"Master, let's go to the holy mountain now! We have been informed by bilge that they will wait for us at the entrance to the holy mountain. " Shuichangsheng looks at the first animal lane with a smile.


The cold voice of "Sheng Shi" rang out from the cart. Although he was a little suspicious of the fact that neither the "Saint servant" nor ye Xiao had appeared, Shui Changsheng, who had a heart set on the holy mountain, did not think much about it. He turned to the prepared member of the "Shui clan" and said, "let's go."

The majestic people are going to the vast mountains.

Along the way, there were laughter and laughter from the women and children of the Shui nationality. However, the animal cart of the "Saint servant" was still dead. Ye Xiao had been in a coma since yesterday when he got on the cart. His face was always in pain. In the early morning, Tuoba Rufeng tried to wake him up. Unfortunately, no matter how they tried, they couldn't make it Ye Xiao wakes up in a coma. At last, he has to use this method to cover up the fact that ye Xiao is unconscious. He looks at the "Saint servant" outside the window, and a trace of worry flashed in his eyes: "it's only two hours from here to the holy mountain. I'm afraid the Tu people have already passed by. We may not be able to hide from bilge that ye Xiao is in a coma If you don't wake up, I'm afraid you will force people to stay here or kill them. "

After listening to the words of the "Saint", Gu Leng and Tuoba Rufeng flashed a strong look of worry in their eyes.

At the moment, ye Xiao is totally unknown to the outside world. These violent auras filled with the smell of "destruction" not only hit his body, but also did not let go of his spirit. The "tree of the world" stationed in his eyes seemed to protect his spirit and not to be knocked out of his wits by these violent spirits, and directly imprisoned his spirit When he got up, he was surrounded by green halos, just like water waves. No matter how fierce the fierce aura was, he could only leave a little waves on the green halo. Now ye Xiao is no longer a rookie in the cultivation world. He knows how fragile his spirit is, if not for the "world" around him Perhaps as long as one breath, one's spirit will be completely broken.

"Holy mountain?"

The spirit is imprisoned, the five senses are also closed up, ye Xiao shows a trace of bitter expression.

Now he is just like a doll. He can't move at all. He can only watch the violent spirit inside his body constantly impact his body and spirit. However, he is helpless. Every time he impacts, he will send out a burst of pain into the bone marrow, compared with the pain when the "Purgatory array" tempered his spirit Chu is even more powerful than the original power of the Jin clan. Although it is clear from the bottom of my heart that the battle of the five tribes will come to an end and soon it will enter the "holy mountain". This is the world arranged by the "great masters of all living beings". Even if Tuoba is like wind, they can bring themselves out of the world smoothly I don't know what kind of danger is waiting for them outside.

If ye Xiao is allowed to make his own choice, he would rather open his eyes to bear the pain than like he is now.

What's more, there is also a "Tu nationality" bilge who is covetous for himself. Up to now, ye Xiao does not know how many times these violent auras have hit his body. With each impact, ye Xiao can see that his body is cracking inch by inch, and the "green" light will soon heal his cracked body, After so long, it seems that these violent auras have not dissipated at all, let alone intend to stop. This makes Ye Xiao, who originally thought that the violent aura would be quiet soon, knows that if it goes on like this, I'm afraid that when the green light of these "world trees" dissipates, I'm afraid that these "violent auras" have not stopped, and they have been helpless for a long time Ye Xiao quietly looked at those fierce spirits like beasts.

"By the way, purgatory array?"

A small version of Ye Xiao, sitting in the middle of the green light, suddenly brightened her eyes. Thinking of the "Purgatory God array" that trained her spirit, ye Xiao naturally knew the terrible power of this "weird" array. Even with her current spirit power and strength, she could not control the array out of the body. Originally, she thought that this "Purgatory" array was "Purgatory" "Shenzhen array" is similar to chicken ribs. I didn't expect that he could still use it. Besides, whether he could save his life or not depends on this array. Although he still had a feeling of lingering fear about the "Purgatory array", ye Xiao also knew that he had no choice now. When he quickly changed his fingerprints, he saw a purple black, evil spirit It also depicts the array of countless ancient characters, which appears in his body out of thin air.

The fierce aura, which was still pounding around, was shrouded in a flash by the "Purgatory God array". A torrent of purple flame was burning in an instant, burning the fierce aura that made Ye Xiao suffer enough. At the moment, the violent aura, imitating Buddha, has a spirit like nature, and constantly sends out a kind of creepy feeling for ye Xiaodu Sound, not only these violent auras, ye Xiao found that even his own body was being burned and tempered by the purgatory God array, and some cells that could be seen with the naked eye were burned to ashes by the "Purgatory God array", and another one was breeding immediately"The entrance to the holy mountain will be here soon." The "Saint servant" sitting by the window looked up at the direction of the "holy mountain". Tuoba Rufeng and Gu Leng, who were also sitting in the spacious animal cart, also looked at the direction of the "holy mountain". They began to be far away. They just felt that the "holy mountain" of the world was very majestic, and now the distance was getting closer and closer, There is also a sense of shock. It seems that they can see their inner thoughts. The "Shengshi" who has been guarding Ye Xiao's side continues to say: "the" holy mountain "is not a world created by the" masters of all living beings ", but something originally belonging to our" ancient adherents ". In the" holy land "of our" ancient adherents ", such" holy mountains "are not rare. The" holy mountains "above are not uncommon "Mountain spring water" is what our "ancient adherents" use to enhance their strength. Like the aura of heaven and earth absorbed by human warriors, our "ancient adherents" can not absorb the aura of heaven and earth, but can take these "holy mountain springs" to increase our "original power."

"Each of your races has its own" power of origin. "Is it innate Tuoba Rufeng looks at the "Shengshi" and asks.

"I don't know." He shook his head and said, "I was born in this world. I have heard from other people about our" ancestral clan "and" holy land ". I have only seen other races in this world. Their" original power "is really different from that of our" Shui people ". I have heard from several elders of our" Shui people ", Every race has its own "power of origin". However, I don't know exactly why. In ancient times, our "ancient adherents" were no less than your human warriors and demon clans in terms of quantity and strength. You human warriors have your martial arts skills, and we also have our own way. "

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