Shao Bingyan and her two sisters both jumped out of the car. There was no way. Shao Bingqian only killed one of them. There was another person who didn't know life and death. They had to make sure that the person was dead or not, otherwise Han Wuchen would know that this man knew Shao Bingqian's Secret. It would be bad, not to mention anything else. If Han Wuchen knew that ye Xiao had such a powerful sniper around her Hand, the man sent to kill him will be stronger next time

Shao Bingqian holds Barrett M99 tightly and follows her sister closely. She walks cautiously towards the Audi. The muzzle of the gun is always aimed at the Audi. If there is any change, she will pull the trigger without hesitation

She picked up the little sister in order to see her sister's change of mind

Step by step, the front of the Audi car has been smashed to pieces. Under such a strong impact, Shao Bingyan doesn't think that the other side is still alive

The window in front of Audi has been completely smashed, and the window on the door has also been broken. Glass slag has fallen all over the ground, and the door has sunk a part. The wolf teeth in the driver's seat are dead and can't die any more. The crazy person in the front of the passenger's seat is lying in front of him, and there is blood left from his head continuously. Even if he is not dead, he is not far away from death

Seeing this situation, Shao Bingyan is relieved. As long as these two people are dead, even if Han Wuchen knows that they are in pursuit of his two sisters, it is hard to think that it was his sister who caused the accident!

In this way, even if there are pursuers, they will be much more relaxed. They have to go to check whether the crazy is dead or not. They are already in a coma and jump into the collapsed car door. The black car door is kicked by him and bumps into Shao Bingyan

Shao Bingyan seems to be casual, but she is very cautious in the heart. At the moment of crazy action, her body has retreated towards the back, and the black car door directly falls in front of her, but she is not hurt. However, the crazy body runs out of the car and directly grabs Shao Bingyan's head!

At this time, Shao Bingyan's body is blocking Shao Bingqian's sight. She can't shoot at all. This is the best chance to catch this girl!

Yes, even now, maniac doesn't want to kill Shao Bingyan. No way, this woman is too beautiful. It's a pity to kill her like this. In addition, there is a tough woman holding Barrett M99 in front of her. If she really kills her, she will not even have room to bargain once she is shot. Crazy has made up her mind At this time, two major events happened in Jinghai city. One is the brothers and sisters of tiannu society. The battle is about to begin 】

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