Before ye Xiao's voice dropped, he saw that the whole meditation room began to shake. It was like an earthquake. The incense burner on the table fell to the ground. The incense dust in the incense burner fell all over the ground. Boxes and cabinets all fell to the ground. Even the huge "Buddha" character on the wall fell down. Seeing this scene, no matter it was Longyou After all, everyone heard the word "ten holy kings" before they came in. After all, Sima Ru, who had been sluggish for a long time, looked back at Ye Xiao and Longyou and said, "is it the tenth day today?"

"Whether he's on the tenth day or not, we'll stay here forever." Ye Xiao grabbed Sima Ru's hand, bit his teeth, and began to rush out in spite of the great pain. However, long Youjuan's reaction was faster than ye Xiao's, but he didn't really leave Ye Xiao and Sima Ru. A group of people rushed out of the "master of all living beings" meditation room. At once, he saw a classical and elegant garden, and the Dragon Youyao, who glanced around, said directly: "here should be It should be behind the Jingge. The building in front of it is the Jingge. If we go around here, we can get to the outside of the Jingge, where we started from. "

Ye Xiao nodded. At this moment, she found that Longfeng had been carried to her back without knowing when.

Although long Youyao's physique looks extremely thin and incomparable, in the final analysis, her body is still the demon clan, and it is the Ming Feng clan among the demon clan. It is easy to carry such a thin body as Longfeng. However, a thin girl carrying a man on her back shows that she is lifting heavy like a light, which makes people see that there is some strange feeling. A group of people are accurate As soon as I left the back garden, I immediately saw that my brother's meditation room had collapsed. It was not like the ordinary houses that collapsed. However, as soon as it collapsed, it turned into ashes, leaving nothing left. I thought that if some of my own people had not come out and stayed in the meditation room now, I'm afraid the result would be similar to those in the meditation room at the moment.

It's gone.

A group of people walked out of the back garden. Fortunately, the whole world didn't collapse along with the Zen temple, but was shaking a little bit, just like a quicksand pit. The meditation room in front of me was the center of the quicksand pit. Along the center, the surrounding area was also a little bit trapped. When I saw Ye Xiao coming out of a wall next to the Jingge, I could see ye Xiao Waiting, Tuoba Rufeng, guslengji's face is full of amazement, but see a wounded Ye Xiao, Tuoba such as the wind, Xuanyuan Qingfeng several people quickly hard up, especially Tuoba Rufeng, an anxious voice on his face: "king of the world, how are you?"

"It's OK." Ye Xiao shook her head and saw that Shangguan Wan'er had not come out of it. She could not help frowning and said, "Wan'er hasn't come out yet?"

"No A worried Chu tomb dust shook his head, and his eyes fell on the door of the Jingge.

"Not only she, but the others have not come out." Gusleng, standing on one side, opened his way.


There was a strong tremor.

Standing around, Tuoba Rufeng and Xuanyuan Qingfeng are all in a daze. Only Ye Xiao, long Youfan and Sima Ru know what is going on. That is, the "ten spiritual realm" of the "master of all living beings" has begun to collapse. Before ye Xiao opens his mouth, long Youfan frowns slightly and says, "shall we leave here first?"

Thinking of Shangguan Wan'er's thin figure, ye Xiao shook her head slightly and said, "you go first!"

Knowing that it is extremely dangerous here, long Youjuan and Sima Ru are both slightly stunned. Unexpectedly, ye Xiao chose to stay here for the sake of that little girl. Sima Ru, who is about to stand with Ye Xiao, did not expect that long Youjuan would directly open his mouth and say, "I wait for you."

Knowing that he was a little late, Sima Ru, who had a good impression in Ye Xiao's mind, also quickly said, "I'm waiting for you, too."

Time passes by.

The shaking frequency is much larger than at the beginning. If at first, Tuoba Rufeng and Xuanyuan Qingfeng were regarded as accidents, but now, even if they are stupid, they know that something else must have happened here, and ye Xiao is an insider. However, at this juncture, no one asked such a question. After a long time, they were in longyouyao and Sima Ru It's hard to see the extreme when a familiar figure of Ye Xiao suddenly rushes out from inside. It's no one else. It's Shangguan Wan'er who goes in with Ye Xiao. At the moment, Shangguan Wan'er has already reached the extreme. All over the body is bloodstained. There is no fresh at the beginning, but the face is full of excited smile After a few of them, ye Xiao rushed directly into Ye Xiao's arms and said with tears: "brother Ye Xiao, I got it, I finally got it..."

Ye Xiao gently touched her head and said with a smile, "it's good to get it."

"Brother Ye Xiao, look..."

Seeing Shangguan Wan'er want to take things out, ye Xiao shook his head and said, "don't look." Then he said to a group of people around him: "let's go!"

"Good." Dugu Baye, who had already wanted to leave here, said quickly.A group of people ran out from here like flying, saw Ye Xiao's injury was not light, Shangguan Wan'er tried to stop several times. She herself was the one who had experienced those things inside and knew how dangerous it was. Although Ye Xiao was powerful, she did not know what kind of danger Ye Xiao had experienced. Shangguan Waner also decided to wait until she left here to slow down Ask Ye Xiao slowly what happened inside. He must write down these stories. Later, he told his children that if it was not for the man in front of her, maybe she would never be qualified to enter this magical world.


A hall collapsed, and a shrill cry came out from the outside of the hall. Obviously, many people who were still digging for treasures were affected.


Another hall.

Seeing this scene, Dugu Baye's face was already pale with no trace of blood, and a group of people were walking faster than before. Not only Ye Xiao, but also those people around him who were still searching for treasure all gave up those enchanting treasures and began to run out one by one, just like a group of wild animals, even many people who were tired of running for their lives The people who fell on the ground were trampled on by the people behind them and turned into meat mud. Ye Xiao's group of people was a little better.

"Hurry up..." Dugu Baye yelled.

The way down the mountain is not long.

I heard the collapse of the main hall behind.

Not to mention Dugu Baye, even the faces of Xuanyuan Qingfeng are hard to see.

It was not until he stepped out of the gate of this Buddhist country that Dugu Baye, whose face was full of pale color, recovered a little bit. He said excitedly: "come out, we finally came out, we didn't die in it..."

There are many people like Dugu Baye.

Now, all people's eyes are focused on the Buddhist kingdom in the distance.

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