"No way..." Bilge snorted directly.

Obviously, neither the "Shui" nor the "Tu" believe in each other. Just when a group of people were arguing, a dazzling red lightning flashed across the sky above their heads, and then a loud "boom" was heard, as if the sky was falling apart. The group of people who had been arguing with each other suddenly calmed down and the huge "sound" came out Even the third level soldiers on the battlefield are stupefied, not to mention others. All of them are in a daze. Many people have been arrested since the world was set up by the "master of all living beings". They have lived here for tens of thousands of years. This is the first time to see this kind of scene, and the mind is blank at the moment.


Another flash of lightning, another thunder.

It seems as if the whole sky is about to be broken. Not only these "ancient adherents", but also the "ancient exotic animals" they sat on, all began to get restless. It lasted for a long time before the calm in the sky was restored. Many people are still in a state of shock at the moment, and the stronger "ancient adherents" are the first to wake up, I don't know who roared: "cherish water people?" Water Changsheng and bilge are the first to look at the direction where Xi Shui originally stood. At the moment, where is the figure of Shui Changsheng's baby daughter? It's just in the midst of heavy encirclement. How does Xi Shui disappear here? No one knows, but he thinks that if he can't find her, there will be no way to leave the world Everyone was in a hurry.

Bilge, whose face was hard to see, looked at Shui Changsheng, gritted his teeth and said, "shuichangsheng, if we continue to fight like this, it will not do any good to anyone. If we can't find your daughter, we will be trapped here all our life. So, now we will join hands to find your daughter in any case. Now we will go after it immediately It's too late. In the end, no matter who finds your daughter's whereabouts, the people of our two ethnic groups join hands to ask what she knows. How about it? If we don't trust each other any more, I think we can stay here forever

After listening to bilge's words, Shui Changsheng pondered for a moment, then nodded his head and said, "OK, let's join hands again."

Hearing Shui Changsheng's promise, bilge immediately raised his hand and yelled at the "Tu" Soldiers: "everyone, listen, now spread out to find the whereabouts of Xi Shui. In any case, we must find her. Only when we find her can we leave this ghost place..."

"Yes, patriarch."

"All the people of the" Shui people "are listening. Now they are trying their best to find her whereabouts. In any case, they must catch the living ones back..."

"Yes, patriarch."

For a moment, the members of the Tu and Shui people rushed to all directions. However, no one paid any attention to the holy mountain they had been fighting for. Only Shui Changsheng and bilge both knew that there was a lot of strangeness about the water. When you look at it, you can see far away. The thunder and lightning just now are just a moment's work Although we all know that it is very difficult to find the precious water. However, both of them held the last hope and wanted to find the precious water.

Holy mountain.

After stepping into the "holy mountain", ye Xiao has already noticed the difference here. Others may not know it, but ye Xiao, who comes from another world, clearly feels the gravity here. Compared with the outside world, ye Xiao clearly feels that the gravity here is much stronger. Every step is extremely hard. The stone steps lead directly to the top of the mountain. When you look up, you don't know How many steps does the "holy mountain" have? The lower part is a little better. By the middle of the road, layers of fog began to cover. Around him, a stream flowed directly from the top of the mountain. After blinking with Dugu Baye, who was beside Ye Xiao, he turned his head and said to the "Shengshi" who was following Ye Xiao: "Shengshi, these are not you The "holy mountain spring" is what the "ancient adherents" are fighting for

"Sheng Shi" nodded slightly and said, "these are the holy mountain springs."

When he heard that the "holy mountain spring" was flowing nearby, Dugu Baye's eyes immediately brightened, and he rushed to the side. He lay on the ground and took a big drink. Then he stretched out his tongue and licked his lips. Many human warriors and members of the demon clan looked at Dugu Baye with wide eyes and wanted to see the things that made the "ancient adherents" fight for death It was only after a long time that Dugu Baye said: "this is ordinary water, and there is no special feeling after drinking it."

"These" holy mountain springs "are only useful to our" ancient adherents ", and you human warriors will not drink them." "Sheng Shi" said faintly.

