Obviously, the loss of a treasure will hurt them. However, even if they lose this gamble, they will not hurt their muscles and bones. Murong Cangshan dare to put the whole Murong family's details as a bet. Either he is sure of Ye Xiao's strength to the extreme, or the Murong Cangshan is a madman, even has been wrong with Murong Cangshan Fu's seven magnates were all stunned. Finally, he shook his head and said with a smile: "Twelve giants, I didn't expect you to have the courage to put all your eggs in one basket. To be honest, I can't compare with you. However, if you lose, will you Murong family Would you be reluctant to take these things out? "

After listening to the words of the seven giants, Murong Cangshan said with a smile: "the seven giants don't worry, I can still do this little Lord Murong Cangshan."

"That's good." The seven giants nodded and said with a smile: "in fact, I have long wanted to see what is in the treasure house of Murong family."

"As long as the people of the seven giants can win, of course, you can see it, whatever you want. I have no opinion on this point." Murong Cangshan nodded and said with a smile.

The seven giants smile, but did not continue to fight with Murong Cangshan. In his opinion, Murong Cangshan this time is too much. He even dares to take the whole Murong family's treasure house to make a bet. If he loses, it will definitely be an incomparable blow to Murong Cangshan. Although Murong Cangshan is already a giant, now it is He is just a bare commander. If he loses the details of Murong family, I'm afraid he will not be a giant for a long time. As for ye Xiao, the seven giants do not believe that ye Xiao can win. Although he dare not bet that Chen Jinghang of Chen's family can win the championship, he is sure that ye Xiao, who is under the seat of Cangshan Mountain in Murong, has no hope at all, and even will make progress There's almost no chance of getting into the top ten.

Because he knew that Chen Jinghang and ye Xiao were in the eighth group.

In other words, before ye Xiao entered the top ten, if he was not too bad, he would meet Chen Jinghang of his Chen family.

So, there's no suspense.

Now, all the magnates have made their bets, leaving only the four giants without a representative figure to open their mouth. As everyone knows, the four giants did not let people take part in the battle for the local list this time. After Murong Cangshan finished speaking, one giant looked at the four giants and said, "four giants, although you proposed the bet this time, we also know that you are not No one will take part in the battle for the list. If you don't want to participate, we won't force you to be a notary. How about that? "

"Although I have no one here to participate in the battle for the list, but I can also bet on others to win!" The four giants waved their hands and said with a smile, "as for the bet I put out, it's a magic weapon, the mirror of heaven and earth."

"The four giants, I remember that the" heaven and earth mirror "is your treasure. When it comes to value, it is much more valuable than the immortal tools of us. You are really willing to lay down your capital. I don't know who you are going to bet on?" The two giants looked at the four giants and laughed.

All the giants are waiting for the big four to bet.

Obviously, they all want to see who the twelve giants, known as the good man, will bet such a valuable bet on. However, the four giants just glanced at the people around them, and finally their eyes fell on Murong Cangshan. They said with a smile, "Twelve giants, it's better that ye Xiao, who I bet with you, can win the championship in the end. Here you are How about a share? "

After listening to the words of the four giants, all the people present were dull, even Murong Cangshan was no exception. When he was in Tianshu City, he had already seen Ye Xiao's power. Even the ordinary warriors in the earth immortal realm died in Ye Xiao's hands. In addition, ye Xiao killed hundreds of thousands of ordinary warriors with one move. Therefore, he knew this about ye Xiao However, he didn't expect that the four giants would bet on the most unlikely Ye Xiao. Before Murong Cangshan could speak, one giant shook his head and said with a smile: "four giants, I advise you to think about it clearly. Heaven and earth is a good thing! If the output goes, it is estimated that you will be distressed for a long time, how about? "

The four giants shook their heads slightly, looked at Murong Cangshan and asked, "Twelve giants, how about a share of your share? I can't bear to let the old man like me take a free ride with you

Murong Cangshan really does not want to. If he loses, he has to take out all his own things, and if he wins, he will have less than half of the things. However, he is also very clear that he is only a new member of the twelve giants, offending other giants. To himself, there is absolutely no benefit. What's more, we can see four things today The magnate is helping himself. He nods slightly and says with a smile: "the four giants are not afraid to put their treasures on Ye Xiao's body. If the four giants lose, what am I worried about?"

