At the moon villa in Jinghai City, situ Nan, who was having breakfast, suddenly received a phone call. When he hung up the phone, his face changed

"What's the matter? husband? What's wrong with the company? " Seeing his husband's changing face, Zhang muyue said

"Han Jianyu is dead!" Situ Nan murmured, as if answering his wife's question, or as if he was talking to himself

"Han Jianyu? Who is Han Jianyu? " Zhang muyue is obviously a woman with extreme mental disability. Maybe she will not care about other things except her skin and her chest

"The son of Han Wuchen, the godfather of Dongcheng..." Situ Haoyue was not angry at his mother. How could he not understand that his father was so excellent that he would marry such a mother?

If she were not her own mother, she would have scolded on the spot

Nowadays, Jinghai city is full of wind and clouds. Although the situ family has a big family and a great career, they are a little careless, which means that they are doomed. Under such circumstances, you are not required to pay more attention to some current affairs, but at least the most important figures you should know!

"He did it?" Ignoring her mother's slightly changed face, situ Haoyue asked her father again. At the same time, her face was full of surprise

Han Jianyu is Han Wuchen's son and the successor of Han Tianhui. He has a unique identity and is protected by experts. Moreover, he is not a bag of straw. He can't die for no reason. He must have been killed by someone who has a grudge against him. Then ye Xiao is the one who has the most hatred against him. But with the strength of the party, how can he deal with Han Jianyu?

That's the fourth master of Yunlong. It's not Wang Xiaojian or Zhang Haozhe

"Well, he was alone..." Situ Nan nodded and was very satisfied with his daughter's perception

"Ah?" Situ Haoyue was surprised enough, but when he was alone, his face suddenly changed

How can a man kill Han Jianyu? Not to mention Han Jianyu's own strength, we can say that the elite around him is no less than two figures, and there is a super master like Leng Shaoshang. How can such a lineup be killed by one person?

Is his strength so strong?

"Don't go out these days. Stay at home. I'll go to the company first..." Situ Haoyue didn't look at his daughter's face. She got up and grabbed her clothes and went outside!

Han Jianyu's death, Han Wuchen will certainly be furious, evil king Wuchen, blood flow into a river!

The most likely time to return to the calm sea is to stay in the calm sea!

He didn't want his only two relatives involved in this struggle

As he walked outside, situ Nan was thinking about what might happen, especially the young man who killed Han Jianyu alone. His brows were tightly knit together

This time, completely angered Han Wuchen, in the face of Han Wuchen's anger, can he bear it?

This is definitely the biggest disaster for him. Once he has survived this disaster, he will also complete a complete transformation!

From the transformation of Jinling Hualong, once you can't get through it, there won't be ye Xiao again in Jinghai City, let alone the existence of the flying car party

At this time, what should I do?

Reason tells situ Nan that he should try his best to help Han Wuchen kill Ye Xiao. After all, his daughter and ye Xiao are not happy. Once Ye Xiao's power is greatly increased, it will not be good for the whole situ family. Moreover, Han Wuchen is in great power, and ye Xiao's chance to turn the tables is almost zero

Under such circumstances, assisting Han Wuchen to kill Ye Xiao together will not only remove a serious problem, but also win Han Wuchen's friendship. At that time, he will have a greater voice in the Xingyao meeting!

But can he really do that?

at the beginning, he had been guilty for a long time. If he wanted to fall down at this time, would he still be a person?

Situ Nan understood that the status of the situ family today was all due to the Ye family, and he could never do anything wrong to him again

If it's a little help from him

At last, he made a decision, which saved the life of the situ family

Different from the situ family, in an old house with a history of at least 400 years in the north city of Jinghai City, the gloomy looking Wang tiannu is lying on the bed. In front of him, Wang Yang and Wang Qi two brothers respectfully stand there. In addition, some senior officials of the tiannu society are also here

At the first time Han Jianyu died, the senior officials of tiannu Association told Wang tiannu the news

Wang tiannu fought too much when he was young, and some old wounds recurred. In a few days, the whole person seemed to be aged for decades

Hearing Ye Xiao kill Han Jianyu alone, Wang tiannu has been silent. The whole room is immersed in a heavy oppression. Everyone holds their breath. They all know that Wang tiannu is thinking. Once he speaks, every word he says may affect the future development of tiannu society and even the whole city of JinghaiSlowly, Wang tiannu slowly opened his turbid eyes. His eyes swept over the audience and finally stayed on his two sons

His eldest son inherited his own domineering spirit, which is the temperament that a king should have. Especially if he wants to inherit his position, it is difficult to convince the public without corresponding domineering. He should have been the best successor of the next chairman of tiannu society

But now, there is a Ye Xiao

That is a more domineering, stronger and more powerful figure. Even his eldest son is much worse than him. At least Wang tiannu doesn't think his eldest son has such courage. He dares to rush into the opponent's headquarters alone and take the other party's head in the crowd

This requires not only a strong strength, but also a strong courage and a precise mind, all of which are indispensable

In this respect, his two second sons are not as good as him

If he died, his eldest son would have no problem inheriting tiannu, especially in the case of Han Jianyu's death, he would be invincible among the younger generation of Jinghai Mafia

But the problem is that the kid didn't die

As long as he is not dead, everything is possible

Didn't he have to go through countless life and death to today?

There is a kind of thing called miracle in this world, and he is obviously a man who has created miracles repeatedly. Facing such an opponent, if the anger of heaven is handed over to the eldest son, will there be a future?

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