The loud song in the man's ear is so harsh, to death, he also difficult to understand, a person was stabbed through the heart, how there is so much strength

"I want to be a hero in pursuit of the wind..." All the members of the cycling party roared at the same time. They were all a group of young people chasing the wind. They were racing together, fighting together, drinking together, singing together, playing together

Before joining the party, most of them were at the bottom of the society, some were mechanics, some were security guards, some were salesmen, some were young masters in bars, but no matter what they used to be? At this moment, they are all heroes

They use their own blood to compose the myth of the party, they use their own flesh and blood to defend the dignity of the party


"HISHI, HISHI..." The sound of weapons collision, the sound of swords cutting into flesh and blood, the sound of crying, the sound of screaming, and that high flying car party war song are mixed together to form a solemn and stirring Symphony

One after another members of the party fell down, but even if they fell down, they would pull one or even two back cushions. Even if they were dead, they would not let these people easily pursue ye yubai and others

Blood stained alleys, meat filled alleys, this is not a fight of the underworld, this is a war, a war belongs to them

All the people, even Li Tian and the group of people in black, were shocked by the brake of the members of the flying car party. The number of rounds was several times more than that of the other party. In terms of combat effectiveness, the members of the party had already been exhausted, and they were much higher than the members of the party. However, in a short time, they were just oppressed by the momentum of the party

As if they are facing not more than a dozen people, but thousands of troops

In a trance, Li Tian even felt like tens of thousands of motorcycles rushed forward

Madmen, they are really a group of madmen. Even the most experienced Leng Shaoshang finally understood why Tianle Gang, Qinglong gang and even yuebang were several times stronger than the flying car party, but they were not willing to provoke them!

These are a group of crazy people who don't take human life seriously. If you stab him or two, he doesn't care. He can still knock you to the ground. Such people are definitely a group of elite, not to mention ordinary underworld fighting, even if they are sent to the battlefield

Fortunately, the young and the big made the decision in time. Fortunately, the young and the big made the decision first. Otherwise, if we wait for these people to develop, even the cold weather association may not be their opponent!

At the thought of this possibility, Leng Shaoshang would not let ye yubai and others leave. This time, he had to cut the roots

Seeing the most desperate Chu Yuxuan, Leng Shaoshang takes a three foot sword from one of his men and pours himself on Chu Yuxuan

At the moment, Chu Yuxuan has really become a bloody man. It can be said that he was stabbed twice for ye Xiao in the detention center, and his wound has not been fully recovered. This time, he was slashed several times. Although not one knife was fatal, but many wounds would be fatal. Especially after fighting for such a long time, the whole person has reached the point of exhaustion of oil lamp. If it is replaced by other people, it is possible He had already died, but he still insisted, because he knew that every second he held on, brother Bai and brother wolf had more hope to escape

"Shua..." Chu Yuxuan's abdomen was cut again. However, the sword in his hand also ran across the man's neck, and blood spattered. Chu Yuxuan didn't care whether the other side was dead or not. He turned to attack another man in black who wanted to get away from him

As long as he has one breath, he will never allow these people to rush to hurt brother Bai and brother wolf

It's Leng Shaoshang. Seeing that Chu Yuxuan is injured all over, he raises his knife with both hands and cuts Chu Yuxuan's head with a knife

In the face of such a powerful knife, Chu Yuxuan's head slightly deviated. He was already exhausted and miraculously avoided the knife. However, the knife was still cut on his shoulder, because his strength was too great, and the whole body of the knife didn't enter into his shoulder, and half of his shoulder was almost broken

The blood gushed out constantly, and even the white bones could be seen. The blade of the knife was still rubbing against the bone and made a hissing sound. The sound was so harsh

The huge pain didn't make Chu Yuxuan faint. On the contrary, he also showed a smile and a happy smile

One held out his left hand, grasped the blade, and, regardless of the sharp blade, made a deep cut in his palm. Then he raised his right hand and chopped at Leng Shaoshang

Seeing that the other side can still raise his right hand at this time, Leng Shaoshang's eyes flash a bit of fright, and he wants to draw the knife to retreat, but Chu Yuxuan grabs the sword and can't draw it out at all

After all, he has to avoid the sharp sword in the battlefield

The sharp blade made an arc in the middle of the air, which was almost close to Leng Shaoshang's neck, and even cut a little skin of him, with a faint trace of blood flowing out

Without a knife to kill Leng Shaoshang, Chu Yuxuan didn't attack again. He didn't have any strength. His machete fell out of his hand. His eyes were fixed on Leng Shaoshang not far away, and a faint smile appeared in his mouthSome regret, some have nothing to do, but more is a kind of gratification

"Brother Xiao, I tried my best..." The mouth gently said such a sentence, Chu Yuxuan's body slowly fell down

At this moment, he is a hero. Although there are many things he does not understand, he knows that everything he has done is right

He's the real big brother of the party. He's a big brother

The wind, thunder, torrential rain suddenly fell from the sky, hit the ground and made a clattering sound. All the members of the flying car party who chose to stay all fell into a pool of blood. Some of them still have one breath, and some have lost their vitality completely. However, whether they are dead or alive, their faces are full of gratifying smile What he has done is worthy of the three words of "flying car party"

They are all heroes of the party

Hero of chasing the wind

Looking at the sudden heavy rain in the sky, Leng Shaoshang looked up at a loss. Was the God moved by them?

Unexpectedly, at this time, it suddenly began to rain cats and dogs. Under such circumstances, how can they pursue them?

Looking at Chu Yuxuan who fell on the ground, he wiped the thin bloodstain on his neck with one hand. Leng Shaoshang's heart was filled with emotion, and his mouth murmured: "chasing the wind, you are all heroes..."

It rained all the time. Soon, with the bloodstain on the ground, the rain formed a red brook, which flowed out of the alley and into the street

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