He was very clear that his sister was definitely a prudent person. She laughed and stopped mentioning this topic. Especially when she saw that the princess had begun to compete with other forces for these half step Dixian, she looked at Ye Xiao in the distance, wondering if she wanted to find a way to find the venue today. Although many people's attention was focused on it These half step Dixian on the field, but in private are discussing the Dragon gang and the underground gambling house.

Sixty six and a half steps.

It didn't take long for them to spend. Gu Mingxi said with a feeling: "money is really a good thing. If I have money, I will buy all these dozens of half step Dixian. In one year at most, I can sweep several provinces and be bought by foreign scum. At that time, these people will be all over the country It's the enemy of Laozi. Shenwu hall is really fucked... "

"Do you dare to abuse Shenwu hall Li Fengming said with a smile.

Gu Mingxi's whole person is also a Leng, embarrassed smile way: "one is a bit quick mouth."

Seeing that the curtain was almost over, ye Xiaocai said with a smile, "OK, let's go!"

After hearing Ye Xiao's words, Gu Mingxi and Li Fengming were both stunned, and then their smiles became dignified. Both of them knew very well that once they walked out of the Shenwu hall, what was waiting for them would be a fierce battle. Many people had already put their eyes on Ye Xiao's group of people, and saw that ye Xiao's group of people went out, many just playing soy sauce Luo He looked at the princess and said with a smile, "sister, let's go out and have a look at the excitement first."

The princess nodded and asked a person next to her to take charge of the check-out, while she also went out with another person.

There is a breeze in the attic, which can spread all over the island They are all purple, with a little bit of dreamlike feeling. After returning to the attic, the girl with purple eyes took off her shoes, exposed a pair of white toes, and stepped on the smooth fur carpet in the attic. Behind her was an old man. She could not see her age, such as 70, 80, or even 90. She followed the girl and bent slightly Waist, a little sleepy feeling, the sole is very clean, even in the stall, there is no trace left.

"Grandfather Ares, do you think I can really reach the height of my mother?" The little girl turned her head and looked at the old man behind her.

The old man slowly opened his turbid eyes and looked at the little girl with a kind face. His voice was a little hoarse: "yes, miss, you can not only grow up to the height of the lady, but also be more likely to surpass their existence, because you are the best one in our Augustine family. You have the first king of Augustine in your blood You can reach the level of half step Dixian at the age of 15. The whole world can be said to be one of the few. Even the granddaughter of the man in the Dixiao Dynasty was only a half step immortal at the age of 16. Compared with them, you are already excellent. "

"But, my mother said, a woman is destined to find a man and marry that man all her life. My mother has found my father. I have been to so many places, and there is no one better than my father. In the future, I can't find anyone to ask for me?" The little girl wrinkled her nose and asked the old man.

A pair of eyes have seen too many scenes of the old man, after listening to the little girl's wild words, also slightly stunned, for a moment also can not find any words to answer, he is very clear, although the little girl is so powerful, a 15-year-old half step Dixian, even soon can break through to the realm of Dixian, but it is still a little girl who has never been involved in the world However, the nature of mind is also the nature of a little girl. She didn't get the answer and didn't continue to entangle herself with this question. Instead, she ran to the window at the end of the attic and looked at the sea. She saw a lot of people surrounded outside the Shenwu hall. She supported her chin with two hands and looked down curiously.

"People outside seem to be fighting." The little girl murmured, looked back at the old man and asked, "grandfather Ares, someone is making trouble outside. Do you want to take care of the people in the Shenwu hall outside?"

The old man shook his head slightly and said in a soft voice: "Miss, as long as it is not within the scope of our Shenwu hall, we don't have to deal with it. You are the most favored woman in heaven, and those people outside are just mole ants, so they are not worth your attention at all."

"But why do you want me at first?" The little girl asked.

"Because you are the master here. If someone makes trouble here, you should stop it. Those who try to challenge your authority should be punished by our Augustine family, right?" The old man blinked and said with a smile.

"That Xuan level warrior, give me a very strange feeling." The girl with purple eyes whispered.

The old man didn't go to see or even use his divine sense to sweep, because his duty was to take good care of the little girl in front of him. If he swept with divine sense, he would surely find that there was a huge force hidden in Ye Xiao's body, a force that made him palpitating. You know, he was not an ordinary prefecture level warrior, and he didn't kill the little girl What would you like for dinner this evening, miss? Deep in the sea near here, there is a kind of snow sturgeon, which tastes delicious. This kind of sturgeon is only found near pirates. After being caught, it will die in two hours. Therefore, if you want to eat this kind of sturgeon, you can only come here. ""Grandfather Ares, you can arrange it." The little girl said with a sweet smile.

The old housekeeper turned and left, while the little girl, still holding her head in her hands, looked at the open space below, and her eyes fell on Ye Xiao's body. She said thoughtfully, "why do I see him, I have a very kind feeling?"

The little girl not only has purple eyes, but also her hair at that end. When the sea breeze blows, she floats with the wind. Although she is just a teenager, she is still a little girl, but I can see that the man is surrounded by many people, frowning slightly and saying, "grandfather Ares doesn't let me do it casually, but I don't I want to see you being bullied, but what should I do so that you won't be bullied? " Obviously, she couldn't solve this kind of contradictory problem. After thinking for a long time, she didn't seem to come up with an answer. Finally, she sighed softly: "maybe, when I grow up a little, and grow up a little bit more, they won't care about me, so I can help you!"

Outside the Shenwu hall.

People from other forces are not busy leaving. The reputation of the holy Hall of the Yunxiao Dynasty has already spread to every force in the world, and the Dragon gang has also gained its reputation in recent months. It can be said that many people have the same curiosity about this dragon gang. A gang that has only been rising for a few months has brought disgrace to the holy hall and underground casinos. It is just one thing A white man with an eagle nose lit a cigar and said with a smile: "it seems that the newly rising dragon Gang is in danger this time, and it has met people from the holy hall and underground gambling house. I heard that the Dragon Gang likes to create miracles. I'm afraid this time it can't be created!"

"You can't tell." Another dark man shook his head and said with a smile: "I think the Dragon Gang's people are lucky. When they are in the Shenwu hall, they almost die. However, they happen to encounter people from the Shenwu hall to stop them. Maybe this time, the people of Shenwu hall will come out to stop them. If the people of Shenwu hall come out, they will even be holy hall and underground gambling house, I don't dare to touch Ye Xiao of the Dragon Gang here any more! "

"People from Shenwu hall?"

A man who looked a little like a monster. Jie Jie and Jie laughed, and his voice was very hard to hear. Even several people around him frowned slightly. After laughing, he said: "how can the people of Shenwu hall run out to stop him? This is not the territory of Shenwu hall. This man has nothing to do with Shenwu hall, unless he escapes to the Shenwu hall territory, Now all around have been surrounded by the people of their two families. If you want to escape, you can't escape. It's a one-sided massacre. There's not much to look forward to at all! "

Although other people don't like this man who looks like a monster, they have to admit that what he said is true

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