

After all, it's not Zhang Xiaoshan who wants to get a little bit of merit, but the one who wants to get a little bit of merit from Zhang Xiaoshan is not Zhang Xiaoping. After all, it's not the kind of thing that Zhang Xiaoshan wants to get a little bit of Qiaoping. It's not the kind of thing that Zhang Xiaoshan wants to get a little bit of Qiaoping. It's not the kind of thing that Zhang Xiaoshan wants to get a little bit of Qiaoping. After all, it's not Zhang Xiaoping who wants to get a little bit of Qiaoping's merit, but the one who wants "Well, I don't think I need to introduce him. He is Ye Xiao, the Dragon Master of the Dragon gang."

Ye Xiao nodded slightly, went to his seat and sat down. The other two did not let Murong Cangshan introduce him. The man, smiling, introduced: "I have heard the name of the Dragon leader of the Dragon gang for a long time. I didn't expect that the Dragon leader of the Dragon gang was so young that he broke into such a big foundation in Qinglong province. It was really embarrassing for us Whether it's an underground gambling house or a holy hall, they're both monsters. Even if it's Tianji Pavilion, we don't dare to provoke these two giants. Unexpectedly, brother ye not only provoked them, but also expelled the two forces out of Qinglong province. They really answered the old saying that people can't be judged by their appearance. The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. I'm Wu Zhentao, the leader of Tianji Pavilion. "

"The master of Wu Pavilion is flattered." Ye Xiao said with a harmless smile: "I'm just a little bit lucky."

Another young girl, who was too young, looked at Ye Xiao curiously with her big eyes open. After Wu Zhentao introduced her, she said in a clear voice: "my name is Li lingyao. I came from Baihu province."

The introduction is very brief. Ye Xiaohe, Shangguan yu'er, standing behind him, does not even know the real identity of Li lingyao. Only Murong Wanqing, standing beside Murong Cangshan, hears the three words of Li lingyao, her pupil shrinks violently. Obviously, she is frightened by the identity of this woman, and Murong Cangshan naturally notices Murong Wanqing's Look, fingers gently tap the table, light way: "do you know her?"

Murong Wanqing nodded, his mouth slightly tilted upward, and made a casual arc. He said with some complacency: "I am the intelligence hall leader of the Dragon gang."

"It's better not to tell her identity, even to Ye Xiao, or you will definitely get into unexpected trouble." Murong Cangshan said faintly, "her identity is definitely a secret, and this is her first time out to test. Even I can't reveal her identity. Therefore, don't rely on being my daughter, you can reveal her identity. They and I are just cooperative relations and make use of each other. I need them to do things for me, she You also need me to be their shield. Don't think I have recovered them. If they want to move you, even I can't help it. "

After listening to Murong Cangshan's words, Murong Wanqing's expression on his face was also stiff.

She knows it.

Murong Cangshan's words are not alarmist.

However, she never dreamed that her father would be able to draw this ally over. She could not help but look at Ye Xiao with worry. After all the introductions were finished, Murong Cangshan slowly stood up and said, "OK, have something to eat first."

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