Not only bilge, but also the several "Tu" soldiers of the third class standing behind him are all looking with astonishment at the chaotic "Aquarium" battlefield in the distance. Even the lazy women who have been following bilge's side have a strange look on their faces. Obviously, shuichangsheng has become a laughing stock among several ethnic groups, and has managed to get out of their predicament, After only a few days as a patriarch, his own daughter has taken this position. However, the soldiers of the "Tu nationality" in the distance were all discussing in whispers. Only bilge, with a flash of irony in his eyes, said with a smile: "look at the sample, my guess is right! Ye Xiao has used some secret method, and now her body has not recovered. Otherwise, even if she is the daughter of shuichangsheng, she would not dare to fight ye Xiao! "

"Are you going to swallow the entire aquarium now?" Asked the lazy woman, looking back at bilge.

"Well!" With a gleam in his eyes and a smile in his mouth, bilge said with a smile: "at present, Shui Changsheng is unable to control the whole" Shui people ". However, the" Saint servant "who is the first master of" Shui clan "is estimated to have not recovered from the injury. If he missed this opportunity, it would be more than worth the loss."

The lazy woman nodded a little, and she had to admit that it was definitely the best chance to seek "Shui Nationality" now. But bilge, always a vigorous and vigorous character, raised his hand directly, and saw those "Tu" soldiers who had been ambushed around them, each with weapons, and a maid directly attacked the fierce looking "ancient" soldiers After a series of howls, he took a group of "Tu" soldiers and rushed to the current camp of the "Shui people". Countless "ancient monsters" galloped up, and the ground gave out a series of slight vibrations. However, a group of members of the "Shui people" who were still at a loss, looked When the dark "Tu" soldiers rushed over, their faces were filled with a look of horror, especially the old and weak women and children of the "Shui people", and there were bursts of riots.

He also noticed the movement and stillness of the Tu nationality, and his face turned pale in an instant.

The original good situation has changed into what it is now.

Although he was always on guard against these ambitious "Tu" people, the move of cherishing water completely disrupted all his plans. The distance between the two clans was not far away. In a short time, he saw bilge with his "Tu" warriors rushing over, and bilge, riding on the "ancient monster", glanced at being besieged A group of Ye Xiao's people didn't see ye Xiao's figure. As for the "Saint servant" of the first master of the five clans, he also had a little injury on his body at the moment, and his face was pale. Obviously, the wounds left on the "demon God plain" had not recovered at first. There was a faint smile in the corners of his mouth. Knowing that these people wanted to cherish water, they wanted to catch Ye Xiao in a short time It's impossible. Therefore, bilge was not in a hurry at the moment. Instead, he looked at Shui Changsheng with great interest and said with a smile, "Shui Changsheng, you are not so lucky that you have taken back the position of the patriarch. Now your daughter can't wait to take the position of the patriarch. I think you might as well give this position to your daughter as soon as possible, and you won't fall into the field today !”

His face was hard to see. Shuichangsheng gave a cold hum and looked at bilge and said, "what do you want to do, bilge?"

"For what?"

With his hands crossed, bilge gently stroked the ancient monster and said with a smile on his face: "since you can't manage an aquarium, let me help you manage it! In any case, all of the "Jin" people have already moved to our "Tu" tribe. Our "Tu" tribe is big enough. Even if you arrange all the "Shui people" in, it will never appear crowded. " After that, bilge turned his head and looked at Ye Xiao's direction. He said with a smile, "of course, I'm side by side with the word" Shui Zu ". Wang is as good as ever at first sight. He always wants to see the scenery of Tu people in our Tu nationality. By the way, I'd like to have a look at the Tu nationality with me."

After listening to bilge's words, not only Shui Changsheng, but also the faces of Tuoba Rufeng and gusleng have become ugly. Obviously, bilge's meaning is simple, that is to take ye Xiao back to the "Tu nationality". Although bilge will not make ye Xiao difficult, if they don't go to the "holy mountain" within two days, they will have to stay here forever Inside, the lazy woman who followed bilge looked at the wary soldiers of Shui nationality, frowned and said, "since you want to subdue the whole aquarium, you'd better do it quickly! Save time, dream long night, fall short. "

Bilge was a little stunned, but he still nodded and squinted: "listen to all the" Shui people. "The" Jin clan "has been destroyed by the stupid clan leader. Now, all the people who agree to submit to our" Tu nationality "will become my people. Those who do not want to be obedient are my enemies. I believe you all know that I have never been against the enemy I'll give you ten breathing time. If you want to, put down your weapons and stand in front of you. Now I'll go back with my people to the Tu people. If you don't want to, you'll stay where you are. After ten breaths, all the people who are still standing in the same place will be killed. "After saying this, bilge did not pay attention to the members of the "Shui people". In his opinion, it was enough to take ye Xiao back to the Tu nationality. As for the Shui nationality, it was just a fringe benefit. Seeing that Tuoba Rufeng and a group of people were still protecting Ye Xiao on the cart, bilge chuckled and said, "OK, so are you human warriors Take brother ye and come back to our "Tu nationality" with me! Of course, you are not the same as the Shui people. Even in the face of Ye, I will not embarrass you, let alone regard you as the slaves of the Tu people. Even if you return to the holy land of our ancient adherents, your status will be higher than that of the Shui people. Like our atomic people of the Tu nationality, I will not be generous This is not so good as that. "

After that, bituo thought that you could stand in front of the car like a tiger


Bilge shook his head and said with a smile: "it's just a few warriors from the earth immortal double heaven. Any one of our" Tu "soldiers of level three can stand up and kill you all. Unfortunately, brother Ye seems to be injured. Otherwise, I dare not ask him back. Of course, although there is a suspicion of taking advantage of others' danger, I will come here I will give you an account in person after brother Ye has recovered his wound in our "Tu nationality". You guys, let's take brother ye and your chariot with us now! As I said, I don't want to raise the butcher's knife of Tu nationality to you. Therefore, I hope you can understand me and don't force me to do something that will make him unhappy. "

After listening to bilge's words, Tuoba Rufeng's face suddenly changed.

Although it has been known for a long time that ye Xiao's injury could not be concealed from these people, one by one, hearing bilge's words, still gave rise to a sense of discomfort. In particular, gusleng and Tuoba Rufeng, one in the demon clan and the other in the "city of demons", belong to the kind of people with very prominent status. If the whole "ancient adherents" are OK A little bit, but now, it's just a little "Tu nationality". If you put it outside, they can let bilge exterminate the clan with one finger at will. But now, there is no way to take this bilig.

On the other hand, many of the women and children of the "Shui people" have slowly begun to move in the direction bilge said. Some of the "water" soldiers without a leader's Keepsake in his hand know that he can't control all the "Shui people" present. Now, unless the clan leader's Keepsake is taken out, otherwise, the entire "Shui people" army will be The heart has been lax, even if he stood up to no avail. When he thought that he had failed in his daughter's hand, shuichangsheng also slowly closed his eyes and looked like a hero in the twilight.

Seeing that there were still many "Shui" soldiers still holding weapons in their hands, bilge, who squinted slightly, slowly raised his weapons in his hands and said with a sneer, "you still have one last chance."

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