She knew that, just as ye Xiao said, Gao Shihu's Qi and blood was not strong, and he could only be regarded as an ordinary Dixian. If it wasn't for him, the emperor's thirteen cuts could hurt the spirits. The jellyfish King believed that he could kill the whole Gao Shihu even with his body.

"How could it be?" Ye menglang said with astonishment: "this ye Xiao is only a warrior in the realm of Dixian, can he hurt Dixian?"

"This Gao Shihu is just an ordinary immortal, and even the spirit and the body have not been able to separate. Without separation, the spirit can not use the law of heaven and earth. It is not surprising that the young generation of Ye family can also kill this common immortal in the half step earth immortal realm." Standing behind ye menglang, the old man squinted at Ye Xiao and said, "however, I didn't expect that he would still have the ancient Fu Zhuan. The front one was the soul subduing rune, and the back one should be the explosive rune. It's a pity that there will be too few. If there are 3000 kinds of them, it is estimated that even the warriors below the five levels of the earth immortal will suffer in his hands."

"I want you dead." Gao Shihu rushes to Ye Xiao again.

"Beyond our means." Ye Xiao snorted coldly and waved his hand. He saw more than a dozen Ancient Runes directly emerging in front of him. Seeing these ancient runes, he had suffered a loss once. He knew that these ancient runes were very powerful. Even if he was protecting his body with aura, if he was blown up by so many Ancient Runes, he would be very hurt. Before Gao Shihu stopped, he saw more than a dozen explosive symbols Flying directly to himself, as fast as lightning, Gao Shihu's face changed in an instant. Before he could escape, these explosive symbols were pasted on his body.


One explosion after another.

A layer of blood mist exploded.

When I met a warrior, I was shocked to see that all the people were shocked After all, there are some people in Xiaowu family who are too strong to be astonished at. Even though they are not so strong in the world, they are not even surprised.

The colorful dragon scale spear of Ye family has fully exerted its power. It is not difficult to kill such a Dixian.

Although Ye Xiao didn't rely on them, there was something as terrible as the ancient seal script. Before Gao Shihu opened his mouth, he saw the purple flames on Ye Xiao, and he rushed to Gao Shihu. If it was normal, the aura of Gao Shihu could still resist Ye Xiao's purple flame. But now, the purple fire on Ye Xiao's body is destroyed When the flame burned, Gao Shihu only felt that his body and spirit were stabbing, and it was a kind of stinging pain that he could not bear. He let out a shrill scream. Gao Shijun, trapped in the sea rising bright moon, heard his brother's scream, and his whole face sank. He gritted his teeth and said, "reckless, dare to hurt my brother, I will make you die badly."

Ye Xiao ignores Gao Shijun, but slowly burns Gao Shihu with his purple flame.

If it's just a half step Dixian, I'm afraid these flames can make them disappear in an instant. But this is a real Dixian. Seeing that Gao Shijun wants to break away from the rising moon, Hua's face changes slightly. Shangguan yu'er, who has already eased down, is to put away his spring and autumn misty rain sword technique, put his hands together, and his eyes flash Out of a silk of black fog, mouth is issued a gloomy voice: "samsara plate."

A huge black roulette emerges under everyone's feet.

"Dixian jiuchongtian's martial arts?" Gao Shijun's face also changed slightly. He saw that although the samsara plate on the bottom of his feet was still empty, a huge attraction had spread from the samsara plate. Those half step Dixian, which were protected by the Dixian, were directly involved in the samsara plate and gave out a shrill scream, but disappeared in a moment, or even, a breath The Dixian, whose blood was a little bit worse, also fell into the samsara plate, and disappeared here in a flash. The remaining Dixian, one by one, could not help but take a breath of cool air, and fought with all their heart and soul to play the great attraction of this samsara plate.

No trace of flowers did not expect that the power of this samsara plate is so great.

He had known for a long time that Shangguan yu'er was practicing the Dixian martial arts skills that ye Xiao had found from the dark night island in the half step Dixian realm, but he didn't expect that it was the reincarnation plate in front of him. Gao Shijun stood motionless in the middle of the wheel and looked at Shangguan yu'er in the opposite direction with a sneer: "yes, Dixian nine It's a pity that chongtian's martial arts would have been a little tricky if you hadn't been injured in front of you. This kind of martial arts skill of the earth immortal jiuchongtian consumes not a little bit of aura. I'd like to see how long you can persist. " After that, he called out to the immortals behind him: "hold on. Although the Dixian's martial arts are powerful, she can't hold on for long."

"Good."Standing beside Murong Cangshan, Anlu mountain is also shocked. He looks at Ye Xiao and Shangguan yu'er and says, "I didn't expect that ye Xiao and Shangguan yu'er are so strong."

"If it is not strong, it will not support such a dragon gang in a short time." Murong Cangshan narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Ye Xiao with some regret and said: "it's a pity that ye Xiao is born proud. No one can recover him. Otherwise, with such a helper, our Murong family can also lay a foundation in Nantianmen in a short time. Such a person is too dangerous. The best way is to completely defeat him before he is young He was destroyed. "

Anlu mountain nodded, and he didn't want to go to recover Ye Xiao in the bottom of his heart.

Because he is very clear, even if ye Xiao is recovered, he will not be him. If Murong Cangshan really gets the help of Ye Xiao, he will definitely become a dispensable existence at that time. Murong Cangshan himself does not know that he and ye Xiao will come to this point, and the relationship between him and Anlu mountain is really not small, and even some intelligence is nothing Some things, if not for the information provided by Anlu mountain, I'm afraid that Murong Cangshan would not choose to tear up his face with Ye Xiao so soon.

"Ye Xiao, I must make sure you don't die easily..." Gao Shihu roared heartrendingly.

Ye Xiao's purple flames can not only burn his body, but also his soul. As the old man of Dixian behind ye menglang said, if his spirit and body can be separated, then the law of heaven and earth can be applied. At present, he is just a powerful man who is much stronger than half step Dixian The martial arts skills of Dixian are much better than those of half step Dixian. The purple flame is burning Gao Shihu. Everyone can see that Gao Shihu's body is less and less, and even many places have been completely burned by the purple flame.

Gao Shijun, who was trapped in the samsara plate, saw his brother's appearance, and his eyes turned red. He roared, "Ye Xiao, I will definitely make you worse than dead."

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