They are all followers of Tan Xiaoxiao!

"No, Zhao Meng offended Lily only for protecting him. Lily is a friend of laughter. She can't make it out. It's hard to fight with them..."

"Yes, it's more than 30 people? We are afraid of them? "

For a while, the group rose and shouted to share a high and low with Zhang long

"Do you want our girls to fight hard?" Seeing these hot blooded guys, Tan smiled and frowned slightly. There were only a dozen people here, and there were seven and eight girls. And the other party had more than 30 people. What would you like to fight? And this matter is so big that it is not good for all of us. He is not afraid of anything with Zhang Long's relationship, but what about his own people?

Finally, I was beaten to say nothing, and I would be expelled from school

It's not what she would like to see

Hearing Tan smile and saying, people are calm down. Yes, there are only such people on their side. What can I do with this strength? Isn't it sent up for a beating?

But what can I do if I don't work? No one would help them at all. For a while, the classroom fell silent

"Maybe, I can help you..." At this time, a sudden voice sounded!

All looked in the direction of the voice, and saw a young man sitting in the corner!

Why hasn't he left yet?

This is Tan smile in the heart of doubt!

The young man is wearing a black medium mountain dress, which does not appear old-fashioned, but gives a mature and steady feeling. His hair is dark and smooth, with a thread covering his forehead. His appearance is quite clear and belongs to the kind that women like more!

Of course, he did invite girls to like it. He came to Yunlong class A for a few days, and he has received several love letters

Because of this reason, other boys in Yunlong a class are very upset. After all, the reason that fat water doesn't flow to the field of outsiders knows that although Yunlong a class is cloudy and sunny, there are still several people who have no girlfriend. Where can outsiders pick flowers in the class, this is a few days of class attendance, obviously belongs to outsiders!

And he is now face is hanging a light smile, that is a calm smile, as if the sky fell down will not change color!

This kind of confident feeling makes the boys in the class even more upset, especially his tone, what can I help you?

It's like you can do anything

"Ye Xiao, who do you think you are? What can you do for us? " The flower butterfly disdains to glance at the mouth, the satire of the face, not only him, others also!

To be honest, they haven't really put Ye Xiao in their eyes, even after this happened, they didn't expect that ye Xiao would help himself and others. First, they didn't have a relationship, but even their old people couldn't handle the matter. What could he do for a few days of class break in?

"Fight!" Ye Xiao still hung a light smile, but his eyes did not see the flower butterfly, but has been around the middle of Tan smile body!

"Fighting? It's just like how many people you can hit in this way, and it's almost the same Seeing each other unexpectedly does not look at himself, but also will have his eyes on his beloved Tan Xiaoxiao smile, the flower butterfly heart is even more upset, if there is not a group of Zhang long waiting outside, he may immediately start to teach this do not know the height of the earth!

The expression on other faces is similar to that of him. No one puts the new student in the eyes

Ye Xiao smiled, saw Tan smile who had not spoken all the time, turned and walked out

"Hum, pretend to force..."

"That's it Why do you want to help me get out of here... "

A group of people are talking behind, only Tan smiles and looks at the back of Ye Xiao's departure, if he has thoughts

Can he really deal with Zhang long?

"Smile, don't listen to him, I call again, can definitely call people to come?" Seeing his wind was taken away by Ye Xiao, Hua Xiaodie was very upset. Immediately, she took out the phone and started to dial it. He secretly vowed to help smile and survive the crisis!

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