Yuwen Zhoutian shows a cruel smile. If it is the beginning, the Yuwen family still has no way to deal with these people. But now, most of the martial artists of half step Dixian have been killed by Hua Wuji. The only few half step Dixian are still scarred and vulnerable at this moment. Seeing that Hua Wuji's figure has disappeared in the front yard, Yuwen Zhoutian's heart is broken At the end of the flower no trace of the cruel mutter, but the hands of the action is not slow, directly to the Yuwen home of these half step fairy way: "all killed, do not stay."

"Yuwen old man, if you dare to kill us, our family will not let you Yuwen's family go. We will also ask you Yuwen's family to bury us at that time." A young man of the family roared.

If it was Yuwen Zhoutian in the past, he did not dare to do such a thing. However, he now has two monsters behind him. For the upper and second-class families, Yuwen Zhoutian has not the courage. However, if he comes to these third rate families, he believes that there is not enough for ye Xiao and huawuji to kill, especially this huawuling, although it can't compare with that ye Xiao It's weird, but when he started, his body smelled of blood. Even he was a little scared. These people of Yuwen family have been suppressed by other families. Now they can not easily let go of killing people. Naturally, they will not be hypocritical. They will directly rush up.



It never stops.

Just a moment later, I saw that the rest of the 20 families were all killed in the hands of the Yuwen family. All the people in the Yuwen family were elated. Many people were watching the Yuwen family's affairs. Seeing this scene, it was only a moment that the people around turned into birds and beasts, and Yuwen Zhoutian saw that Those people around him showed a strange smile. He knew that this time, the ancestral grave of Yuwen family was really smoking. He saw that the Yuwen family was going to decline. But in a moment, the people of Yuwen family were about to rise and rise. When he thought that the Yuwen family could become a second-class family again, Yuwen Zhoutian even burst out laughing, just one Thinking of a more terrifying existence in the training room behind, he closed his mouth and said to the family members around him: "keep your voice down. Don't disturb the people behind you."

"Yes, master."

Two days and two nights.

Ye Xiao stayed in the training room for two days and nights. When she saw Ye Xiao come out, she met her without any trace and asked, "how about it?"

Ye Xiao smile, the figure gradually disappeared in front of the flowers without trace.

It took Hua Wuji a long time to wake up. He knew that this was their sneaking skill on the dark night Island, and the martial art of a Dixian eight heaven.

A moment later, he saw Ye Xiao emerge in front of him again. Hua Wuji didn't think that ye Xiao could really cultivate the martial arts of the earth immortal realm. You know, it's absolutely against the common sense. At least up to now, he has never heard of anyone who can practice Dixian's martial arts skills in the realm of metaphysical martial arts. However, it's strange to think of Ye Xiao in front of him The more you practice it, the stronger the ability to sneak. Just like those half step Dixian on the dark night Island, they can only sneak for two or three minutes. For these professional killers, Two or three minutes is enough to kill the enemy.

"How long can you sneak?" Hua Wuji looks forward to Ye Xiao and asks.

Seeing Hua Wuxian's look, ye Xiao turned her eyes angrily. She is a martial artist in a mysterious realm. It's against the sky to be able to practice this Dixian martial art. She really hopes that she can cultivate this Dixian martial art to the limit in two days. Ye Xiao shakes her head and says, "there are twelve weights in all. I just feel the first one now The threshold is not even the first one. It can only sneak for more than a dozen breaths. However, the more difficult it is, even my meridians may not be able to withstand it. What's more, this stealth technique consumes me a lot. If I use it several times more, it is estimated that there will be no aura left in my body. "

After listening to Ye Xiao's words, Hua Wuji was stunned for a long time, but in the end he just shook his head and stopped mentioning the matter. He also knew that if he was perfect, ye Xiao would no longer be a human being.

However, a few breaths are also very good for martial arts, especially for Xuan level warriors like Ye Xiao.

Be proud!

Hua Wuji's fierce fighting left dozens of corpses in more than 20 families. At least one family left four and a half step fairies, while the most were seven and a half steps. Even children of three or four years old know that it is good to have a dozen and a half step Dixian to support these declining third rate families in the city of demons. Therefore, huawuji has no trace This killing can be regarded as killing several families with his own efforts. Yuwen Zhoutian, who has always been walking on thin ice, is also full of laughter. He did not expect that Yuwen Chengdu went out to steal food and stole such two treasures. Looking at the people of Yuwen family cleaning up the blood in the front yard, Yuwen Bowang, the eldest son of Yuwen Zhoutian, came by with cold eyes "Dad, those who died here today are the main forces of these families. Now the main forces have been eliminated. Otherwise, we Yuwen family will swallow up these families in one breath."The rest of the members of Yuwen family, one by one, are looking at Yuwen Zhoutian with burning eyes.

Everyone knows that the annexation of those 20 families is not only their present property, but also the third class families. However, after all, the remaining people can be incorporated into the Yuwen family and gradually expand the whole Yuwen family. Yuwen Zhoutian nodded, his eyes were cold and he said with a sneer: "now how many are you Clean up the past one by one, and remember, don't disperse. After all, those families were more powerful than our Yuwen family. If they are scattered, maybe our Yuwen family will suffer. "

"Don't worry! Father, the child knows Yu Wen Bo Wang said in a deep voice.

That night.

Today, more than 20 families who came to find trouble with the Yuwen family were wiped out.

There are more than 500 slaves in the Yuwen family, which can be said to be jubilant. As for the small families around who were also playing the Yuwen family's ideas, they were frightened. More than 20 families went to the Yuwen family's trouble, but they were destroyed by the Yuwen family. What's the concept? Those families who didn't find trouble with the Yuwen family all felt a sense of happiness. However, when they thought that the Yuwen family had become strong and the next day's territory competition, I was afraid that the Yuwen family would take the lead. The old Foxes of each family were as miserable as swallowing a hundred flies. However, they warned their families at the first time Family people, never to provoke the Yuwen family, and in private, a group of people are secretly United.

As long as the Yuwen family doesn't move, they don't move.

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