After listening to the words of "Saint Shi", Dugu Baye returned unclearly.

A group of people, continue to the top of the mountain.

Ye Xiao glanced at the "holy mountain spring" flowing nearby, frowned slightly, and asked the "Saint servant" beside him, "would you like to take some of these" holy mountain springs "out"The saint" shook his head and said, "no more."

As for why they didn't use it, ye Xiao didn't ask. After walking for more than an hour, he found that his group of people had not yet reached the mountainside. Xuanyuan Qingfeng, who was already sweating, stopped and complained, "what the hell is this place?"

"This is the" holy mountain "ladder." The "Sheng Shi" who followed Ye Xiao directly explained: "in the" holy land "of our" ancient adherents ", many of these" holy mountains "were created by ancient powerful people. It is not so easy to climb to the top of the" holy mountain ", and not everyone can do it. It was originally used by the powerful people of our" ancient adherents "to give it to me Generally speaking, the ancient adherents, whose strength is not up to the first level of soldiers, do not even have the courage to go up the "holy mountain ladder". If they do not have enough strength, they may even die on the "holy mountain ladder". However, if they can successfully walk to the top of the mountain, their physique will change greatly, This is why all the "five ethnic groups" want to fight for the right to enter the "holy mountain."

When he heard the word "explosive body", Dugu Baye's face suddenly became bitter. When he looked back, he found that there were no more than 50 people left in the original group, and the others had already lost their sight. Thinking of the scene that their bodies would explode as they walked one by one, Dugu Baye could not help shivering, and ye Xiao also felt a shiver It is very clear that he is not the Savior. It is impossible to take all the people out of the world. If you want to leave, you should see your own luck and your own strength. When you think of the worst Chu tomb dust among a group of people, you quickly turn around and say to the Chu tomb dust who is following Shangguan Wan'er: "how are you?"

Compared with Dugu Baye, Xuanyuan Qingfeng group of people, the state of Chu tomb dust is obviously better than that of Dugu Baye, and they even haven't sweat at all. How come I don't feel that it's so difficult to walk

After hearing the words of Chu tomb dust, a group of people looked at the Chu tomb dust like a monster.

After thinking for a moment, Tuoba Rufeng, who followed Ye Xiao, said slowly: "there is no earth dragon vein in this world. Maybe the master of yin and Yang is not affected by this world."

A group of people, this just relieved.

Only heard Xuanyuan breeze low curse a few.

Once you enter the "holy mountain ladder", it can be said that if you don't reach the first level of strength, you can say that if you don't reach the first level, you can say that there are ten dead and no life. Even if the strength exceeds the first level of soldiers, the stronger the road will be. Otherwise, it will be in vain for those great masters of the "ancient adherents" to build so many "holy mountains" to train their "ancient adherents" soldiers The "holy mountain" soars into the sky. Even the "holy servant" does not know how high the "holy mountain" is. Only when a group of people go up the middle of the mountain, there are less than 30 people following Ye Xiao. The rest of the people, as everyone knows, are doomed. But when they come to this world, everyone is doomed to death It's the people around you. Otherwise, everyone has restrained their pity.

Because, no one knows, the next moment is whether you need compassion.

"Damn it, I can't..." Dugu Baye, who had already been exhausted, looked at Ye Xiao with a pale face and trembling lips, and said with a sad face: "boss ye, I don't think I can do it this time. If you can go back, tell my parents that I have not disgraced our Dugu family. Although I still can't get out of this ghost place, I am Dugu Baye It's also a trip to the "ten spiritual world."

Not waiting for Dugu Baye to finish, he heard Ye Xiao's light way: "we'll be at the top of the mountain soon."

"Mr. Ye, can you change your words? This is the thirteenth time you've said it. "

"This time it's true." Ye Xiao's solemn way.

"You said it was true last time."

"Damn it, Dugu Baye, how can you look like a girl in ink..." Xuanyuan Qingfeng scolded directly and angrily.

"I can't walk any more." Suddenly, Dugu Baye looked at Xuanyuan breeze like a little angry daughter-in-law.

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