Long Youjuan, who has always been lonely and lonely, nodded slightly and explained faintly: "after all, he is not the" remnant soul "of the" master of all living beings ", but just a spiritual mark left by the" master of all living beings ". There is no entity, and it will be consumed sooner or later. At the beginning, he tried to occupy the body of Longfeng and fought with us, although it seems that we ate it But the real loser is him, so he will be weaker and weaker now. " With that, long Youjuan lowered his head and looked at the dragon wind that was unconscious at his feet. A trace of worry flashed in his eyes. However, there is still a "remnant soul" here. Although it has become weaker, it is, after all, something left by the "master of all living beings" who was the most powerful person ten thousand years ago. Even if it is weak, it is not what ordinary people can deal with.


Ye Xiao's "one inch force seven times explosion" is directly on the hand of "remnant soul" and makes a clear sound. Then you can see that ye Xiao's whole body flies backwards. As long Youjuan expected, "remnant soul" is not as powerful as it was before. By Ye Xiao's "inch force seven explosion" move, ye Xiao's body has become more illusory, as if As an old man, the present "remnant soul" is almost on the edge of anger. He looks at Ye Xiao with a pair of eyes. If it was not for ye Xiao, he would have a body now. He had been waiting for thousands of years. It was not easy to wait for this opportunity. He did not have to be enslaved by the "master of all living beings", but he met Ye Xiao again The group of real perverts looked at Ye Xiao with evil spirit and roared: "well, since you dare to destroy our good deeds, I will take your body today. Compared with his body, your body is more attractive to me, and I like it more..."

"If you want my body, take it yourself." Ye Xiao eyebrows a pick, looking at the opposite "residual soul", voice indifferent way: "how long can you persist?"

"Enough for you." "Remnant soul" gave a gloomy smile, and there was a Buddha's big no phase handprint on both hands, and said in a deep voice, "don't move the seal of the Ming king."


With a deafening sound, a golden immovable king suddenly appeared behind him. His face was ferocious and terrifying. Compared with the "Heavenly Dragon" wrapped around the "remnant soul" at the beginning, the "motionless Ming king" seemed to have come back to life, especially the indifference in his eyes. Just a glance at ye Xiao made him feel chilly As if a poisonous snake was staring at him, his muscles began to stiffen. He noticed that ye Xiao's "remnant soul" grinned coldly. His hands together suddenly pointed to the opposite Ye Xiao, while the "motionless Ming king" who appeared behind him opened his mouth slightly, raised the "Vajra pestle" in his hand, and smashed it directly at Ye Xiao in front of him.

"Be careful."

"Be careful..."

Long Youyao and Sima Ru called at the same time.

"It's too late." "Remnant soul" raised his head and glanced at long Youjuan and Sima Ru in the corner with his indifferent and capricious eyes. Although he was only a remnant, he was a trace of spiritual imprint of the "master of all living beings". He possessed most of the memories of this extremely powerful man ten thousand years ago, and his great magic power of Buddhism was even the five immortals The strong men of chongtian and liuchongtian will get chilly when they meet. What's more, ye Xiao is a mole ant who can barely reach the level of three Heaven of earth immortals. Moreover, "remnant soul" is very aware of the terror of "not moving the Mingwang seal". Although he can not fully exert the real power of "not moving the Mingwang seal", he believes that this record is not the same as Tianlong Bayin The weak "immovable Ming King seal" is not what ye Xiao can resist.


The figure of the "immovable king" who appears behind the "remnant soul" is more and more staring, especially the pair of eyes that seem to penetrate all things, which makes Ye Xiao have a kind of creepy feeling.

"I'll take your body."

All of a sudden, the "King Kong pestle" that appeared behind him suddenly raised the "Vajra pestle" in his hand. The Buddha's light was so great that he directly smashed Ye Xiao on the opposite side. The speed seemed to be very slow, and even hit Ye Xiao bit by bit. However, it seemed that it was only for a moment that the "King Kong pestle" of "motionless Ming king" appeared in front of Ye Xiao, and the latter even dodged The King Kong pestle of "Budong Mingwang" directly hit Ye Xiao's chest, making a dull crash. Then he saw Ye Xiao's whole person fly backward, hit the wall of the meditation room and fell down again. However, it seems that the "motionless Mingwang" did not intend to let Ye Xiao go, open his mouth and let out a low growl, Once again, he rushed to Ye Xiao and lifted the "Vajra pestle" in his hand and smashed it again.


There was another dull noise.

"Vajra pestle" and ye Xiao's chest burst a golden purple air wave, dazzling.


with a bone breaking sound, you can see that ye Xiao's whole body is like a broken line kite, which directly bumps into the huge Buddha character on the wall, and then falls down, giving out a dull sound. The "motionless Ming king" who stands in front of "remnant soul" does not continue to attack Ye Xiao on the ground, but just opens his pair His cold eyes are like a god looking down on a mole ant without a trace of emotion. He sees that ye Xiao, lying on the ground, has completely lost his fighting power. His whole body has become a "remnant soul" floating up due to the loss of too much soul power. A pair of eyes are burning at Ye Xiao's body.The "remnant soul" with the memory of "masters of all living beings" is not comparable to that of ordinary martial arts.

At the beginning, in the era of Yanhuang tribe, practitioners were like crucian carp crossing the river. There were countless martial arts practitioners who practiced Taoism, demons and physical training. Among them, there were many talented people. The "master of all living" was already regarded as the most powerful one in the Yanhuang tribal Era. The people who could get into his eyes were also very few and few, and the "remnant soul" was in front of them ’Although his strength is a little weaker, his vision still retains the vision of the original "master of all living beings". Naturally, it can be seen at a glance how terrifying Ye Xiao's physical potential is. Even if the original "master of all living beings" has a boundless body, I'm afraid it can't be compared with Ye Xiao. What's more, he is a remnant soul, compared with ordinary martial arts People can clearly feel the power of Ye Xiaona's spirit.

The spirit has incomparable attraction to the remnant soul.

Seeing ye Xiao struggling to get up from the ground, the eyes of "remnant soul" are getting brighter and brighter, and his lips are also slightly pursed. His greedy look can be seen in a glance. Now, ye Xiao's body has obviously been regarded as his own private property. The stronger this pair of body is, the more satisfied he will be. What's more, ye Xiaona can be compared with the spirit of a heavenly warrior He is a remnant soul and has experienced many wars, which has made him extremely weak. It is not difficult for him to become strong because there are many ways to train the body in his memory. In particular, there is a method of cultivating the "eternal Buddha body" in Mahayana Dharma, which is famous among all the ancient practicing methods The only difficulty is to cultivate the spirit. Rao is the original "master of all living beings". Of course, the only way to know is "Tiandi xinjue". Unfortunately, this "Tiandi mental decision" is the "heaven" Even the Buddhist master, one of the three great confidants of the "emperor of heaven", did not receive this reward from the "emperor of heaven". However, if ye Xiao's spirit can be swallowed up, his spirit can be multiplied.

If he's not excited?

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