"Bang..." Ah Han was hit by a machete in the front of a member of the flying car party before he hit him on his head

Another member of the flying car party roared and slashed ah Han's neck at full speed. However, as soon as ah Han lifted his left hand, he held the knife and hit the man in the heart

With a "click", the man's sternum was instantly smashed, and the whole depression went in. His body flew backward like a shell, and his mouth opened with a spring of blood

"Xiao Yun..." Seeing that ah Han killed Xiao Yun with just one punch, the other members of the party roared. They did not fear, but aroused the ferocity in their bodies. Their eyes were red with blood, and they rushed at ah Han in desperation

Xiao Dong is 18 years old, and has the best relationship with Xiao Yun. He is the fastest one at this time. Seeing a Han who is much taller than himself, his eyes are red with blood, and he cuts his waist with his machete

As if he didn't see the knife, ah Han hit Xiao Dong's head with a blow

"Clang..." With a sound, Xiao Dong's machete was cut into ah Han's abdomen, and there was also a sound of metal interweaving, but ahan's fist directly hit his head

When he heard the sound of "click", Xiao Dong's skull was smashed in an instant, and the whole depression on his head went in. The bright red blood was as useful as spring water, and even his eyes were almost squeezed out. But even so, a sneer appeared in the corner of Xiaodong's mouth. The machete that was cut in ahan's abdomen was stabbed upward

As soon as ah Han's face changed, he didn't expect that Xiaodong would make such a blow before he died. In other words, he just wanted to die with himself. However, ah Han was a strong general after all, and his reaction speed was extremely fast. Under the almost fatal blow, his body retreated back, and he avoided the fatal knife He takes another slow beat, and the knife can be stabbed through his chin

But even though he avoided the knife, the sharp blade still cut his skin from his lips, and not only that, but also a blood mark was cut on the tip of his nose

"Ah..." Seeing that he was cut by these ants, ah Han was furious and hit Xiao Dong's head heavily. His broken head seemed to be hit by a big stone, and it burst out with a bang. All over the sky was brain fluid and blood mist, which sprayed all over his body, but he was totally unconscious And stimulate his nerves, the whole person also thoroughly fell into a violent state

"Xiaodong..." When the other members of the Party saw Xiaodong's counterattack before he died, they all went crazy. They didn't fear ah Han's fist at all. They all rushed to ah Han with the determination to die. The knives in everyone's hands were chopped at ah Han's head, and they didn't care about ah Han's terrible fist

"BAM Bang Bang..." One punch is another. Almost every time ah Han hits, a member of the flying car party is blown away. Even if he is not dead, he will be seriously injured. No one can stop ah Han's punch. However, in the face of the crazy sprint of the members of the flying car party, even though ah Han's flesh is strong and he is wearing gold protective gear, he is also injured, especially in his face, One of the cuts was cut directly from his mouth. The bloody skin of the flesh hung on both sides. It looked terrible. Another cut was cut on his ear, and his earlobe was thick enough. The knife didn't cut off his ear, only half of it was cut off. The rest of the meat was hanging there

His clothes had been cut to pieces, and metal protective equipment was exposed in many places. Some protective equipment had been knocked off, and that area was also cut by a machete. Many places without protective equipment were also severely damaged. The whole person has become a bloody man

Especially after his abdominal protective gear was broken, a young man named Xiaolei stabbed him in the abdomen, and now his intestines are exposed

Just now, the majestic ah Han was cut into a heavy wounded by the crazy members of the flying car party. His blood kept flowing. Even though his body had been genetically enhanced, he could not bear to eat. The whole person stood there, shaking, and could fall at any time

Seeing many members of the flying car party who fell in the pool of blood, seeing the faces full of blood, and seeing the expressions with no regret to death, Xiaobai became angry and tried to hold back the injury. His legs began to move vigorously, and his body was running at full speed, running towards ahan at full speed

Ah Han looked up tired and saw ye yubai, who was rushing towards him. He was about to wave his fist and kill this guy together. However, he saw ye yubai's body suddenly rise into the air

And then it's going to hit you like a shell

"Bang..." Ah Han didn't have time to protect his body. Ye yubai's knee was hard on his nose bone. His nose bone broke in response to the sound. The strong impact directly knocked the exhausted ah han to the ground, and the back of his head hit the ground heavily

Ye yubai, who has not yet been relieved, stepped out again and stepped on ahan's big mouth which had been cut. He even dropped his two rows of teeth"Pa, PA, PA..." In addition to ye yubai, Xiao Nan and ye Canglang, the only one who could stand on the scene was Chu Wangtian. From ah han to now, he didn't mean to move. Even if ah Han had been seriously injured, even if ye yubai launched the final attack on ah Han, even if ah Han was knocked to the ground, he didn't mean to do it until ah Han completely fainted From the hands, gently patted, that look like watching a play

"Good, good, can knock down ah Han, your physical quality is really good, so, give you a chance, all like me to submit, not only do not kill you, but also make you stronger Chu looked at the sky, looked at ye yubai, and said with a twinkling expression

"You are dreaming..." Ye yubai spat out with one saliva. There is only one person in the world who can make them surrender, that is Ye Xiao

"It seems that you do not agree. In this case, you should die..." Chu Wang Tianleng gave a smile. The last sentence had raised the volume, and then he saw his body move

"Yubai, be careful..." Xiao Nan and ye Cang wolf exclaimed at the same time. They only saw Chu Wangtian's body come to ye yubai's body in an instant. The speed was terrible

Ye yubai's attention has always been on Chu Wangtian. When he spoke, he was ready. When Chu Wangtian came to him and punched him, he had raised his hands and protected his chest

"Bang..." The sound of

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