Hua Wuji, the oldest one and a half step Dixian, followed by a direct interface: "the higher the level of Dixian skills, the more difficult it is to cultivate them. My rising sea and bright moon are just five-star Dixian martial arts skills. After three days of practice, I can be regarded as completely entering the threshold of local immortal martial arts. What she cultivates is the nine star Dixian martial arts, and she wants to really play them I'm afraid it will take at least seven or eight years to get out of the power of the local immortal's martial arts. Of course, unless she can enter the realm of Dixian in advance, after all, it's Dixian's stuff. If we talk about Dixian half a step, we can only regard it as a fake Dixian. Therefore, if the Dixian's martial arts skills fall into our hands, it will only feel like a horse or a donkey. "

Ye Xiao suddenly realized.

Seeing that ye Xiao stopped discussing these Dixian martial arts, Li Fengming continued: "as for the third floor, it is the key core of every black market. In fact, it should be regarded as a black market auction. Basically, some people get the things auctioned in the black market. Besides, the black market has been collecting all kinds of things. Almost everything is worth Liancheng's baby, even I heard that in the black market, there was an auction of the martial arts skills of a Tian level martial artist. At that time, a large number of Dixian were attracted to come here, and almost did not fight in the black market. It is estimated that after that time, the black market will not sell these things. "

Ye Xiao nodded. He didn't pay much attention to the martial artists in the heaven level realm. After all, he was only a martial artist in the middle of the metaphysical level. What's more, he knew better than anyone else. Every time he wanted to move forward, he was much more difficult than ordinary people. It can be said that black widow, Chen Xuesong and a group of people have reached the fairyland Ye Xiao had no choice but to leave these unrealistic ideas behind and looked at Li Fengming and said, "well, let's go to the second floor and have a look! See if there's anything suitable. "

Li Fengming nodded and took a few people directly to the second floor.

"Don't you say there's something like the butcher God here?" Ye Xiao looked at Li Fengming and asked.

"It's on the second floor. However, the price is absolutely amazing. The price in the black market is about 80 billion yuan for a Tu Shen. As for Tu Shen's bullet, it costs 50 million yuan per bullet. If you want to equip your dragon gang in large quantities, you can't sell all the things of the Dragon gang." Li Fengming shook her head helplessly and said, obviously, no one can afford the price. Even if it's an underground gambling house, it doesn't dare to equip all the core members with Tu Shen. Those teams with Tu Shen are gradually added again and again. After all, only a handful of Tu Shen plus bullets is more than 80 billion, and 10 people are more than 8000 One hundred people need more than 80000 billion yuan. A team of 1000 people needs more than 80 trillion yuan to equip Tu Shen alone. This is not a small sum of money.

Even if it's a huge thing like an underground casino, if you want them to suddenly put out such a large sum of money, it will definitely hurt them.

Ye Xiao really wanted to equip a team of butchers with thousands of people.

as like as two peas in the battle, ye Xiao also noticed that the lethality of Tu Shen can be described by terror, but the price in the black market is far too far off. Now, the whole gang can only get tens of millions of liquidity from the Dragon Gang, and it comes to the two floor. The space is almost the same as that on the first floor, but here it is. Decoration, compared with the first floor, I don't know how many times more luxurious. At least, some people who come to the second floor are just like dogs. Even the shopping guides on the second floor have good looks and tall stature. What's more, these women's shopping guides are all above the level of metaphysical martial arts, and even have female shopping guides at several counters, He is also a warrior of half step Dixian.

Chen Xuesong is one of the few martial artists in the Xuanji realm. Seeing the situation here, he said bitterly: "Damn it, when I came to the South Tianmen gate, I found that there are almost as many Xuanji level warriors as dogs."

After hearing this, Li Fengming said with a smile: "this is Nantianmen, one of the five largest cities in the world. In addition, at the beginning, four fifths of them were ordinary local residents, and one fifth were members of those families. After so many years of development, almost three fifths of them are the people and servants of those families, and two fifths are still members of those families You can't imagine that as long as you have money, even some pills that can quickly improve your strength can be found. What's more, most of the people here grow up eating Qianyuan pills. What's more, what do you think it's like outside every day They all have to work hard. "

"Damn it, I want to live in the South Gate of heaven. I'm afraid it's already the realm of earth immortals now." Chen Xuesong looks touched.

"If you want to live here, you may have been trampled to death a few years ago." Li Fengming hit directly.

"I'm not in trouble."

"You've got a troubling face, and no one will look at you well. Unless you stay at home every day and you don't get out of the gate, you'll be trampled on once you go out, and you'll never be able to turn over."Chen Xuesong suddenly had a black line.

If it was not for Li Fengming's own strength, he would really like to have a hand to hand fight with Chen Xuesong.

Ye Xiao obviously didn't intend to pay attention to the two living treasures. He took the rest of the people to stroll on the second floor. The things on the second floor were indeed much better than those on the first floor. At least, when ye Xiao was on the first floor, he swept around and saw that the best book was just a martial art book of Xuan level martial artists. On the second floor, he saw several copies of Sanxing Dixian martial arts and some others However, ye Xiao has collected these materials in the treasure house of Tianji Pavilion, but he has not seen any of the several materials he needs. However, after a moment's thinking, it will be a rare treasure to throw out any of the precious materials he needs. Naturally, he won't be ordinary on the second floor I can see it in the exhibition hall.

After ye Xiao walked around, he suddenly saw a bright black pill the size of a thumb.

There are also a lot of pills sold in some booths nearby. Li Fengming, who came by, just glanced at them, then turned his lips and said, "these are just ordinary low-grade pills. Some of them are hemostatic, and some are quick to recover physical strength. They have a great effect on ordinary people, even for those below the level of Xuanwu Big, especially those who are engaged in adventure industry, need this stuff. However, even if the Xuanwu people swallow a lot of them, it is estimated that they will not have any effect. After all, the efficacy of this kind of inferior pill is too small. Let's go and see Tu Shen! "

Xiaoye nods

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