Shangguan yu'er rushed into the villa without hesitation. She saw Ye Xiao, who was black all over her body, ran out of the room. She looked very embarrassed. Her clothes on her upper body were almost smashed. When she saw Shangguan yu'er outside, she was stunned. Shangguan yu'er had already pulled out the spring and Autumn misty rain sword on her body and said with a murderous face: "it's killing." Hands? "

Ye Xiao slightly a Leng, and then shook his head in tears and laughter: "in doing an experiment, failed."


Ye Xiao nodded, and when the smoke in the room almost disappeared, she returned to the room again, leaving Shangguan yu'er still standing outside. Obviously, she didn't expect to break her head. Ye Xiao even tried array in the room, but failed. Ye Xiao went back to the room and saw the devastated room. She shook her head helplessly He picked up the array book and murmured, "how could it suddenly explode?"

Ye Xiao read every corner of the array book again. After making sure that he remembered correctly, he picked up the surrounding jade again and began to play with it. The distance between each jade was the same as the position described in the array book. One, two When there was 98 yuan, 99 yuan, and the last array eye was left, ye Xiao also stopped. At the moment, ye Xiao was already sweating. Obviously, it was not a little bit of mental energy to put this array. Even if we had a fight with half step Dixian, we were not tired. Ye Xiao wiped the sweat on his forehead and put the jade which was prepared to be the array eye in advance The position of the array eye.

A flash of white light, you can see a hundred pieces of jade.

More and more light.

Ye Xiao's face also showed a smile of relief. As soon as she closed her eyes, more and more Aura gathered into the array.


A hundred pieces of jade exploded again.

Ye Xiao didn't have time to dodge this time. Because he was sitting in the middle of the array, his lower body was OK for the time being, while his upper body was also scarred. There were some small wounds everywhere. Ye Xiao knew very well that the power of this array was not small. If he was an ordinary yellow level warrior, it would be broken into pieces when it exploded After all, his body is stronger than that of the ordinary Xuan level warriors, so he was injured.

Three times


"Four times..."



"Twenty six times..."

At the moment, ye Xiao is no better than a beggar. She is swarthy and full of small wounds. Shangguan yu'er, who is waiting outside, can't listen any more. She walks in step by step and sees what ye Xiao looks like at the moment. Although the black widow doesn't want to disclose these things, she is still worried about ye Xiaolai After all, he is not from the world. He doesn't attach much importance to these three great books. Moreover, all the people who can come here are the real backbone members of the Dragon gang. So he just looks up at Shangguan yu'er and begins to ponder.

Seeing the trace on the ground, Shangguan yu'er's eyes shrank and said in a deep voice, "is this a formation?"

"You know that, too?" Ye Xiao looks at Shangguan yu'er with a slight consternation.

Hearing Ye Xiao's admission, Shangguan yu'er's face also changed. She was a person who came out of the ancient sect. How could she not know? Besides, which of these ancient sects didn't have a mountain protection array? Shangguan yu'er nodded and said in a deep voice: "in our Yanyu gate, there is a mountain protection array."

Hearing that Shangguan yu'er knew the array, ye Xiao's eyes immediately brightened, jumped up directly, grabbed Shangguan yu'er's hand and said, "tell me, why did the array I put up suddenly explode?"

Although Shangguan yu'er knows the array, she doesn't know about it. Even the big people in her school dare not say that she has a certain understanding of the array, especially some high-level array. Shangguan yu'er glances at the remaining pieces of jade, frowns and thinks for a while and then says: "is the material wrong, I remember us The mountain protection array of the sect uses pure heaven and earth aura instead of ordinary jade... "


Ye Xiao's face changed slightly, and he suddenly thought, why didn't the array explode at the beginning? It was because there were too many impurities in the jade. A face became wonderful in an instant. He wanted to kiss Shangguan yu'er's face. However, he also knew that if he wanted to kiss Shangguan yu'er, it was estimated that Shangguan yu'er's spring and autumn misty rain sword would soon become self-evident He pricked himself into a beehive. He nodded his head with a strict face and said, "I have to ask Zhou Kai's son of a bitch to find some pure jade. I've been punished for one afternoon..."

Although Shangguan yu'er was curious, where did ye Xiao get these arrays, he didn't ask.

She knows that ye Xiao has many secrets. I'm afraid the origin of Ye Xiao is deeper than that of her sect. After all, her sect is not very prominent among all the ancient sects. Ye Xiao shakes her head and collects the remaining jade stones. Only then does she find that the hall of the black widow is no longer available Thinking that the competition of the Dragon gang was not over, he said to Shangguan yu'er: "the Dragon Gang is selecting the hall leader of the war soul hall today. Would you like to go and have a look together?""Yu'er, the chief thought," is better

Seeing ye Xiao come back like this, everyone is shocked, especially the black widow and Zhou Kai. Ye Xiao ignores others and asks Xia Zhengchun to find a suit of clothes and wash his face by the way. He looks at Xia Zhengchun and asks, "is the competition over?"


"How did it turn out?" Ye Xiao asked.

"The black widow is the first, Chen Xuesong is the second, the third is a scholar, and the fourth is a boy from Nancheng University. His name is Lin Huifeng." Xia Zhengchun said.

After hearing this, ye Xiao was also slightly surprised. Obviously, even he had exceeded some expectations. Judging from the perception ability, there were two masters who should win the third and fourth. However, ye Xiao underestimated it. Sometimes, the combat experience is too important. Just like him, he can survive the last half step immortal Xia Xiaoying just stood up in front of you and said, "Congratulations, four of you stand out with a smile."

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