"Ha ha!" The four giants chuckled and said, "as you all know, I have a grandson who doesn't strive for success. As early as the twelve giants have not become a giant, I listen to him chanting in my ears how his good brother Ye Xiao is, how, which makes my ears hard to hear. This time, I sent him to Baihu province. If he knew, ye Xiao's little devil They all took part in the battle for the land list. It is estimated that those who want to die or die have to be brought over by me. If I know that I dare not bet Ye Xiao this time, I may be angry with me for several days after I come back! "After listening to the words of the four giants, a trace of thoughtful expression flashed on their faces, even Murong Cangshan was no exception.

The seven giants, in particular, frowned faintly. Obviously, in the bottom of my heart, they have almost regarded the four giants as the allies of Murong Cangshan. It is impossible to reconcile the contradictions between the Dragon gang and the holy hall. Even if they can, they will not be willing to reconcile. Unless the Dragon gang and Murong Cangshan withdraw from this stage of history, Murong Cangshan will not Out of this stage, then, the result is that his holy hall and the Dragon gang of Murong Cangshan will eventually become immortal. Now, if the four giants become the allies of Murong Cangshan, it is absolutely not good news for him.


Scene three

Scene four

Scene five Scene 23

Scene 24

In the box that Murong Cangshan had prepared for ye Xiao, it was so quiet that only the breath of each other could be heard. Although Dugu batian had always believed that ye Xiao was a kind of perverted fierce man, he didn't expect that ye Xiao would be in a terrible mess in the battle for the ground list, which was basically solved by one move, and ye Xiao got it in the middle of the battle A lot of rest time, waiting for the next round of opponents, and there are a few people on the list who are hostile to Ye Xiao. Of course, the final result is that they are directly reduced to ashes in the arena, and there is no residue left. However, Dugu batian, who has been paying attention to the list, glances at the list on the table, and says solemnly: "master Murong, the next opponent of the boss, It should be the people of the Millennium Temple! "


It's said that the elder brother of the Hermitage sect who had been fighting for the name of the ancient Liuli Temple ten years ago is also a very rare person to meet in the ancient Liuli temple At that time, he directly killed the man in Liangshan, shuipo. There were several people who wanted to kill Ye Xiao. They did not meet Ye Xiao, but met the Helian nether world. The final result was tragic death. Without exception, compared with Ye Xiao, the Helian nether world was killing all the way. According to the intelligence, the Helian nether is in the front ten places In the thousand years of ancient temples, they have already fought against the warriors who have fought in the realm of Dixian. "

"How did it turn out?" Dugu batian looked at Murong Wanqing nervously.

"Directly killed the warrior of Dixian yichongtian."

After listening to Murong Wanqing's words, Dugu batian could not help but take a breath of cold air, and then said with a dignified face: "it seems that the boss has met a strong enemy this time."

"Ye Xiao will win."

Just when everyone was heavy, Xuanyuan qingluan, who had not opened his mouth, spoke slowly.

"Why?" Dugu batian looks at Xuanyuan qingluan.

"Because, his goal is to win the first place in the battle of the earth list, and the strength of the Helian nether world may not be weak, but there are still many difficulties in getting into the top ten. I'm afraid that Chen Jinghang of the Chen family is stronger than him." Xuanyuan qingluan light mouth way.

After hearing Xuanyuan qingluan's words, Dugu batian nodded slightly. He also knew that Xuanyuan qingluan was much better than him in terms of vision and strength, which he could not catch up with. Although he believed that ye Xiao's strength was outstanding, and ye Xiao also explained this point in the previous 20 odd battles, whether it was Ye Xiao or the Helian Youming, Or the Chen Jinghang mentioned by Xuanyuan qingluan is much better than his quasi Dixian. Even if he becomes a warrior of Dixian, he is not sure that he can win any of them.

Around, already is the people's voice.

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