

just for a moment, a word appeared in the deep eyebrows of the old man of jiuchongtian and the man on Tianshui. However, different from the elder elder, the words in the deep brow of the two were still chaotic and vague, and their momentum could not be compared with that of the elder. However, ye Xiao, sitting at the back, saw several people in front of him and in his eyes The king jellyfish, who was sitting next to him, spoke softly and explained: "the old man of jiuchongtian, the earth immortal, understood many laws of heaven and earth, but finally chose the word" Bing ". The woman in the temple of nine heavenly Xuannv chose the word" sword ". However, the elder master has almost integrated all the laws of heaven and earth together It's still very early for both of them. "

Ye Xiao nodded.

And sitting on the chair Murong Cangshan light way: "one does not stay."

Ye Xiao turned his head and looked at the Anlu mountain which was caught by the jellyfish king. He said with a smile: "it seems that you don't have enough weight in the heart of Murong Cangshan Mountain!"

After hearing Ye Xiao's words, Anlu mountain, whose face had been pinched white by the jellyfish king, became more distorted. He looked at Ye Xiao with a sneer and said, "Ye Xiao, don't stir up trouble in the middle. If a hero doesn't have such a little mind, his adoptive father can't get to where he is today. Even if I die in your hands today, there are so many of you to accompany me Burying is enough. I didn't expect that there would be so many Dixian in Anlu mountain one day. Half step Dixian will come to bury me with me. After death, I believe my adoptive father will give me a grand funeral. However, I'm afraid that all of you will be dead in the wilderness. Do you think it's me who is more pitiful or you who is more pitiful? "

See Murong Cangshan over there people one by one came over, jellyfish King slightly frowned and said: "kill it!"

Hearing the faint words "kill it" of jellyfish king, Anlu mountain's eyelids trembled and his lips moved, but he didn't say a word at all. He was very hard at first. But when it came to life and death, he was afraid. He waited for more than 20 years until Murong Cangshan became one of the twelve giants He is the only son of the mountain. He knows very well that with the support of Murong Cangshan, he can be regarded as a figure in the South Gate of heaven. However, he didn't expect to die before leaving school. When he saw Anlu mountain, his eyes were full of panic, and ye Xiao's mouth showed a slight smile, and said blandly: "his two legs have been abandoned."


With a shrill scream, Murong Cangshan, sitting on the chair, saw that the jellyfish King forcefully broke both legs of Anlu mountain and punched Anlu mountain's stomach. The old man standing beside Murong Cangshan frowned slightly and said, "Anlu mountain is abandoned."

"Abandoned?" Murong Cangshan was slightly stunned.

The old man nodded his head and said, "his knowledge of the sea was broken by that jellyfish king. Now he is an ordinary man."

Thinking of Anlu mountain's two legs broken and becoming an ordinary person, Murong Cangshan's eyes are red. Although he is a man of cold nature, Anlu mountain is not his own, but has been following him for more than 20 years. Of all his chess pieces, Anlu mountain is undoubtedly the most important one. If these years are not Anlu Shan, he will also be a lot more difficult, directly stood up, glared at Ye Xiao and jellyfish king, gnashing teeth and saying: "kill, you must kill that barbarian for me, I will tear his corpse into pieces..."

A group of people rushed directly to Ye Xiao.

The elder of Xiaoye directly brought a few of the elder's realm in the middle.

"I didn't expect to see such a lively and wonderful play when I came to Murong Cangshan today." Ye menglang's smile on his face.

"It's a pity that there's not much suspense about the end." Chen Sihan shook his head and sighed.

"No Ye menglang shook his head, and his eyes fell on Ye Xiao inside the border. He said with a slight smile: "I found that I can't see through that ye Xiao. From beginning to end, although he has always been at a disadvantage, he has not shown any nervous and uneasy look. Even if the barbarians around him break the two legs of Anlu mountain and scrap such a half Bu Dixian, is still not anxious, too calm a bit, if I have not estimated wrong, this ye Xiao is not only the dark night island such a card! Just don't know, this ye Xiao still can play what kind of bottom card, can let him be so fearless? "

"And the cards?"

Chen Sihan was stunned, then shook his head and said with a smile: "I used to think highly of Ye Xiao. As for his affairs, I also investigated some of them. Besides a dark Island, there is only one underground gambling house left. However, as far as I know, the relationship between him and the underground gambling house is not as simple as it seems on the surface At least, the people of this underground gambling house will never offend Murong Cangshan for him. " Then he turned his head and looked at ye menglang and said with a smile: "it's all at this point. I think it's better for our people to help Murong Cangshan, so as to save Ye Xiao from playing some fantastic cards."

After listening to Chen Sihan's words, ye menglang understood what he meant. He just wanted Ye Xiao to die in the hands of Murong Cangshan. He nodded slightly and said with a smile to the old man beside him: "Ge Lao, you can help deal with the people in the dark night island."Not only ye menglang, but also Chen Sihan nodded to the old man behind him. Seeing that ye menglang and Chen Sihan's people were moving towards the border, a haze flashed in Murong Cangshan's eyes. He knew that they would never be so kind. As for the small abacus in their hearts, he knew that they would never be so kind. As for the little abacus in their hearts, he also showed a faint smile, and Zang Tian, the tomb, turned around Looking at Murong Cangshan, he seemed to be asking whether Chen Sihan and ye menglang should go in. However, Murong Cangshan just nodded and said with a smile, "since brother ye and brother Chen want to help, let their people go in together."

"Yes Zang Tian of the tomb nodded and waved his hand, and he saw that the boundary became transparent gradually. Ye menglang and Chen Sihan's men entered the boundary at the first time. The next moment, Zang Tian made a handprint and saw that the boundary was restored to its original appearance. However, Chen guanxuan, sitting outside, was looking at the scene inside the boundary with great interest It's very clear what the dark night island has. If he can eat all the dark night Island, he believes that his Shenhuo will become the largest killer organization in the whole Yunxiao Dynasty within five years. Even in the world's killer list, his killer organization will certainly be in the top three.


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