In her opinion, she has already thrown such a big bait, not to mention bilge. I'm afraid that even Jin rentu, the leader of the five ethnic groups, will definitely be eager to agree after hearing such news today. What's more, she can't compare with bilig of Jin Ren Tu in all aspects. Seeing the smile on bilge's face is not like a joke and cherishing water His face was also hard to look at in an instant, some ferocious way: "I only want to have one dead 'Saint Shi'. But ye Xiao, what I want to live, is dead or alive 'Saint servant' doesn't have much effect on me. What I want now is Ye Xiao, why? Is it true that patriarch bilge can abandon such a secret that he can return to our "holy land" for the sake of a Ye Xiao

"Abandon it?"

Bilge shook his head, looked sarcastically at the water and said with a smile: "I still said that you are better than shuichangsheng. It seems that I overestimate you too much. Now, how many bargaining chips do you think you and I have? When you fall into my hands, I have at least hundreds of ways to let you tell these so-called secrets. Of course, if The secret is fake. I will let you know what is the end of not living and dying. Now, do you think that with the waste around you, can you really protect you, or can you leave? I have to admit that even if you don't have a third class soldier, you dare to come to my bilge to negotiate with me. At least, your father is much smarter than you, and you have missed a chance. So now you have to say what you say or not to say. "

It's stupid to cherish water.

She did not expect that the reputation of this bilge would be so bad. Her face was twisted because of her anger. She held her stone dagger in her hands and said with a black face: "bilge, don't think that there is only one intelligent person like you in the world. The people I take today can't escort me back, but they want to catch me and cherish water And it's not that easy After Xishui finished, he directly put the weapon on his neck and said coldly with a smile: "the importance of this secret, I don't need to say that you also know. If you want to do something forcibly, I don't mind taking a beating with you. As long as your people dare to act rashly, I will die in front of you today. I can't get any people. You bilge don't want to get this amazing big from my mouth Secret, don't believe it. You can try it. "


Bilge didn't expect that the water would suddenly threaten him. He just squinted and said with a smile: "you'd better put all these childish means away. If you can take your father's position as the" patriarch ", your ambition will not be so small. Generally, people with ambition will not die willingly, let alone die In my own hands, since you rush to take this secret to bet, I bilge has no reason to compare with you, a little girl like you. Today I'll gamble with you. If you really want to be able, you'll die in front of me. I don't want this secret. If you don't dare, you'll wait for it to fall into my hands! "

Bilge, who had already raised his hand, snorted coldly. Suddenly he put down his hand and said, "catch the living."

A group of "Tu" soldiers swarmed in. Perhaps they were greatly stimulated by the secret of cherishing water. At the moment, they were all red eyed and murderous. Obviously, they were shocked by bilge's means. They didn't expect that bilge was so bold. Unfortunately, she underestimated the importance of Ye Xiao in bilge's mind Even though the secret of returning to the holy land is amazing, bilge is aware of Ye Xiao's horror. Moreover, even if he can go back to the holy land immediately, his seniority in the Tu nationality is not low, but his strength is so low that he is afraid that a Tu nationality who can find a younger generation to come out is much stronger than himself If ye Xiao can be brought back, at least, he will be able to make a big career for the Tu nationality.

The people who saw bilge were already fighting with the people they had brought.

Most of the maids are ordinary soldiers. The number of first-class soldiers is not large, and the number of second-class soldiers is even less. Maybe it is because of her cold nature. Besides, not only the Tu people want to know her secret, but also the Shui people want to know the secret of returning to the Holy land Therefore, even if she had a "Aquarium" keepsake in her hand, none of the members of the "Shui people" rushed to help her. More often, she chose to look on coldly. An old man standing next to Shui Changsheng gave Shui Changsheng a glance and said in a cold voice, "Shui Changsheng, does she really know this secret, or is she lying about it?"

After listening to the elder's words, Shui Changsheng was stunned. Then he shook his head and said bitterly: "I don't know. Sanzhang, you know, for more than 100 years, I have been trapped in the stone house by water. Even when she developed so many forces, I don't know. If I had known, I would not have called us" Shui people " ’She gave her the keepsake. Otherwise, she would not have created such a scene. However, she dared to do such a thing and even betrayed our entire "Aquarium". I'm afraid the secret is true... "After hearing Shui Changsheng's words, not only the elders around him, but also the three-level soldiers flashed a dull look on their faces. The oldest "elder elder" in the group looked at him riding on the "ancient strange beast", and his face was full of panic. He said faintly: "if you let her fall on these" Tu "people If the method of going back is a little harsh, I'm afraid that we "Shui people" will never have a chance to go back. Now, no matter what, we have to grab her. At that time, even if we are negotiating with the "Tu nationality", we will have certain chips. If it is not, we will share the secret together with the people of the two ethnic groups. And bilge's goal is that ye Xiao, When the time comes to give this ye Xiao to him is, anyway, we have such an outsider also has no effect. "

After listening to the elder's words, Shui Changsheng was stunned. He glanced at the hundreds of confidants who were surrounded by "Tu" soldiers. He said bitterly: "the keepsake of our" Shui people "is in her hand. I am now..."

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