When the purple gold dragon king snake appeared, those monsters who were still attacking Ye Xiao fled to the corner of the sea god hall one by one, and their bodies all began to shiver. It can be imagined that how much pressure this purple dragon king snake brought to them was not only strength, but also a kind of blood pressure. When ye Xiao was on the Dark Island, he also turned over I have read a lot of ancient books in the Dark Island collection, including one "anecdote magazine", which tells a lot about the world's monsters, warriors, geniuses, earth treasures and so on. Especially, these monsters in the open sea are the focus of the news magazine.

Ye Xiao already knew when the purple gold dragon king snake appeared.

This is the Zijin Dragon King Snake mentioned in the anecdote magazine. It is a monster with the blood of the ancient dragon people. It was born in the realm of half step Dixian. It has been practicing all the time, and even can break through its own limit and become a dragon clan.

And it's not an ordinary lower dragon.

Ye Xiao also knows that these monsters will be able to enlighten as long as they reach the level of half step Dixian.

When its strength reaches the level of earth immortals, its intelligence quotient is even better than that of human beings. However, after entering the sea god palace, the purple gold dragon king snake just looks at itself coldly with its pair of gem like snake eyes, instead of attacking recklessly at once. Ye Xiao knows that this purple gold dragon king snake has no inferior IQ than human beings Those half step Dixian realm of monsters have been scared to hide in the corner, ye Xiao also no longer pay attention to them, but concentrate on looking at the strength of the earth has reached the level of a heaven Purple Gold Dragon King Snake, and jellyfish king is shaking his head, she is very clear, ye Xiao is afraid in the hands of this purple gold dragon king snake, will not last a minute.

Because the purple and Golden Dragon King Snake is terrible in both defense and attack. Don't say ye Xiao is just a half step Dixian warrior. Even if the warrior of Dixian yichongtian comes here and sees this purple golden dragon king snake, he will have to run away immediately.

Because monsters can't cultivate human martial arts, but their physical strength is something that people can't match.

One man, one snake.

Confront each other.

Ye Xiao's face also became dignified. This was the first time he had ever faced a monster in the realm of Dixian. It was even more difficult to deal with than ordinary Dixian warriors. After all, it was just a glance to know how terrible the defense power of the purple gold dragon king snake was. Suddenly, the purple gold dragon king snake suddenly straightened up and immediately took a hand with a huge head straight Then he bumped into Ye Xiao. The speed was so fast that ye Xiao was so surprised that it was too late to escape. He had to resist the fierce impact of the purple golden dragon and king snake.


There was a big bang.

You can see ye Xiao's whole person directly flying out, bumping into the wall of the sea god hall and being rebounded down. A mouthful of blood is directly sprayed out. The jellyfish King standing in the lotus platform slightly shakes his head and says, "struggle is unnecessary. In the hands of the Purple Gold Dragon King snake, you have no room for resistance."

Ye Xiao stood up slowly, wiping off the blood from the corner of his mouth. He ignored the jellyfish King's sarcasm. He broke several ribs in his chest. As long as he moved a little, he felt a burning feeling. He forced his teeth to hold back the pain of his body, and his hands crossed together. His eyes were full of purple fire. When he broke through half a step of Dixian realm, he not only understood "Purgatory." He took a deep breath, and his fingers were dancing in the air. At the peak of the late stage of Xuan level, he was still reluctant to draw the purple and gold explosive runes, but now he is much more relaxed.




A completely different ancient seal script floated quietly on his chest.

When she saw these ancient seal characters, the king of jellyfish made a lot of money with her beautiful eyes and incredible face. With a long life span, she naturally knew what ye Xiao drew.

"I didn't expect that you could draw so many ancient seal characters. It's a pity that now you are only a half step Dixian. If your strength reaches the level of nine heaven of Dixian, you can draw 3000 Fu Zhuan, even if you are a heaven level warrior, you can resist it! It's a pity that a generation of genius will fall like this. " The king of jellyfish looked at Ye Xiao with regret. Even the elephant king could resist the power of Ye Xiao's Fu Zhuan, not to mention the purple gold dragon king snake whose defense power was thousands of times more terrible than that of the elephant king.

"Purple Gold blasting rune."



At the same time, the three amulets flew to the dragon king snake.

The purple gold dragon king snake, whose own wisdom is no lower than that of human beings, wants to avoid it. Unfortunately, ye Xiao's speed of ancient seal script is so fast that it can't even imagine it. It just sticks to it in a moment.

First of all, the purple gold blasting Rune made a huge explosion sound, and then I saw that the other two ancient Fu Zhuan also flashed a purple light. The whole body of the purple golden dragon king snake was imprisoned and wanted to struggle, but it seemed that there was a strong force that bound it. Seeing this scene, the jellyfish king was completely dumbfounded and looked at the kind of seal character and eye made by Ye Xiao The gods became hot. Ye Xiao is still a half step immortal warrior. Unexpectedly, the seal script she has made can imprison the powerful existence of purple golden dragon and king snake. Although she knows the existence of ancient seal script, she does not know much about it.Seeing Zijin Dragon King Snake imprisoned, ye Xiao also slightly relieved.


There was a big bang.

Before ye Xiao can breathe a sigh of relief, he can see that the purple gold dragon king snake directly bumps into Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao's face becomes ugly in an instant. Seeing the furious Purple Gold Dragon King Snake, ye Xiao knows that the power of the purple gold dragon king snake is too strong, and he also blames his own strength for being too weak. If he is just an ordinary earth immortal and a heavy heaven warrior, his own imprisonment symbol It may be useful, but it is impossible to imprison the purple gold dragon king snake unless its strength reaches the level of earth immortals and heaven. Now, the pain expression of the purple golden dragon king snake can be seen.

I'm afraid his own talisman also played a role.


Ye Xiao flies backwards again.

The Zijin Dragon King Snake was completely in a rage and attacked Ye Xiao constantly with its body. Even though ye Xiao's body was no longer as strong as that of ordinary warriors, it was vulnerable to the attack of Zijin Dragon King Snake, and its bones were not sure how many broken. It was only when ye Xiao struggled to get up that the Zijin Dragon King Snake rushed directly Go, entangle Ye Xiao's whole body, and ye Xiao immediately feels a burst of suffocation. I'm afraid even a mountain can be smashed by the power of the purple gold dragon king snake. What's more, he is just a half step immortal warrior. When he sees that there is no suspense, the jellyfish King is ready to leave here and lead her jellyfish family to kill those arrogant human beings Wait.

You can see that ye Xiao's purple flame is getting thicker and thicker.

The momentum of the whole person is constantly rising. Although these purple flames can not bring any damage to the purple golden dragon king snake, it makes the purple golden dragon king snake scream wildly.

But the jellyfish king, who had already stepped out of the lotus platform with one foot, stopped again.

A noble king.

Like a king in the world.

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