Chen Sihan's eyes also stayed in the array inside the border. He saw that Gao Shijun and his men were tired of dealing with the eight fire dragons. Hearing ye menglang's words, he nodded slightly and said with a bitter smile: "it's a pity that if I had come to Qinglong Province, ye Xiaoying would have been my man. Murong Cangshan's mind is too deep to allow any one bit of it Enough power to control appeared in front of him. Unfortunately, killing such a talented person is definitely a huge loss for Murong Cangshan! "

"Even if he did not die in the hands of Murong Cangshan, he would die in the hands of our Ye family." Ye menglang's light way.

After hearing ye menglang's words, Chen Sihan was stunned. He immediately thought of the unhappiness of Ye Xiao and ye's family in Nantianmen. In addition, if ye Xiao was not for him, the position of the twelve giants would fall on ye menglang's head. We can imagine how deep the Ye family's resentment against ye Xiao is, which makes Chen Sihan think of a proverb: "it is not enviable It's a mediocre. " Obviously, ye Xiao is definitely a genius who will be envied by countless people if he stands up. Such a character is born in this world. It is better for such a character to appear in a big family. After all, there is a big family's protection. However, it is absolutely difficult to grow up in the outside world.

However, no one dares to deny that once such a character grows up, it is absolutely a terrible existence.

When the guests around looked at Ye Xiao, there was no more schadenfreude and contempt at the beginning. A warrior in the realm of Dixian could resist three Dixian, and there was also a warrior of double heaven of Dixian. Li Qiuyue, sitting next to master Li lingyao, had a look of shock in her eyes. She found that every time she saw Ye Xiao, she found that All men seem to be able to surprise themselves. Like others, she knows that if she gives this man a little room to grow up, she may really become a giant. After taking a deep breath, she looks at Li lingyao's master and says, "elder, is Ye Xiao the legendary master of array?"

The man on the Tianshui nodded his head slightly and said, "this is the second-order array of the eight barren fire dragon array, which needs to be controlled by the spirit. Unlike the first-order array, which only needs to remember some array feet and array eyes, an array mage can arrange the array with the spirit."

After listening to the words of the man on the Tianshui River, Li Qiuyue was happy in his eyes, and quickly turned to the man on the water: "master, I remember there was a record in the hall of nine heavenly Xuannu. When master Zhen was in the Yanhuang tribal era, although it was a group with the least number of people, it was a strong group that no one would like to provoke. This ye Xiao is a mage array, if we save it today He, even if he had made a good relationship with him, he would not refuse if we wanted to trouble him with anything in the temple. This is the best chance for us to get in touch with an array mage! And master, don't you say that our nine heaven Xuannv hall actually has 9999 arrays? But now more than half of the arrays have failed. Especially, there are several extremely powerful mountain guarding arrays. We need array mages to rearrange them for us. Isn't Ye Xiao a master of array? "

After listening to Li Qiuyue's words, the man on Tianshui frowned slightly, then relaxed, and said without expression: "he is just a second-order array mage. Many arrays have disappeared since the time of Yanhuang tribe. Even in the hall of nine heavenly Xuannv, there are only one third-order and one sixth level array book. A master of array wants to grow from the second level to the third level The difficulty of level 9 is no less than that of an ordinary person who cultivates martial arts at heaven level from the beginning. What's more, even if we support him at the back of the nine heaven Xuannu hall, we can't find him an array book of level 3 to 9, especially the array book of level 9. I'm afraid that the world may not find one, and the array of nine heaven Xuannv hall needs nine level array Only the teacher can repair it. "

Li Qiuyue's face changed slightly. She took a deep breath and suppressed her urgent mood completely. She looked at the man on the Tianshui River: "master, is there no other way to cultivate to the Ninth level?"


The man in Tianshui shook his head and said, "master array is a very mysterious group. Because they are too powerful, there are already many warriors who can't tolerate them in the time of Yanhuang tribe. Unless they are those with strong talent, otherwise, even if there are many warriors, they are ants in master array's hands Cultivation is different from others. They need arrays to grow. It's just like Ye Xiao's second-order array now. However, if there are other array charts, it's easy for you to let him play second-order array again. Because the array eyes required in each stage are all imaginable, but other places are different. As far as I know, the second-order array needs spirit Controlling 999 array eyes at the same time, it's good that he can become a second-order array mage. Even if he doesn't have enemies, he doesn't want to be a level nine array mage all his life. "

"Because there is no array book?" Li Qiuyue asked.


The man on the Tianshui shook his head and said, "this is related to some secrets of the array mage. We also had several powerful array mages in the nine days Xuannv hall, especially the younger sister of the first generation leader, who was the first elder of our nine heaven Xuannv hall. She was a nine level array mage, but there were still some six level and seven level arrays in the back Mage, as for the specific reason, there is no record in our information, but it is mentioned that the more backward the array mage is, the greater the requirements of the spirit will be. Moreover, the array after the sixth level needs some guidance. Without the guidance of the master, even putting the array book in front of you is useless. The array before the sixth level is almost universal With their powerful spirits, they can quickly master them. However, the array after the sixth level is not so easy. Each array contains many laws of heaven, which is not easy to understand. "Li Qiuyue nodded vaguely.

However, she knew that it was almost impossible to let people on Tianshui fight. Originally, she was a strong and incomparable master of array. In the present world, it seemed that she was not favored by her master. After listening to her master's words, Li Qiuyue also knew that it was almost impossible for ye Xiao to become a nine level master of array. Now Ye Xiao is already in the realm of half step Dixian, but a second-order array makes his spirit hard to bear. If it's level nine, I'm afraid even the powerful spirit among the heaven level warriors may not be able to bear it

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