The flame of the devil is towering.

Even the array arranged by the second figure of Yunxiao dynasty did not cover up the evil spirit from the ferocious devil behind the Hermione. The audience's attention was almost attracted by the demon behind the Hermione's ghost. They felt the strong breath of the demon, and they all began to discuss in whispers After all, it is not the first time that many people around have come to watch the ten-year battle for the land list in Nantianmen. In the past, only the top ten in the last place could be so thrilling.

Ye Xiao's box.

Dugu batian, who was standing by the window, looked ugly and said, "isn't this Helian ghost from the ancient temple of thousands of years? The one behind him is a demon. Shouldn't such people be put to death as heretics in the millennium old temple? "


A pair of eyes slightly muddy old man slightly shook his head, looked at Ye Xiao and Helian's dark place, and slowly opened his mouth: "in this world, only those strong enough to make most people stop will be called heresy."

Dugu batian was dumb.

Chu Zixun, Murong Ziyu and a group of young people who came out of several families to fight for the battle were all stunned. They looked at the old man who was a little haggard. Obviously, the old man's groundbreaking public opinion overturned their previous views, but qingluan, who was so cautious of words, flashed a little burden on his face With a worried look at Ye Xiao on the challenge arena, he looked back at Dugu batian with a complex face and said: "before the time of Yanhuang tribe, all those people who were called heretics were absolutely strong in the world. The master of dreams who had reached the 10th level of array cultivation could kill the king of killing immortals in the world with one sword, which surpassed the God of torture, which existed because of the existence of beast God …”

Xuanyuan qingluan counted out the names that almost everyone knew well. Dugu batian's face became ugly. He even burst into a rude remark that everyone didn't hear clearly. He said: "the eldest brother will not become a heresy in the future."


All of them were stunned.

However, Dugu batian said to himself: "boss, the degree of metamorphosis is just disgusting. I really doubt that if he continues to grow up, he may become the kind of heresy you say one day."

"To be heretic is the greatest honor of any warrior." Murong Wanqing spoke slowly.

"Aren't all the monks in the thousand year old temple under the banner of saving lives and compassion? How could he let this Hermione practice such a magic skill? " Chu Zixun looked at Helian Youming, who was full of magic flames all over the field. Although she was also a warrior in the realm of Dixian, she knew that if she changed her position with Ye Xiao, she would not have to move at all. Just the momentum and pressure from her body would have broken her to pieces. It is estimated that even the spirits could not be spared hard.

"Tens of thousands of years ago, there were only Tao and Buddhism. Taoism cultivates heaven and earth, while Buddhism cultivates gods and demons. It is said that Buddhists have two faces. One is to enlighten the world and guide people to be good, and the other is to punish people and drive people into 18 levels of hell. However, after tens of thousands of years of inheritance, great differences have taken place within Buddhism and Taoism, and the practitioners of evil ways are gradually abandoned, and now there are only one Only in temples in some small places can there be such Buddhists. The hermian nether world is the second prince of the thousand year old temple. It is not a taboo to revive the orthodoxy of Buddhism. " Xuanyuan qingluan returns slowly.

"That ye Xiaoge will be OK!" Standing beside Murong Ziyu, looking at Xuanyuan qingluan a little pale, asked.

"No Xuanyuan qingluan's resolute return.

"Then I'll be relieved." Murong Ziyu patted her little breast, and Murong Wanqing, standing beside her, shook her head helplessly. Murong Ziyu couldn't see it, but she could see it clearly. Although Xuanyuan qingluan's words were resolute, she didn't have much confidence, especially when she saw that the shadow behind Helian's nether world was more and more real The melancholy between Luan's eyebrows and Yu became more and more serious. Especially the people in the box saw that ye Xiao rushed up to attack Helian's nether world several times. When they came back, a group of people held their breath and did not dare to breathe.

"Is that all he has to do to defeat my dear brother?" A face has gradually become similar to the devil behind him, which makes people look at him with a fearsome, creepy, chilly expression of Helian Youming, embracing both hands, and looking at the opposite side with sarcasm in his eyes. Although Ye Xiao is burning a kind of purple flame that he is afraid of, in his opinion, ye Xiao's attack seems to be one Ants jump up and down in general, and do not cause any damage to him.

At the moment, ye Xiao's face also became dignified.

Even the "thick earth God armor" of the Murong family can be broken with all his strength, but now He Lian's ghost body is completely blocked back without touching it.

Seeing ye Xiao standing still, He Lian Youming said with a smile: "Ye Xiao, now it's my turn to make a move.""Exterminating Buddha."


Far away.

A towering building soared into the sky.

Light wheel momentum, even the "Zhenlong Pavilion" where the twelve giants are staying is very small compared with the building in front of them. And the part that soars into the sky is densely covered with many small rooms. Rao is the top existence of the twelve giants, and it is not clear about these rooms in this building. However, the whole Nantianmen people know which one The building is the residence of the "emperor" of the Yunxiao Dynasty. All the people living in it are his people. For the 3000 families of Nantianmen, this is definitely a forbidden area for them. Anyone who dares to intrude into the building will have to die.

Inside, the whole room is facing the window.

A man stood proudly by the window, taking a panoramic view of the whole arena. Beside him stood a man who was covered in black robes. It was not clear whether it was a man or a woman. Behind him were two groups of well-equipped warriors. All of them were Dixian jiuchongtian realm. Everyone's face had a mask with extremely weird shape, and that was just standing by the window It's the emperor, the supreme ruler of the whole Yunxiao Dynasty. It's a horrible existence that can make most of the forces submit to him with his own strength. When he saw the moment when the magic flame soared into the sky, a surprised look flashed in his eyes. He said with a smile: "I didn't expect that those old bald donkeys in the Millennium ancient temple really dare to break through tens of millions Years of shackles, let a boy of the Helian family practice the eighteen hell devil way. "

"Since the fall of the Yanhuang tribal period, which of the Buddhists in the Millennium ancient temples did not want to restore the Buddhism and Taoism of the ancient times? Although the power of the eighteen hell demons is huge, it is difficult to cultivate successfully? At least until now, no one has succeeded in the Millennium Temple. " The black robed man spoke slowly.

The sound is pleasant.

A woman.

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